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姓名: 陳偉茵 Weiyin Chen

Piano: Weiyin Chen

「有想法、抒情、成熟的藝術家 …陳偉茵出眾之處在於她如歌般的音色、對內心聲音的專注及對和諧層次的掌控… 我深深被她彈莫札特時展現出的寬度與暖度所吸引… 」Anthony Tommasini  紐約時報

令人驚豔的年輕鋼琴家陳偉茵,她的觸鍵穩當、平衡感一絲不茍、掌控力極為優雅、樂句處理流暢而充滿活力… Kenneth Herman聖地牙哥藝術報

「 她的詮釋變化豐富,帶有卓越的品味與俐落的表現…鋼琴家陳偉茵的演出贏得整場觀眾的熱烈掌聲和起立致意。」 巴拿馬La Prensa

「閃亮熱情的彈奏…陳偉茵成功地詮釋莫札特的鋼琴協奏曲,唯有具備高超技術才得以掌握這位奧地利作曲家晚期鋼琴協奏曲的每一個微妙細節。」James Keller 曼谷郵報

旅美鋼琴家陳偉茵活躍於國際樂壇,除了高超的演奏技巧外,晶透的音樂性及成熟度是她脫穎而出的最佳優勢,她的演奏天賦總能精準地掌握樂曲的核心,她細膩的音樂性獲得國際級大師如 Leon Fleisher、鋼琴家如Richard Goode、Claude Frank 等人的讚譽。陳偉茵是一位「思考」型的鋼琴家,她總能超越樂譜上的音符把音樂提升到另一個境界。

在紐約陳偉茵甫成功演出一系列的音樂會:第一場與荷蘭阿姆斯特丹皇家管弦樂團的室內樂團 (Camerata RCO)演出莫札特與孟德爾頌的協奏曲;第二場音樂會與著名的Miró Quartet演出布拉姆斯的室內樂曲;壓軸則是陳偉茵個人獨奏會,該場獨奏會並首演當代作曲家Marc Neikrug為陳偉茵所譜的《日月潭》鋼琴曲。

陳偉茵在美國及歐洲均有發行專輯,個人首張專輯《G調日記》在美國發行,該專輯收錄舒伯特與舒曼的鋼琴奏鳴曲,是她個人才華的最佳詮釋。美國知名古典音樂雜誌 Fanfare 資深樂評Jerry Dubins 盛讚陳偉茵演奏的舒伯特奏鳴曲是「我所聽過的錄音中最令人驚歎的…」另外,陳偉茵與荷蘭阿姆斯特丹皇家管弦樂團室內樂團(Camerata RCO) 所錄製的莫札特與孟德爾頌室內樂專輯,樂評家 James Forrest 讚譽「…如此年輕的音樂家,她所展現出的內涵深度反映她的天份,她的錄音完全可以和年輕時期的阿格麗希相媲美…」

陳偉茵近期樂季的邀約包含:與丹麥國家交響樂團的團員合作協奏曲與室內樂、義大利西西里島Palermo音樂節演出、美國Knoxville交響樂團演出;在亞洲則有國立臺灣交響樂團協奏曲。近期主要演出則有:與台北市立交響樂團演出,由大師殷巴爾(Eliahu Inbal) 指揮、與I Solisti di Milano Classica 於米蘭的首度合作,並首次接受義大利知名音樂雜誌 Amadeus 的專訪並錄製舒伯特專輯,其後並有荷蘭首度獨奏巡迴演;其他的演出有紐約卡內基音樂廳演出、義大利的獨奏會、瑞士 Gstaad New Year Music Festival 的協奏演出,該音樂節由 Princess Caroline Murat 擔任總監,摩納哥 Prince Albert II 贊助。陳偉茵也和亞洲主要樂團合作過協奏曲:與香港管弦樂團演出,由國際知名指揮家 Edo de Waart 擔任指揮;國立台灣交響樂團的協奏演出布拉姆斯第一號鋼琴協奏曲,由樂壇傳奇大師 Leon Fleisher 指揮;與曼谷交響樂團演出泰皇蒲美蓬86歲生日皇室音樂會。其他合作的樂團尚包含北京的中國交響樂團、台灣的國家交響樂團(Taiwan Philharmonic NSO)、西班牙的 Orquesta Sinfonica Ciudad de Gijon 樂團、美國 Adrian Symphony Orchestra 及 Kalamazoo Philharmonia,以及與荷蘭阿姆斯特丹皇家管弦樂團室內樂團(Camerata RCO)於荷蘭巡迴演出等。


陳偉茵同時對室內樂也有高度的熱忱,她參加過的音樂節包含加州的 La Jolla SummerFest、瑞士的的Verbier Music Festival、德國的Festspiele Mecklenburg- Vorpommern音樂節、義大利的Festival Paesaggi Musicali Toscani、上海國際音樂節、Chelsea Music Festival、佛羅里達的Sarasota音樂節、加拿大的 Banff Center 音樂節,合作過的音樂家有小提琴家林昭亮、Ilya Gringolts、Chee-Yun Kim、David Chan、Alina Pogostkina,中提琴家Paul Neubauer、David Aaron Carpenter、Cynthia Phelps及大提琴家Gary Hoffman等。

出身醫學世家的陳偉茵也積極貢獻自己的音樂專長協助醫療相關慈善活動,她與她的父親 - 國際知名外科醫師陳宏基,共同執行多次的印度、祕魯的慈善之旅。在印度,陳偉茵在著名的梅塔音樂基金會 (Mehli Mehta Music Foundation) 演出並教授大師班,後將音樂會所得全數捐給Aurangaba當地的兒童醫療基金會,由陳宏碁醫師所帶領的國際醫療團隊為弱勢孩童進行五十多台的醫療手術。在祕魯,陳偉茵於Gran Teatro Nacional舉辦慈善音樂會,並將所得贊助利馬當地的國家醫院Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza。陳偉茵與父親合作的慈善義舉引起極大迴響並傳為佳話,可為結合音樂與醫學 (Music & Medicine) 所共同擁有的療癒能力的最佳典範。

陳偉茵畢業於茱麗亞音樂院,後取得美國約翰霍普金斯大學琵琶第音樂學院碩士及演奏文憑,師事國際大師Leon Fleisher;同時,亦師事過Richard Goode、 Claude Frank等名師。

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weiyinchenpianist/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PianistWeiyinChen

“A thoughtful, lyrical, and accomplished artist…The hallmarks of Ms. Chen’s performance were the singing quality of her sound and her attentiveness to inner voices and harmonic shadings… I was captivated by the breadth and warmth of the Mozart playing… "                                            – Anthony Tommasini, The New York Times


“A stunning young pianist... Her keyboard touch proved consistently firm, meticulously balanced and tastefully assertive, and her sense of phrasing lucidly energetic…”                                                               – Kenneth Herman, San Diego Arts


 “The interpretation was capricious and always executed with good taste and clarity..., Ms. Chen's interpretation elicit the applause from the audience who gave her an enthusiastic standing ovation."                                                            – La Prensa 


“Glowing and warm. Weiyin Chen brilliantly interprets Austrian composer’s piano concertos. It takes a modern performer of truly superior skill to fully realize every nuance of one of Mozart’s final piano concertos.”                            – James Keller, Bangkok Post


In a time of promising young virtuosos from all over the world, the Taiwanese-American pianist Weiyin Chen stands out not just for her dazzling technique, but above all for the sheer musicality and maturity of her playing, qualities rare in an artist of her young years. Her gift for getting to the musical “heart” of the scores she plays has drawn the attention and praise of such master musicians as the renowned conductor-pianist Leon Fleisher and pianists Richard Goode and Claude Frank, all of whom she studied with extensively, among a legion of other notable figures. Ms. Chen is a “thinking pianist” who has a rare ability to look beyond the notes on the page to divine a score’s musical essence.

In New York City, Ms. Chen was heard in a stunning three-part concert series with distinguished guests. The first concert, she was joined by Camerata RCO (ensemble of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam) for a performance of Mozart and Mendelssohn Concerti. In the second concert, Ms. Chen collaborated with the exceptional Miró Quartet in an all Brahms program. The series concluded with a solo piano recital, featuring the world premiere of American composer Marc Neikrug’s work Sun Moon Lake.

Ms. Chen released 2 albums in USA and Europe respectively. Her debut solo CD Diary in G, which includes Schubert’s Sonata No. 18 in G major and Schumann’s Piano Sonata No. 2 in G minor, is a testament to her superb talents as an interpreter. The longtime critic Jerry Dubins of Fanfare wrote in his glowing review, “ I can honestly say that no other performance and recording of this Sonata I’ve heard has won me over as this one has….” Her other recording with the Camerata RCO features Mozart Piano Concerto in A major K.414 and Mendelssohn Concerto in D minor for Piano, Violin and Strings. Critic James Forrest praised her playing in the disc review “…the amount of insight she brings to this music, so early in her career, speaks volumes for the inherent gifts with which she has endowed…Chen’s youth can entirely equal the playing of Argerich recorded with an additional quarter-century of years and experience behind her. Gutman Records has a winner here.”

Ms. Chen’s upcoming season includes engagements in Europe with Musicians of the Danish National Symphony Orchestra and debut in Palermo Sicily; in USA with the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra and in Asia with the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. Recent highlights include debut with the Taipei Symphony Orchestra under the direction of maestro Eliahu Inbal, in Milan with I Solisti di Milano Classica with her debut interview and an all Schubert recording for the Amadeus magazine in Italy followed by her first recital tour in the Netherlands, performances at Carnegie Hall in New York, solo piano recitals in Italy and concerto engagement at the New Year Music Festival in Gstaad Switzerland, under the artistic direction of Princess Caroline Murat and the patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco. She has performed as soloist with most of the major orchestras in Asia, include the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, with whom she made her debut under Maestro Edo de Waart, Brahms First Piano Concerto with the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Leon Fleisher, the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra in a Royal Celebration Concert honoring the 86th Birthday of His Majesty the King of Thailand, the China National Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan Philharmonic NSO; Orquesta Sinfonica Ciudad de Gijon in Spain, Adrian Symphony Orchestra and Kalamazoo Philharmonia in USA, concert tour with Camerata RCO–members of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in the Netherlands.

Recitals have taken her to France, Holland, Italy, Denmark, Peru, Panama, India, Taipei, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Utah and Chicago.

Ms. Chen has performed in such festivals as La Jolla Summerfest, Verbier Festival & Academy, Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Festival Paesaggi Musicali Toscani, Shanghai International Music Festival, Chelsea Music Festival, Sarasota Music Festival, and the Banff Center, collaborating with such instrumentalists as violinists Cho-Liang Lin, Ilya Gringolts, Chee-Yun Kim, David Chan, Alina Pogostkina, violists Paul Neubauer, David Aaron Carpenter and Cynthia Phelps, and cellist Gary Hoffman.

Born into a medical family, Ms. Chen advocates charity work combining the healing power of music and medicine. She has led global humanitarian campaigns, most recently in India and Peru with her father, a world-renowned surgeon Dr. Hung-Chi Chen. In India, she taught and performed under the auspices of the Mehli Mehta Foundation in Mumbai, where the ticket sale of the concert was donated to the surgical mission conducted by Dr. Chen. He and his team has since performed more than 100 surgeries free of cost to the underprivileged and children in need who would not otherwise have access to such treatment. In Peru, her charity concert at the Gran Teatro Nacional marked their first campaign in Lima, benefiting the Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. The collaboration of their joined forces continue to create beautiful stories worldwide.

Ms. Chen’s musical education has included The Juilliard School and studies with Leon Fleisher at the Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University, and private study with Richard Goode and Claude Frank.

