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姓名: 傅美兒Mei Yi Foo
專長: 鋼琴

傅美兒Mei Yi Foo
BBC音樂雜誌2013年度新進藝人大獎的得主傅美兒「奔放」又「炫技的演奏」讓樂評與觀眾驚嘆不已(《時代雜誌》)。她最近在琉森音樂節的首度演出被瑞士德語廣播電視票選為「年度最佳表演」,她也持續在歐洲、美洲與亞洲各地擄獲觀眾的目光。Mei Yi自從在雅典贏得2008年的瑪莉亞卡拉絲國際大賽後,就從「值得關注的鋼琴家」(英國國家廣播公司第三台)蛻變成為「亮眼新星」(《國際鋼琴雜誌》),而樂評家大衛.尼斯最近在「藝術之桌」網站更寫道:「她的天分確實是毋庸置疑的。」
Winner of the BBC Best Newcomer of the Year award, Mei Yi Foo dazzled critics and audiences at the BBC Music Magazine Awards 2013 with her ‘liberating’ and ‘virtuoso display’ (The Times). Her recent debut at the Lucerne Festival was voted ‘Highlight of the Year’ by SRF and she continues to captivate audiences across Europe, the Americas and Asia. Since winning the Maria Callas Grand Prix’08 in Athens, Mei Yi has transformed from ‘a pianist to watch’ (BBC Radio 3) to a ‘rising star’ (International Piano Magazine), and according to a recent review on The Arts Desk, David Nice writes, ‘her genius is now unquestionable’.
Performing at venues such as the Royal Festival Hall, Finlandia Hall, Wigmore Hall, Athens Megaron, Verona Filharmonica and Salle Gaveau, Mei Yi has worked alongside conductors such as Christian Arming, Darrell Ang, Matthias Bamert, Martyn Brabbins, Claus Peter Flor, János Fürst, Kirill Karabits, Peter Rundel, John Storgårds and Christopher Warren-Green. Apart from appearing with the BBC Concert Orchestra, Bretagne Symphony Orchestra, Fort Worth Symphony, Helsinki Philharmonic and London Chamber Orchestra, her avid rapport with musicians also brings her to direct orchestras such as the Malaysian Philharmonic and the Russian Virtuosi.
A devoted new music advocate, Mei Yi played at Vienna’s Schoenberg Centre, Park Lane Group at the Southbank, Huddersfield Festival, Ultraschall Festival in Berlin and Das Neue Werk in Hamburg. Her exploration in contemporary music, through working closely with living composers such as Dai Fujikura, Richard Baker, Chris Harman and especially with Unsuk Chin, drew international attention when her award-winning album “Musical Toys” became a rapid hit, reaching No.3 on Amazon’s classical chart and was featured in The Times, The Examiner, Neue Zurcher Zeitung, Lebrecht’s CD of the Week and garnered 5* reviews from the BBC Music Magazine and Germany's Klassik.
Mei Yi’s communicative musicianship often earns her invitations from international festivals, such as the Castletown Festival in Virginia, Mänttä Festival in Finland, Festival O/Modernt in Sweden, the Pharos Arts Foundation in Cyprus, Lincolnshire International Chamber Music Festival and the Britten-Pears in Aldeburgh. She also enjoys working in chamber music partnership with Dimitri Ashkenazy, Nicolas Dautricourt, Shlomy Dobrinsky, Patricia Kopatchinskaya, Antti Siirala, Hugo Ticciati, Matthew Trusler, Bartosz Woroch and Ashley Wass.