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姓名: 丁章媛 Belle Ting(18/19)

丁章媛 Belle Ting

丁章媛2000年出生於臺灣臺北,求學於奧地利國立維也納音樂暨表演藝術大學,師事 Dora Schwarzberg教授與Lucia Hall教授。

2013獲得俄羅斯莫斯科舉辦的胡桃鉗國際青少年大賽(The Nutcracker, International Television       Contest for Young Musicians)銀牌獎。

2013與莫斯科交響樂團(Moscow State Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra)共同演出。

2013贏得在Sofia舉辦國際青年小提琴比賽第一名(International Competition Young Virtuosos in Sofia)

2014獲得在比利時的國際小提琴比賽"International Arthur Grumiaux Competition "的首獎與最佳詮釋獎



2016奧地利 CARSA奧地利新星獎。


2017得到美國紐約 NYCA特別榮譽獎。



2017布拉姆斯國際音樂大賽 第二名 ,及最佳布拉姆斯作品銓釋特別獎。



Born in Taiwan, Belle Ting started playing the violin at the age of seven, and since 2011 studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna with Prof. Dora Schwarzberg and Prof. Lucia Hall.

2012- Silver medal at “The Nutcracker International Television Contest for Young Musicians” in

2013- Performance with the Moscow State Philharmonic in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall

2013-First prize in the International Young Virtuosos Competition in Sofia

2014- Grand Prix and Special Award for Interpretation of a Belgian Work at the International Arthur Grumiaux Competition in Belgium

2015- First Prize at the International Cooper Violin Competition

2015- Performance with the Cleveland Symphony in Severance Hall

2016- Second prize at the first “Li Shude Violin Competition” in Taiwan

2016- Prizewinner of the CARSA – Casinos Austria Rising Star Award for Young Soloists

2017- Honorable Mention at the NYCA Worldwide Debut Auditions

2017- Recipient of the Kirishima International Music Festival Award

2017- Second prize and Special Award for Interpretation of a work by Brahms at the 24. International Johannes Brahms Competition in Pörtschach

Belle has collaborated with orchestras including the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, the Moscow State Philharmonic, the Baden Sinfonia, the Polish Baltic Philharmonic Gdansk, and the INSO-Lviv, and has performed in numerous radio and television broadcasts for the ORF, as well as in international festivals over Europe.