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姓名: 瑪麗安娜.席妮安 Marianna Shirinyan(18/19)

瑪麗安娜.席妮安 Marianna Shirinyan

瑪麗安娜.席妮安(Marianna Shirinyan),亞美尼亞出身的鋼琴家,為目前舞台上最具創意、受歡迎的獨奏家及室內樂音樂家之一。她是一連串國際節慶中最為熟悉的表演貴賓,如Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival (德國石荷州每年夏季舉辦古典音樂節)、史瓦辛格音樂節(Schwetzinger Festspiel)、MDR夏日音樂節(MDR Summer Music Festival)、卑爾根國際藝術節(Festspillene in Bergen),以及史塔瓦格音樂節(Stavanger)、瑞索音樂節(Risør)、牛津國際室內音樂節(Oxford International Chamber Music Festivals a.o.)。

同時她透過獨奏表演,贏得了帶領其世代鋼琴家之一的聲譽,獨奏合作的樂團如丹麥國家交響樂團(Danish National Symphony Orchestra)、奧斯陸愛樂管絃樂團(Oslo)、赫爾辛基及哥本哈根愛樂樂團(Helsinki and Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestras)、塔皮奧拉小交響樂團(Tapiola Sinfonietta)、瑞典的哥德堡及諾爾雪平交響樂團(Göteborg and Norrköping Symphony Orchestras),還有丹麥的歐登塞(Odense)、奧胡斯及南日德蘭交響樂團(Århus and South Jutland Symphony Orchestras)。在2013及2014年間,瑪麗安娜是歐登塞交響樂團(Odense Symphony Orchestra)的駐團藝術家。

在斯堪的納維亞之外,她也承蒙各大指揮家的指導;如漢斯.葛拉夫(Hans Graf)、勞倫斯.佛斯特(Lawrence Foster)、佐爾坦.科奇什(Zoltan Kocsis)、安東內羅.馬納科達(Antonello Manacorda)、瓊.馬克爾(Jun Märkl)、丹尼爾.萊斯金(Daniel Raiskin)、水藍(Lan Shui)、馬克.索斯托特(Marc Soustrot)、湯瑪士.宋德嘉(Thomas Søndergård)、克利斯多夫.烏爾班斯基(Krysztof Urbanski)及喬舒亞.韋倫斯坦(Joshua Weilerstein),並與巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團(Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra)、波茨坦室內樂團(Potsdamer Kammerakademie)、德國廣播愛樂(Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern)、慕尼黑交響樂團(Munich Symphony Orchestra)、符茲堡愛樂(Würzburg Philharmonic)、慕尼黑及漢堡室內樂團(Munich and Hamburg Chamber Orchestras )、亞美尼亞愛樂樂團(Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra)、米蘭午后樂集管弦樂團(I Pomeriggi Musicali di Milano)、武漢愛樂樂團合作演出(Wuhan Philharmonic)。

The Armenian born pianist Marianna Shirinyan is one of the most creative and sought after soloists and chamber musicians on stage today. She is a frequent guest at a string of international festivals, among them the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, the Schwetzinger Festspiele, MDR Summer Music Festival, Festspillene in Bergen, as well as Stavanger, Risør, Oxford International Chamber Music Festivals a.o.

Simultaneously she has won the reputation of being one of this generations leading pianists through solo appearances with such leading orchestras as the Danish National Symphony Orchestra, Oslo, Helsinki and Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestras, Tapiola Sinfonietta, Göteborg and Norrköping Symphony Orchestras in Sweden as well as Odense, Århus and South Jutland Symphony Orchestras in Denmark. During the season 2013/14 Marianna was Artist in residence at the Odense Symphony Orchestra.

Outside Scandinavia, she has performed with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Potsdamer Kammerakademie, the Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern, the Munich Symphony Orchestra, Würzburg Philharmonic, Munich and Hamburg Chamber Orchestras the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra, I Pomeriggi Musicali di Milano, Wuhan Philharmonic under the baton of such conductors as Hans Graf, Lawrence Foster, Zoltan Kocsis, Antonello Manacorda, Jun Märkl, Daniel Raiskin, Lan Shui,  Marc Soustrot, Thomas Søndergård, Krysztof Urbanski and Joshua Weilerstein.