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姓名: 洪毅全Darrell Ang(18/19)

洪毅全 Darrell Ang

自2016年12月起擔任四川交響樂團藝術總監和首席指揮的洪毅全,因為吸引了格吉耶夫(Valery Gergiev)的注意,現在也是馬林斯基劇院的常客。他目前也在聖彼得堡和符拉迪沃斯托克的新馬林斯基劇院(Primorsky舞台)舉辦的每月交響樂和歌劇中擔任指揮。本季他將回歸NHK交響樂團、Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen、昆士蘭交響樂團、新加坡交響樂團、博爾扎諾和特倫託的海頓樂團、慕尼黑廣播樂團、巴塞羅那交響樂團和國立台灣交響樂團。他還與莫斯科的國家學術交響樂團「Evgeny Svetlanov」、博洛尼亞市政劇院、洛桑室內樂團、新西伯利亞模範交響樂團、馬爾默交響樂團、比爾肯特交響樂團、Orchester National de Montpellier和丹麥的Sønderjyllands交響樂團合作,首次亮相於這些樂團。他不斷增長的歌劇指揮記錄還包括馬林斯基劇院的唐·喬望尼(Don Giovanni)和弄臣(Rigoletto)、愛沙尼亞國家歌劇院的卡門(Carmen)、波爾多的魔笛(Die Zauberflöte)和尼金斯的日記(Nijinsky's Tagebuch)、新加坡的漂泊的荷蘭人(Der fliegende Holländer)和法國土倫的Cosìfantutte。

身為亞洲最受歡迎的指揮家之一,洪毅全在上一季曾經首演及回訪於全球二十多個交響樂團,包括ORF維也納廣播交響樂團、斯洛伐克愛樂樂團、德國國家愛樂樂團萊茵蘭 - 普法爾茨(Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz)、紐西蘭交響樂團(巡迴紐西蘭演出)、安塔利亞交響樂團、美國太平洋交響樂團、新日本愛樂樂團、中國國家交響樂團、Orquesta Sinfónicadela UAEH(墨西哥)、愛沙尼亞國家交響樂團和馬尼拉交響樂團。洪毅全也是一位非凡的錄音藝術家,他為Naxos唱片灌錄了許多成功的作品:他的第一張唱片— 錄製中國作曲家周龍和陳怡的音樂 — 在2016年獲得格萊美獎提名;其他暢銷的專輯還包括奧芬巴哈和梅耶貝爾的序曲、迪蒂耶的第二交響曲和拉羅(Lalo)的d小調西班牙交響曲(Symphonie Espagnole)。

在他的家鄉新加坡,洪毅全是新加坡交響樂團最年輕的副指揮 — 與音樂總監水藍(Lan Shui)密切合作,並擔任新加坡國立青年管弦樂團的音樂總監。2010年,他帶領世界青年奧林匹克運動管弦樂隊參加了新加坡首屆世界青年奧林匹克運動會的國際電視開幕式。此外,他還是國立臺灣交響樂團學院管弦樂團 — 一項匯集中國、台灣和新加坡最佳年輕音樂家的演出方案 — 的核心人物,負責帶領這群精英在北京和台北的國家音樂廳舉行高水準音樂會。直到2017年之前,他也一直是新加坡國際音樂節的藝術總監,負責引介世界各地的頂級音樂家到新加坡與亞洲音樂家一起演出,組織成無可挑剔的陣容。

洪毅全在四歲開始演奏小提琴和鋼琴時,就展現出非凡的天賦。他那天生而且了無局限的藝術好奇心,也很快得到啟發,開始學習作曲。十幾歲,他就到維也納去追逐音樂夢,然後,轉到聖彼得堡,在傳奇的伊利亞·穆辛(Ilya Musin)的傳統中,追隨列昂尼德·科爾馬爾(Leonid Korchmar)學習樂團指揮。在那裡,他對二十世紀的俄羅斯音樂產生了特別的熱情,並將它與法國和當代亞洲曲目融合成為他藝術身份的核心。接著,洪毅全繼續到耶魯大學深造,接受過咸信益(Shinik Hahm)的指導,並成為耶魯大學首位指揮研究員。他在第五十屆貝桑松國際青年指揮大賽中,贏得了首獎、聽眾獎以及樂團獎三大獎項,並因此獲聘為布列塔尼交響樂團音樂總監(2012-2015)。三年後,洪毅全被選中加入安聯音樂基金會國際指揮學院,並受邀成為倫敦愛樂樂團和愛樂樂團的駐團指揮。他曾接受洛林·馬捷爾(Lorin Maazel)和埃薩-佩卡·薩洛寧(Esa-Pekka Salonen)的指導;對這兩位心靈導師的寶貴建議和支持,一直心懷感激。

洪毅全與歐洲一些頂級的交響樂團也建立了定期演出的關係,包括法國電台愛樂音樂學院、里昂國家管弦樂團、斯特拉斯堡國家樂團、波爾多國家樂團、里昂國家樂團、米蘭國際音樂學院「朱塞佩·威爾第(Giuseppe Verdi)」、Arturo Toscanini基金會(Filarmonica Arturo Toscanini)、聖彼得堡愛樂樂團、柏林音樂廳、柏林廣播交響樂團、慕尼黑交響樂團、維也納室內樂團、盧森堡室內樂團、哥本哈根愛樂樂團、溫哥華交響樂團、馬德里的RTVE交響樂團、香港愛樂樂團、台灣愛樂樂團和國立台灣交響樂團、NHK和讀賣日本交響樂團等等。在英國,他擔任皇家利物浦愛樂樂團、倫敦愛樂樂團和愛樂樂團的指揮,曾經指揮過譚盾的新作品之全球首演。他本身也是作曲家,其作品《疲憊地球的號聲》(Fanfare for a Frazzled Earth)管弦樂曲就是他接受德國化工大廠朗盛集團(LANXESS)委託所作,並由他親自指揮新加坡國立青年管弦樂團於2011年首演。


Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Sichuan Symphony since December 2016, Darrell Ang is a regular guest at the Mariinsky Theatre - having caught the attention of Valery Gergiev - and conducts monthly symphony and opera performances in St. Petersburg and at the new Mariinsky Theatre (Primorsky Stage) in Vladivostok. This season he returns to the NHK Symphony Orchestra, Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen, Queensland Symphony, Singapore Symphony, the Haydn Orchestra of Bolzano and Trento, Munich Radio Orchestra, Barcelona Symphony and National Taiwan Symphony. He also makes his debuts with Moscow’s State Academic Symphony “Evgeny Svetlanov”, Teatro Communale di Bologna, Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, Novosibirsk Philharmonic, Malmö Symphony, Bilkent Symphony, Orchestre National de Montpellier and Denmark's Sønderjyllands Symfoniorkester. His growing operatic profile includes recent performances of Don Giovanni and Rigoletto at the Mariinsky, Carmen at Estonian National Opera, Die Zauberflöte and Nijinsky's Tagebuch in Bordeaux, Der fliegende Holländer in Singapore and Così fan tutte in Toulon.

One of Asia’s most sought-after conductors, Darrell Ang made auspicious debuts and return visits to over twenty orchestras across the globe last season, including the ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz, a tour through New Zealand with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, Antalya Symphony, USA’s Pacific Symphony Orchestra, New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra, Orquesta Sinfónica de la UAEH (Mexico), Estonian National Symphony and the Manila Symphony. Also a regular recording artist of uncommon pedigree, Darrell has scored many successes for the Naxos label: his first disc - a recording of music by the Chinese composers Zhou Long and Chen Yi - was nominated for a Grammy in 2016, while other discs include bestselling albums of overtures by Offenbach and Meyerbeer, Dutilleux’s Second Symphony and Lalo’s Symphonie Espagnole.

In his native Singapore, Darrell Ang became the youngest Associate Conductor of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra - working closely with Music Director Lan Shui - and also served as Music Director of the Singapore National Youth Orchestra. In 2010 he led the World Youth Olympic Games Orchestra in the internationally televised opening ceremony of the first-ever World Youth Olympic Games in Singapore. Furthermore, he was at the heart of the NTSO Academy Orchestra - an initiative which brought together the best young musicians from China, Taiwan and Singapore - leading them in high-profile concerts at the national concert halls of Beijing and Taipei. He was also Artistic Director of the Singapore International Festival of Music until 2017, which brought top musicians from around the world to Singapore to form impeccable formations alongside Asian musicians.

Darrell Ang’s uncommon gift was discovered at the age of four when he began to play the violin and piano. His natural artistic curiosity had no bounds, and soon he was inspired to study composition. As a teenager, he followed his musical dream to Vienna, and then to St. Petersburg, where he studied conducting under the tutelage of Leonid Korchmar in the grand tradition of the legendary Ilya Musin. There he developed a particular passion for 20th century Russian music which - along with French and contemporary Asian repertoire - remains central to his artistic identity. Darrell continued his studies at Yale under the tutelage of Shinik Hahm, becoming its first Conducting Fellow. He took all three top awards at the 50th Besançon International Young Conductors' Competition - the Grand Prize, Audience Prize and Orchestra Prize - leading to the Music Directorship of the Orchestre Symphonique de Bretagne (2012-2015). Three years later, Darrell was selected to join the International Conductors’ Academy of the Allianz Cultural Foundation and invited to take on residencies with the London Philharmonic Orchestra and the Philharmonia Orchestra. Lorin Maazel and Esa-Pekka Salonen were his mentors, to whom he remains grateful for their invaluable advice and support.

Darrell Ang has cultivated regular relationships with some of Europe's top orchestras, including Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Orchestre National de Lyon, Orchestre Philharmonique du Strasbourg, Orchestre National de Bordeaux-Aquitaine, Orchestre National de Lille, Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano "Giuseppe Verdi", Filarmonica Arturo Toscanini, St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Konzerthausorchester Berlin, Berlin Radio Symphony, Munich Symphony, Vienna Chamber Orchestra, Luxemburg Chamber Orchestra, Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, RTVE Symphony Orchestra Madrid, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Taiwan Philharmonic and National Taiwan Symphony, NHK and Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestras, among many others. In the UK he conducts the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra - with whom he has conducted the world premiere of a new work by Tan Dun - as well as the London Philharmonic and Philharmonia. Also a composer of note, his “Fanfare for a Frazzled Earth” was commissioned by German chemicals company LANXESS and premiered by the Singapore National Youth Orchestra in 2011.

Darrell Ang is fluent in English, German, French, Italian, Russian and Chinese.