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Hit a Record-工藝家的職志旅程
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Hit a Record-工藝家的職志旅程
日曆圖案 2021/05/11 09:30 ~ 2021/10/17 17:30
googleMap連結 臺北當代工藝設計分館二樓



Hit a Record-工藝家的職志旅程


參展者:王鈴蓁、余成忠、李宗儒、吳宗賢、吳竟銍、吳禮竹、巫雲鳳、紀宇芳、易佑安、林蒼玄、林龍杰、許芝綺、陳君岱、陳穎亭、陳繼勝、康雅筑、黃娜玲、曾淑玲、曾嬿圩、楊育睿、劉  武、劉榮輝、歐軍佑、謝佾勳、鍾瓊儀、蘇筱婷



展覽時間:每週二至周日 09:30-17:30(週一休館,國定假日除外)

展覽地點:國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心  臺北當代工藝設計分館二樓


Hit a Record – Career Paths of Craft Artists in Taiwan

    The excellent Taiwan crafts are never absent from every international occasion. By participating in international craft competitions, the top-notch craft artists open up a new page for their career, they also leave glorious records for Taiwan. Themed with “Record”, the joint exhibition recapitulates in retrospect the artworks either shortlisted or winners of international contests. The framework of the exhibition is structured on the lives of craft artists. It features their excellent works and introduces the public to the various life experiences and possibilities that these craft artists could share.


Artists:, Chi-Sheng CHEN, Chun Tai CHEN, Ying-Ting CHEN, Yu Fang CHI, Chiung Yi CHUNG,  Yi-Hsun HSIEH, Chih-Chi HSU, Na-Ling HUANG, Ya-Chu KANG, Tsung-Ju LI, Lung-Chieh LIN, Tsang-Hsuan LIN, Junghui LIU, Wu LIU, Jiun-You OU, Hsiao-Ting SU, Yen-Yu TSENG, Shu-Ling TSENG, Sunny WANG, Ching-Chih WU, Chung-Hsien WU, Li-Chu WU, Yun Feng WU, Yu-Jui YANG, Yuan YI, Cheng Chung YU


Duration: May., 11., 2021~Jul. 25., 2021

Venue: Taipei Branch, National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute ( No. 41, Nanhai Rd., 10066 Taipei, Taiwan)

Admission free


Tel: (02)2388 7066 ext. 126



