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姓名: 林品任 Richard Lin

©Denis Ryan Kelly Jr.

Violin: Richard Lin


林品任於國際大賽舞台上崛起,曾獲得美國印地安納波里斯國際小提琴大賽和日本仙台國際小提琴大賽金牌以及多項特別獎,亦在波蘭維尼奧夫斯基國際小提琴大賽、德國漢諾威國際小提琴大賽、新加坡國際小提琴大賽以及紐西蘭麥可希爾(Michael Hill)國際小提琴大賽等重要賽事奪得大獎。

日本Fontec唱片公司錄製了林品任於日本仙台國際大賽的實況演出並發行CD。曲目包括布拉姆斯與巴爾托克的小提琴協奏曲以及貝多芬浪漫曲,由法國指揮家Pascal Verrot指揮仙台愛樂交響樂團。並與胞弟「白袍鋼琴家」林品安合作在日本錄製第二張專輯:「布拉姆斯小提琴奏鳴曲全集」在Apple Music(iTunes)上全球發售。

2019-2020樂季期間,林品任將與印地安納波里斯、蒙特克萊爾、奇珀瓦交響樂團,以及新墨西哥、艾文斯維爾、馬里恩愛樂等交響樂團合作演出,也受邀在華盛頓首府、達拉斯、紐約等城市演出獨奏會。亞洲方面,攜手長榮交響樂團在越南胡志明市與河內巡迴演出,並受邀於日本仙台音樂節連續三場演出,也將與台灣國家交響樂團合作演出。2020年6月將登上卡內基音樂廳(Stern Auditorium)與德國鋼琴家湯瑪斯霍普(Thomas Hoppe)合作演出。

出生於美國亞歷桑納州鳳凰城,但林品任從小在台灣受教育。他四歲開始學習小提琴,十一歲便與台北市立交響樂團於台北中山堂演出聖桑第三號小提琴協奏曲。十六歲隨李東亨博士(Gregory Lee)至美國奧克拉荷馬州深造。他畢業於寇蒂斯音樂院(Curtis Institute of Music)以及茱莉亞音樂院(The Juilliard School),師事小提琴大師亞倫.羅桑(Aaron Rosand)與名教授路易斯.卡普蘭(Lewis Kaplan)。

Praised in The Strad magazine as “an instinctive showman”, Richard Lin has become one of the most sought after musicians of the generation. He was the Gold Medalist of the International Violin Competition of Indianapolis and the Sendai International Violin Competition, and has also won top prizes at the Hannover, Wieniawski, Singapore, Shanghai, and the Michael Hill International Violin Competition.

Richard has collaborated with numerous orchestras and performed at celebrated concert venues throughout the world including his debut with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra under conductor Norichika Iimori at Tokyo’s Suntory Hall performing Bartók’s Violin Concerto No. 2. Other orchestras with whom he has worked are the NDR Radiophilharmonie, Poznań, Łódź, Polish Baltic, New Mexico, Oklahoma City, Auckland, Nagoya, Sendai, Wuhan, and Taiwan Philharmonics; Indianapolis, Oldenburg State, Shanghai, Singapore, Yomiuri Nippon, Kyushu, Taipei, and National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra; Munich Chamber Orchestra, Amadeus Polish Chamber Orchestra, Royal Chamber Orchestra of Wallonia, Ensemble Kanazawa, Yokohama Sinfonietta, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, and Macau String Association Orchestra. He has also concertized throughout the United States, Canada, Germany, Poland, Finland, Belgium, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Macau, and Taiwan.

In 2013, Richard released his first album on the Fontec label. The album includes works for violin and orchestra by Beethoven, Bartók and Brahms performed with the Sendai Philharmonic and conductor Pascal Verrot.  The following year, he released his second album consisting of the complete Brahms Sonatas for Piano and Violin with his brother, Robert Lin, an accomplished pianist and now doctor in Taiwan.  The Lin brothers have been collaborating for more than a decade and have performed critically acclaimed recitals in major cities in Asia.

Highlights of Richard’s 2019-2020 season include concerto engagements with the Indianapolis, Montclair and Chippewa Valley symphonies as well as the New Mexico, Evansville and Marion philharmonics in the United States.  Multiple recitals in Dallas, New York, Washington, D.C., and Poland will culminate in a Carnegie Hall Stern Auditorium recital debut with pianist Thomas Hoppe in June 2020. In Asia, Richard will tour Vietnam with the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra.  He will also perform Beethoven Triple Concerto with the Taiwan Philharmonic in Taipei and Tchaikovsky Concerto with the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra in Japan.

Born in Phoenix, Arizona and raised in Taiwan, Richard began his violin studies at the age of four. He graduated from the Curtis Institute of Music and the Juilliard School under the tutelage of respected pedagogues Aaron Rosand and Lewis Kaplan.