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姓名: 高雄室內合唱團 Kaohsiung Chamber Choir (19/20)

高雄室內合唱團 Kaohsiung Chamber Choir 

高雄室內合唱團成立於 2002 年,由一群熱愛精緻藝術音樂的合唱人組成,多年來已為南臺灣合唱音樂環境注入了一股精緻化的新力量,並期待繼續引領南臺灣的合唱音樂走向更專業化的發展。

2007 年起,在音樂總監翁佳芬教授帶領之下,擘畫發展方向、精心策劃節目,並施以嚴謹訓練,演出曲目力求多元,兼顧國際視野及在地文化;除了經常與高雄市交響樂團合作大型曲目外,亦致力發展其他精緻型合唱表現方式,如邀請國際指揮客席、女聲合唱、室內合唱及無伴奏人聲合唱等形式。演出曲目涵蓋各個層面,包括國家委託創作膾炙人口的本土歌謠新編、西洋各時期經典合唱作品、世界各地的民謠,以及歌劇電影交響草地音樂會等。每年除了本團自辦二至三次定期公演外,也經常受邀於南臺灣各項產官學界重要活動中演出。

高雄室內合唱團在地耕耘十六年,曾連續多年獲選高雄市傑出扶植演藝團隊,於 2011 年起更上層樓,連續五年獲選為文化部(前身為行政院文化建設委員會)扶植演藝團隊,並為文化部扶植演藝團隊中,唯一非大臺北地區之合唱團隊,對於南臺灣合唱藝術之推廣更加任重道遠。希望秉以追求精緻合唱藝術之理念,繼續推廣合唱音樂、發揚本土文化、增 進文化交流,為南臺灣唱好歌、發好聲。

得獎記錄:2014年指揮朱如鳳帶領二團參加韓國釜山國際合唱大賽, 勇奪混聲合唱金牌獎。

Kaohsiung Chamber Choir (KCC) was founded in 2002, consisting of a group of choral musicians, who dedicat to elaborating and popularizing the sophisticated choral art in Southern Taiwan.


Since 2007,the well-known choral conductor Dr. Chia-Fen WENG has joined KCC at art director.She develops a multicultural atmosphere of music projects,and at the same time encourages local musicians to perform and publish their work.KCC regularly co-operates with Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra(KSO) for major projects,invites international artists as guest conductors, and also sets foot in many different fields of choral music, such as female chorus, chamber choir, and a cappella.KCC holds 2 to 3 formal performances every year;the projects include commissioned creations from local artists, new interpretations of ballad songs,classical choral music repertoire, and famous choral music from around the world.KCC is often invited to perform at important events and concerts in Southern Taiwan.

During the 16 years of KCC history, it has been honored to be titled as Kaohsiung City Outstanding Supporting Performing Arts Team and the performing arts group fostered by the Ministry of Culture multiple times.KCC sees popularizing choral music, and introducing the society to the beauty of choral music as an unavoidable duty, and will continuously sing for the communication between cultures, to encourage local artist, and for the joy and beauty on sharing their voice.