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姓名: 吳曜宇 Yao-Yu Wu(18/19)

©Petit Ives

吳曜宇 Yao-Yu Wu

 「吳曜宇在最後一輪的表現非常出色,當指揮史特拉汶斯基的芭蕾音樂《火鳥》時,他那優雅、講究的手勢鼓舞了樂團的熱情。- 費加洛時報



2013年時吳曜宇贏得了第53屆法國貝桑頌國際青年指揮大賽首獎,樂團票選獎與觀眾票選獎。獲獎後隨即開始展開指揮生涯並受多團邀請下合作演出,演出足跡遍佈歐亞。曾合作過樂團如聖彼得堡交響樂團、波蘭國家廣播交響樂團、法國洛林國家交響樂團、法國波爾多國家交響樂團、法國羅亞省國家交響樂團、澳門交響樂團,臺灣愛樂,臺北市立交響樂團、國立臺灣交響樂團...等。合作音樂家包含了 Alexie Volodin, Oliver Charlier, Tzimon Barto, Nemanja Radulovic, JakubJakowicz, Jean-Daniel Bugaj...等。2018年受法國羅亞省國家交響樂團邀請於大羅亞省內巡迴演出。


為追求更高藝術價值,吳曜宇在2017年推辭多數音樂會並選擇負笈維也納重新展開學生生涯,於同一年進入國立維也納表演藝術大學就讀,並在Yuji Yuasa, Mark Stringer, Kornad Leitner,Bruno Weil等教授指導下尋求德奧音樂傳統。

« Yao-Yu Wu has a extremely outstanding performance in the final round, when he conducts

Stravinsky’s ballet music “Firebird”, his elegant, exquisite gestures inspire orchestra with

enthusiasm.»- Le Figaro

Taiwan-borned conductor Yao-Yu Wu began his conducting learning in Taipei National University of Arts, continue with Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. His mentors so far included: Mark Stringer, Yuji Yuasa, Nicolas Pasquet, Dominique Rouits, Shao-Chia Lü, Kornad Leitner, Bruno Weil...etc.

In 2013, Wu won the Grand Prix de Direction (First Prize) of 53rd Besançon InternationalCompetition for Young Conductors, also Coup de Coeur L’Orchestre (Prize from Orchestra) and Coup de Coeur du Public (Prize from Public). Having this competition, Wu began his career by cooperated with numerous world-known orchestras like St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra, Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, National Orchestre de Lorraine, National Orchestre de Bordeaux, Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire, Macao Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan Philharmonic, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra...etc. The cooperated artists included: Alexie Volodin, Oliver Charlier, Tzimon Barto, Nemanja Radulovic, Jakub Jakowicz, Jean-Daniel Bugaj...etc. In 2018, he was invited to present a series of concert tour in Région Pays de la Loire with Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire.

As a young conductor, Wu popularized music with enthusiasm, especially for childrens. Also, he has been invited to conduct national concert like Taiwan’s New year Concert and National Day Concert due to his energy of spreading music. For his influence on young person, he was named by Perform and Arts Magazine as “2013 People of the year in music”, and nominated by government as candidate of Ten Outstanding Young Persons in 2014.

For the purpose of seeking higher value of arts, Wu rejected most of concerts after 2017/18 season and chose to study again in Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien and searching the traditions of Austria Music.