Number of Sessions | Venue | Musician/Performer |
2024/05/25(六)19:30 雲林表演廳 |
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萊納.霍內克 Rainer Honeck
2024/05/26(日)14:30 國立臺灣交響樂團演奏廳 |
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萊納.霍內克 Rainer Honeck
預計2023/08/14(一)中午12:00啟售,08/14-08/21為NTSO 2023/24 VIP限定,08/21(一)中午12:00全面啟售。*成為NTSO VIP請點擊了解詳情
NTSO 2023/24樂季
NTSO C大調的謳歌—霍內克與國臺交
Celebrating C Major - Honeck and NTSO
2024/05/25(六)19:30 雲林表演廳(雲林縣斗六市大學路三段310號)
2024/05/25(Sat.)19:30 Yunlin Performance Hall
2024/05/26(日)14:30 國立臺灣交響樂團演奏廳(臺中市霧峰區中正路738-2號)
2024/05/26(Sun.)14:30 NTSO Concert Hall
Conductor: Rainer Honeck
莫札特: 歌劇《狄托的仁慈》序曲
W. A. Mozart: Overture “La Clemenza di Tito”, K. 621
貝多芬: C大調第一號交響曲
L. v. Beethoven: Symphony No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21
布拉姆斯: C小調第一號交響曲
J. Brahms: Symphony No. 1 in C minor, Op. 68
雲林場 NT 300、500、800
臺中場 NT 300、500、800、1000
成為NTSO 2023/24 VIP(請點擊)
NTSO YouTube (超過780萬瀏覽次數)
Three music pieces from three composers of different eras, one shared trait - tonality.
The opening and closing of Mozart’s La Clemenza di Tito Overture are both in C major. Despite not starting in this key, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 1 is also written in C major. Brahms’ Symphony No. 1, which he painstakingly worked on for so many years, starts with C minor and ends in C major.
When talking about Mozart’s later works, “Requiem” and The Magic Flute are often brought up, but his La Clemenza di Tito is seldom mentioned. La Clemenza di Tito premiered in Prague in September 1791 (Mozart died in December of the same year). This opera was written for the coronation of Leopold II as the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia. Although the Roman emperor Tito isn’t the main character in this opera, Tito ultimately decides to forgive after a complicated turn of events because punishment is not the way to solve the problem. Mozart used loud drums and horns to create a bright and bold atmosphere for this highly political topic to further emphasize the grandeur. The opening prelude is suitably performed in C major.
While beginning his symphonies in C major may seem like a no-brainer, Beethoven is, after all, Beethoven - a renegade who constantly wants to do something different. Even when carrying on the styles of Haydn and Mozart, Beethoven must still add his own flavor.
Nevertheless, Beethoven’s achievements became challenges for later composers. One of those who was stuck was Brahms, who struggled tremendously to finish his first symphony. Brahms opted for a minor key, which seemed more suitable for his solemn personality. Finally, the symphony breaks free of the constraints and concludes in C major, creating the ideal end to this concert.