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“Remember When I...”: A Collage of Memory and Imagination
Session Information
Number of Sessions Venue
日曆圖案 2024/07/06 09:00 ~ 2025/06/15 17:00
googleMap連結 教育展示空間(Educational Exhibition Space)


Event Details

“Remember When I...”: A Collage of Memory and Imagination


Taiwan Children’s Art Cave, Educational exhibition space


Artists: WU Chien-Yi, TSONG Pu, HUANG Chih-Cheng, Crystallize Object (YEN Yu-Tien, WU Yu-Jung)


I remember…on a breezy, bright holiday afternoon, playing with my family in the park near our home, weaving through the trees as I picked up the red leaves and the plump, round seeds.

I still remember…the salty smell of the seaside, the warm, wet scent in the air… passing through a bustling, noisy intersection, the colorful neon signs dazzling my eyes… 

Which little experiences in your life do you remember? What people, things, moments, smells or feelings made such a deep impression on you that you wanted to hold onto them in your memory? Artists are just like you—drop by drop, the little things in life become the elements that inspire their art. Through different creative methods, they preserve the important moments and chance events in their lives. Their art can even give their memories brand new meanings!

This exhibition focuses on how artists today use various methods of collage,expressing memories from life through the language of art. After you view the exhibition, we invite you to think back on the moments in your life, and imagine the best way you can express your own memories.


Supervisor: Ministry of Culture Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Organizer: National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan Children’s Art Cave

Curatorial team: LIN Chung-Hsien, HUANG Su-Yun, LIU Hsin-Yun, HUANG Li-Ting

Exhibition design: LIAO Yin-Chiao

Graphic design: dmp projects

Installation Executive: Fixleg production

Video production: Lane 216, East


<This exhibition is a part of the Ministry of Culture’s Project of Reconstructing the History of Art in Taiwan>

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