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姓名: 諸大明 Daming Zhu (19/20)

Piano: Daming Zhu


美國權威樂評家哈洛德荀柏格為此以「鋼琴家諸大明震驚了克萊本大賽」為標題,在紐約時報發表了專題報導。並稱諸大明為「最具魅力之演奏家」,隨後,諸大明到美國茱莉亞音樂學院研究深造,師承鋼琴大師魯道夫費庫斯尼(Rudolf Firkusny),取得「國際吉娜巴考爾國際鋼琴獎學金比賽」首獎,茱莉亞音樂學院協奏曲比賽冠軍,及音樂藝術博士學位。


除了獨奏會,諸大明並應邀以獨奏者的身分與世界許多交響樂團演出。與著名的指揮家Gerard Schwarz, Leon Fleisher, George Mester, John Giordano, Henry Mazer, Marc Kissoczy, 李德倫, 陳秋盛, 張大勝, 呂紹嘉, 簡文彬, 余隆, 張己任, 葉聰, 陳佐湟, 邵恩, 蘇正途, 林友聲, 李英等及The Juilliard Orchestra, the Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie, San Jose Symphony Orchestra, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra of R.O.C. Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra, China Philharmonic Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Broadcasting Orchestra、國立臺灣交響樂團、台北愛樂管絃樂團、臺灣國樂團、臺北市立交響樂團、臺北市立國樂團、高雄市立國樂團等樂團合作。

中國大陸, 德國, 加拿大, 美國, 日本及台灣的廣播電台及電視台均多次轉播諸大明的演奏會實況,包括美國紐約時報廣播電台、日本NHK電台,中國大陸中央廣播電台。 美國的公共電視網並特邀諸大明製作獨奏專輯,通過衛星,在全美及加拿大聯播。

諸大明旅美期間曾在多所音樂學院任教。包括茱莉亞音樂學院、紐約大學,紐約林肯表演藝術中心專題節目演講藝術家,美國德州多所學院的駐院藝術家,以及美國、加拿大 、法國、西班牙,義大利和捷克等地的國際音樂節。任教於東吳大學音樂系,台灣師範大學音樂系。他所指導的學生中多人曾在著名國際鋼琴比賽中獲獎,其中包括The Leeds Competition in UK, Gina Bachauer Competition in USA, World Piano Competition in Dublin, Great Britain, and Paulo Monopoli International Piano Competition in Italy, etc.  

諸大明並且經常應邀擔任國際鋼琴大賽的評審(包括 美國 Gina Bachauer國際鋼琴比賽, 義大利Paulo Monopoli International Piano Competition, 義大利 西奈加利亞國際鋼琴比賽及第一屆台北國際鋼琴比賽,西班牙Puigcerda國際鋼琴比賽,2003台灣國際鋼琴比賽,2005 Andorra International Piano Competition等)。,


諸大明已出版的CD包括「盧炎鋼琴獨奏曲及四手聯彈全集」2012,(四手聯彈與妻子黃愛倫合作)、「盧炎第二號鋼琴協奏曲」(台灣國家交響樂團,簡文彬指揮) 2010,「布拉姆斯d小調第一號鋼琴協奏曲」(台北愛樂管絃樂團,Henry Mazer指揮,1994.6)、「秋月」古琴鋼琴禪想曲(台北市立國樂團,葉聰指揮,1995.5)、「貝多芬降E大調第五號鋼琴協奏曲」Video CD(台北演奏家聯盟樂團,Marc Kissoczy指揮、1996.2)、「李斯特超技練習曲鬼火(Feux Follets)」(東吳大學出版之“雙溪樂響”選輯,1997.7)、「山林鋼琴協奏曲」(香港小交響樂團,劉敦南作曲,葉聰指揮,雨果唱片公司發行,1998.4),另外,由美國鑑賞家協會(Connoisseur Society)製作,國際鋼琴錄音製作權威亞倫.席維爾(Alan Silver)精心於紐約錄製的「蕭邦前奏曲全集」亦即將發行。

Daming Zhu was born in Shanghai, China, where he began his piano studies at the age of nine.  In 1978,  he enrooled in the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing as a graduate student of Gong-yi Zhu .  While there, Mr. Zhu achieved the highest ratings in a series of piano auditions that were conducted nation-wide.

In 1981, Mr. Zhu came to the United States, and astonished international music scene by winning one of the major prizes in the Sixth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.  Harold Schonberg, in his special report of the Van Cliburn Competition on the New York Times proclaimed, "Daming Zhu stirs the Cliburn Contest.  Since then, among many other prizes and awards, he has been the first prize winner in the Gina Bachauer Memorial International Scholarship Competition as well as the winner of the Juilliard Piano Concerto Competition.

Mr. Zhu has performed to critical acclaim throughout the Far East, Europe, and North America.  He has appeared as recitalist as well as soloist with many orchestras including The Juilliard Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie from Germany, National Symphony of R.O.C. in Taiwan, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra in Beijing, Taipei Philharmonic Symphony, San Jose Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Broadcasting Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, and China Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra.

On Washington Post, Joan Reinthaler entitled Mr. Zhu "a master of the affective idiom of 19th-century music. He is an artist with the technique of a true virtuoso who also has something to say". John Sweeney of Greenwich Time pointed out that "Zhu penetrated to the areas of perception where truth and vitality are fused as one".  Charles Ward of the Houston Chronicle stated that Mr. Zhu presented, "a profound and memorable interpretive achievement”.  Robert Scherman noted on the New York Times, "The exciting young Chinese virtuoso; a superb pianist”.  Wayne Lee Gay of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram acclaimed Mr. Zhu as "One of the most remarkable pianist on the scene today".

Mr. Zhu has made numerous television and radio appearances in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, Taiwan, Belgium, Germany and The United States, Including several performances on WQXR, the radio station of the New York Times.  He also joined pianist Murray Perahia, Violinist Nigel Kennedy, and others in an ongoing project by the USA Public Broadcasting Service to record recitals by leading musicians for national airing.  Since then Mr. Zhu's program has been heard several times across the North America.

Mr. Zhu received his Doctorate from the Juilliard School where he also received an unprecedented total of seven major awards.  His mentors include Rudolf Firkusny, William Masselos, Oxana Yablonskaya, and Joseph Bloch.  Mr. Zhu has been on the piano faculty of New York University, Teaching Fellow at the Juilliard School, and lecture-artist of the Lincoln Center Program.  Frequently invited to conduct master classes in universities and colleges around the world (among others, Royal Academy of Music in London, Juilliard School in New York, Central Conservatory in Beijing, Music Festivals in Spain, Czech, Canada, Italy and U.S., etc.), and serve as a jury member for international piano competitions.

Mr. Zhu is currently on the piano faculty of Soochow University and National Taiwan Normal University. Among the students he taught, some are prize winners of renowned international piano competitions, including The Leeds Competition in UK, Gina Bachauer Competition in USA, World Piano Competition in Dublin, Great Britain, and Paulo Monopoli International Piano Competition in Italy, etc.     

Mr. Zhu has been invited to be a member of the advisory committee for Presidential Concert of the Republic of China. Member of the planning committee for Higher Education and Accreditation Council of Taiwan in the field of Arts. Member of the evaluation committee of National Endowment of Culture and Arts, member of the directory arts council of the minister of Culture in Music Talent Bank, and  member of the advisory board of the national Concert Hall and National Theater.

Daming Zhu's discography includes:

Yen Lu Complete Solo and Four Hands Pianos Works. (Four hands works played with his wife Ellen Huang) 2012. (Includes several world premier pieces.)

Yen Lu Piano Concerto No. 2 (National Symphony Orchestra, Taipei, We Pin Chien Conductor. 2010)

Brahms Piano Concerto in d (Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Henry Mazer, 1994); 

"Autumn" Guu Chyn and Piano Double Concerto (Taipei Chinese Orchestra, cond. Tsung Yeh, 1995);

Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 5 "Emperor" in E flat (Video CD, Taipei Performer's Orchestra, cond. Marc Kissoczy 1996);

Dun-Nan Liu's "Mountain and Forest”Piano Concerto (Hong Kong Sinfonietta, cond. Tsung Yeh, Hugo Recordings, 1998);

His album released by the minister of culture in June 2010 is a world premier of Taiwan leading composer Yen Lu’s Piano concerto No. 2 with National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan , Conducted by Wen Pin Chien.

His complete Chopin Preludes (Artistic Producer, Alan Silver of Connoisseur Society) will be released soon .