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姓名: 根特.赫比希 Günther Herbig (19/20)

指揮/根特.赫比希 Günther Herbig

「樂團在赫比希的帶領下演奏得非常壯麗動人,在舒曼的第四號交響曲中,他以一種自律動人地演出作了既聰明又溫暖適意的詮釋!」 ── 《太陽報》

「如果你認為那些偉大指揮家的黃金年代已經不再,最好三思一下。赫比希昨晚指揮柴科夫斯基的交響曲《悲愴》充滿了高貴、激情與力量的詮釋,讓我聯想起巴畢羅里與楊頌斯。」 ── 《曼徹斯特晚報》




在1984 年離開東德之前,他與東德各主要樂團合作錄製了將近40張專輯,其中包括海頓和布拉姆斯的交響曲系列。他的近期錄音,包括了與英國國家廣播公司愛樂管絃樂團合作錄製貝多芬第三號交響曲、第五號交響曲、舒伯特第八號交響曲、布拉姆斯第一號交響曲、馬勒第五號交響曲、理查.史特勞斯《英雄的生涯》交響詩,以及和其他倫敦的管絃樂團所一起合作的錄音作品。在2001至2006年擔任沙爾布魯克廣播交響管絃樂團首席指揮期間,他也和樂團一起錄製了馬勒與蕭斯塔科維契的重要交響曲作品。赫比希自2008年開始造訪台灣,擔任NSO國家交響樂團音樂顧問,同時持續活躍於歐洲美國及亞洲重要樂團固定演出。

''The orchestra under Herbig played magnificently...in the Schumann Fourth Symphony,

Herbig received beautifully disciplined playing for an interpretation that was as warm

as it was intelligent...'' -The Sun

''If you thought the days of the great conductors were all in the past, then think again.

Günther Herbig's presentation of the Pathétique Symphony of Tchaikovsky last night was one of nobility, emotion and power, the sort I remember from Barbirolli and Jansons.'' - Manchester Evening News

Günther Herbig divides his activities today between Europe, North America and the Far East in a career that has been equally distinguished on all three continents.

Herbig’s musical training took place in Central Europe where he studied with Hermann Abendroth, Herbert von Karajan and Hermann Scherchen. In 1972 he was named General Music Director of the Dresden Philharmonic and held the same post with the Konzerthaus Orchester Berlin from 1977 to 1983.

In Western Europe Herbig became Principal Guest Conductor of the BBC Philharmonic in 1979 and was soon invited to conduct such major ensembles as the Philharmonia Orchestra London, the London Symphony, the Royal Philharmonic London, the Orchestre de Paris, the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande in Geneva, the Residentie Orkest in The Hague and the Israel Philharmonic. In 1984 Herbig moved to the United States and served for ten years as Music Director of the Detroit and later the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. He has since conducted the orchestras of New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland, San Francisco and Los Angeles among numerous others. He has toured the US several times with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and in 1989 conducted the orchestra on a European tour. 1991 he led the Toronto Symphony to Europe after having toured with them extensively in the USA, Australia, Singapore, Taiwan and Japan.

Herbig has recorded more than 120 works, including cycles of Haydn and Brahms symphonies. His releases include Beethoven’s Symphony Nos. 3 and 5, Schubert’s Nos. 8 and 9, Brahms’s No. 1, Mahler’s No. 5 and Strauss’s Ein Heldenleben with the BBC Philharmonic and the Royal Philharmonic London. As Chief Conductor of the Deutsche Radio Philharmonie, he recorded between 2001 and 2006 several symphonies of Bruckner and Shostakovich. He has been the Conductor Laureate of the Taiwan Philharmonic since 2010.