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日曆圖案 2023/05/10 10:00 ~ 2023/05/14 18:00
googleMap連結 英國倫敦Gallery 7, Cromwell Place


「2023倫敦工藝週」以「Weaving Taiwan—編織多元文化」為主題,展出30多組富含臺灣多元族群文化風貌的工藝作品。臺灣地處熱帶及亞熱帶,四面環海、山巒綿亙,孕育生物的多様性、人文樣貌的豐富度,以及族群的多元與包容。

2023倫敦工藝週‧臺灣館「Weaving Taiwan—編織多元文化」展現臺灣多元族群的文化風貌


大航海時代,葡萄牙水手在海面上看到了山巒綿亙、林木蓊鬱的臺灣島,不覺驚呼:「La Ihla Formosa!」









展覽日期 | 112年5月10日至14日

展覽地點 | 英國倫敦Gallery 7, Cromwell Place

1-5 Cromwell Place, South Kensington, London, SW7 2JE



London Craft Week 2023 –  Taiwan Pavilion


When Portuguese sailors first reached the Taiwanese coast in the early sixteenth century, they called the place “La Ihla Formosa – beautiful island.”

Regardless of the authenticity of this anecdote, the beautiful island of Taiwan thrives on the abundance of natural resources and a long history of cultures. Taiwan is located at the junction of the subtropical and the tropical zone. It boasts a high density of mountains of more than 3000m and a body of water from the nearby Taiwan Strait that is more than 1000m deep.

The beautiful island is home to a great biological diversity. Located on the northern border of Austronesian, the island’s early immigrants from Fujian and Guangdong in the 17th to 19th century joined forces and mingled with former colonial world powers from Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Japan. In late 1940’s and 1950’s a group of Chinese immigrants, arrived with the Nationalist KMT government.

In the turn of the century, new waves of Southeast Asian nationals have flocked to the island for work and for marriage. Together with other inhabitants, they all contributed to cultural diversity of the Taiwan society.

Taiwan’s craft art, just like the diversity of Taiwanese culture, has come out in different styles and characteristics as well.

