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國美館110年全國美術展巡迴展 googleMap連結 第一展室












Since its inauguration in 2011, the “National Art Exhibition, R.O.C.” supervised by Ministry of Culture and organized by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts has built a diverse exchange platform through annual open call for submissions, attracting artists throughout Taiwan to participate in the competition. The exhibition calls for submissions in 11 categories, including Ink Painting, Chinese Calligraphy, Seal Engraving, Gouache Painting, Oil Painting, Watercolor Painting, Prints, Sculpture, Photography, New Media Arts, and Mixed Media. This year, the exhibition received 931 submissions, and the exhibition showcasing the award-winning and selected works was held at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts from July 17 to October 10.


To increase the visibility of the works and enhance regional promotion of art, servicing regional audiences, this year’s exhibition specially launches the “2021 National Art Exhibition, R.O.C.” tour, linking venues in Tainan and Taitung. The tour will showcase a total of 34 works in the Ink Painting and Oil Painting categories at Exhibition Room 1, National Tainan Living Art Center, from October 16 to November 24, 2021, and 24 works in the Gouache Painting, Watercolor Painting, and Prints categories at the Main Exhibition Hall, National Taitung Living Art Center, from October 20 to November 21, 2021.


The exhibited works focus on exciting discourses on artistic vocabularies and dialectics on various topics; or adopt a drawing perspective to depict the visual symbols of personal life experiences; or find inspirations in myths and legends to create metaphors of contemporary society and the current situation of the world; or reveal rich emotional tensions derived from realizations through emotional experiences. Through the translation and interpretation of different media, the works present through contents diverse narratives of contexts and styles.


This exhibition also looks forward to continually learning from the current landscape of diverse art competitions in Taiwan, and strives to achieve the purpose of discovering creative talents and encouraging artistic creation. Special thanks to National Tainan Living Art Center and National Taitung Living Art Center for the support and assistance of the tour.


