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Blast to the Past: Walking Tour of Old Taipei (2.5-3 hrs)
Session Information
Number of Sessions Venue
"Blast to the Past" Walking Tour of Old Taipei [2.5hrs] googleMap連結 Beimen Post Office NTM International Docents and Staff


Event Information
By purchasing incredibly affordable museum admission of only NT$50, you will get a FREE walking tour introducing the foundation of modern Taipei, with professional tour guides, high quality audio equipment and secrets about Taipei that most local people and tour groups don't know!
Event Details

A Qing dynasty gate right across a Western-looking building, a park with two names where Chinese pavilions and a neoclassical style Museum are separated by a Japanese pond...why is Taipei such a mix of different architectures, and what is the history behind them? What is the 228 incident, and why is it important in Taiwan's modern history? How did the most significant LGBT Pride Parade in Asia start?
Unravel the mystery in our monthly walking tour!

English Tour: "Blast to the Past: Walking Tour of Old Taipei"


■Current Sessions: 21st July 2024, 18th August 2024.

■Content: The cultural landscape of the Walled City area of Taipei


■Time: AM 9:20- 12:30 (3 hrs)
■Meeting Spot: North Gate- Beimen Post Office (台北市中正區忠孝西路一段120號)
■Fee: NT$50 regular; NT$25 discount.
■Online registration (20 persons) via google from : https://goo.gl/forms/DxSztE3ZPYmbt2I93


SUMMER SESSIONS(June, July, August, September)

■Time: AM 9:20- 12:00 (2.5 hrs)
■Meeting Spot: North Gate- Beimen Post Office (台北市中正區忠孝西路一段120號)
■Fee: NT$50 regular; NT$25 discount.
■Online registration (20 persons) via google from : https://goo.gl/forms/DxSztE3ZPYmbt2I93

Hyperthermia prevention measures:

  1. Remind the participants before the event to bring water and sun blocking equipement, like umbrella and hat.
  2. Stay in indoor, air-conditioned museum spaces for more than half of the event,
  3. Prevent staying outside for over 30 consecutive minutes if the air temperature exceeds 33°C(91.4°F); try to stay in shades as much as possible.
  4. Provide break time for audience to get hydrated and rest indoor. Water fountains are available inside the Museum.
  5. Participants may leave the event whenever they feel uncomfortable.
  6. NTU hospital is within walking distance.

Itinerary for Non-Summer Sessions 2024

09:15-09:20| Meeting at Beimen Post Office

09:20-09:30| Equipping audio devices, microphone test

09:30-10:00| A Walk at the Omote-Cho: "How the Walled City came into being"

10:00-10:55| Inddor tour: "Uncovering the secrets of the Main Building Architecture and History" and Short tour of the 228 Park (1/2)

10:55-11:15| Immersive Animated Film "A Journey to Kangxi Taiwan Map: Northward"

11:15-11:30| Short tour of the 228 Park (2/2)

11:30-11:45| Bus tour from 228 Park to Nanmen Branch

11:45-11:50| Conclusion

11:50-12:00| Special event: Assembling dinosaur model! 
