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Historic Site Exhibition
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Event Information
The site of the Railway Department Park housed the Machinery Bureau during the Qing Dynasty, which later became the first modernized industrial park in Taiwan....
Event Details

Heritage Exhibits

Learn about the history, architecture, and restoration of the Railway Department buildings.


History of the Railway Park

The site of the Railway Department Park housed the Machinery Bureau during the Qing Dynasty, which later became the first modernized industrial park in Taiwan. Miniatures, animations and interactive installations will take you on a journey through the site’s history.


Plaster Decoration

Here you can find the most exquisite plaster sculptures in the park. If you want to know how the restoration team repaired the damaged ceilings to their original appearance, this is definitely the place to go.



All of the objects and historical relics found during the restoration are collected here


Restoration & Workshop

What exciting stories were uncovered during the restoration? What skills were necessary to return these buildings to their former glory? Let’s turn back time and take a peek at the restoration of the Railway Department.


Digital Guide

Discover the stories behind the Railway Department buildings.


Demystifying the Architecture

The first step of heritage restoration is examining pieces one by one.

The marks left behind on a building can be important clues for its restoration, revealing the original materials and techniques used. They can even provide a glimpse into past events. Look around you, what secrets is the building revealing?

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鉄道部パーク歴史および古蹟修復の常設展 DM 鐵道部園區歷史暨古蹟修復常設展 日文版 DM
Historic Site Exhibition DM 鐵道部園區歷史暨古蹟修復常設展 英文版DM
鐵道部園區歷史暨古蹟修復常設展 中文版DM 鐵道部園區歷史暨古蹟修復常設展 中文版DM
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