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姓名: 李其叡 Ellen Lee

李其叡 Ellen Lee

李其叡,1998年出生於美國麻州劍橋,在台灣長大,五歲開始學習鋼琴,師從廖皎含及魏樂富教授。十四歲前往德國漢諾威音樂院深造鋼琴藝術, 師從Professor Bernd Goetzke,現正攻讀漢諾威音樂學院鋼琴演奏碩士班。


旅歐期間先後奪得英國YPN鋼琴大賽首獎,及全德青年音樂大賽滿分第一名及「西德廣播電台」最佳古典曲目演奏獎。過去五年中,演奏場域遍及德國、荷蘭、香港、中國和臺灣。先後在台中歌劇院大廳和臺北國家音樂廳舉辦鋼琴獨奏會。自2013年起, 與「武漢愛樂」、「臺北愛樂」、「德國法蘭克福交響樂團」、「高雄市立交響樂團」、「國立臺灣交響樂團」、「Lüneburg 室內交響樂團」、「德國西南室內交響樂團」等樂團多次演出莫札特、貝多芬、舒曼、葛利格、柴可夫斯基、普羅高菲夫、蕭斯塔可維奇等作曲家的鋼琴協奏曲作品。 協奏曲合作的指揮包括 Miloslav Oswald,林天吉,Lucius Hemmer,張佳韵,楊智欽,Aurélien Bello 與陳美安。

另外,李其叡也經常從事室內樂活動,2016年加入了耶胡迪·曼紐茵基金會的 “Live Music Now” 公益巡演計畫,經常與低音管演奏家Nuno Azevedo一同演出。2020年夏天與大提琴家Jan Vogler 於新哈登貝格(Schloss Neuhardenberg) 演出貝多芬的第三號大提琴奏鳴曲,同年九月與大提琴家 Daniel Müller-Schott 在德奧邊境的Schloss Elmau 演出。


Young pianist Ellen Lee, born in the US in 1998, grew up in Taipei, Taiwan. In her earliest childhood, she started playing the piano. She studied with pianist Chiao-Han Liao and Prof. Rolf-Peter Wille before moving to Germany at the age of 14 to study as a junior student in the IFF program in the class of Prof. Bernd Goetzke in Hannover. From 2015 to 2019 she continued her studies in the bachelor’s program at Hannover University of Music, Drama and Media. Ellen Lee is currently pursuing her master‘s degree at HMTM Hannover.

Ellen Lee is a prize-winner of many competitions. She won the 1st prize with the highest score at the Bundeswettbewerb of Jugend Musiziert 2014 in Germany. On top of that, she received the most honorable WDR Klassikpreis. She won the 1st prize at the Young Pianist of the North 2013 in Newcastle England. At a very young age, Ellen Lee won the 2nd prize at the National Taiwan Music Competition 2012. In 2019, she received the 3rd prize in the International Schumann Competition in Düsseldorf out of contestants from more than 35 countries.

Over the years of intensive study, Ellen Lee has attended lessons and performed in masterclasses in music festivals given by prominent pianists: Oxana Yablonskaya, Natalie Trull, Stephen Kovacevich, and Dimitri Bashkirov.

Ellen Lee has performed at venues of Asia and Europe including Taipei (National Concert Hall), Taichung (National Taichung Theater), Shenzhen and Wuhan (China), Hong Kong (Concert Hall In Hong Kong Cultural Center), Macau, Amsterdam, Braunschweig, Frankfurt am Oder, Hannover, Lindau, Lüneburg and Memmingen. As a soloist, she has performed Tschaikowsky, Grieg, Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Schumann, Mozart and Beethoven concertos, with orchestras such as the Wuhan Philharmonic Orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra of the Lüneburg State Theater, the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, the Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra and the Southwest German Chamber Orchestra Pforzheim, and worked with such conductors as Miloslav Oswald, Paul Lin, Lucius Hemmer, Aurelien Bello, Chia-Yun Chang, Chih- Ching Yang and Mei-An Chen.

Not only a devoted piano soloist, but Ellen Lee is also very much engaged in chamber music. She plays regularly with bassoon, viola, violin, horn, oboe, in addition to piano quintet and quartet with strings. Since the spring of 2017, Ellen Lee has been a scholarship holder at the Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now Hannover e.V., where she regularly performs Duo with Bassoon. In the summer of 2020, Ellen Lee performed with cellist Jan Vogler at Schloss Neuhardenberg and most recently with cellist Daniel Müller-Schott at Schloss Elmau.

備註: 2021/22