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Rise of Bodhicitta: the NMH Collection of Buddhist Sculptures
Exhibition Introduction

Since Buddhism originated in India more than two thousand years ago, it has gradually spread to various parts of the world, exerting a profound influence on human civilization. In this process, Buddhist iconography and the production of sculptures have become important components of Buddhist culture, serving as a crucial medium for disseminating Buddhist teachings and promoting the Buddhist spirit. These sculptures are not only symbols of the religion but also crystallizations of art and culture, embodying faith, philosophy, and aesthetics.

During the Han Dynasty, after Buddhism was introduced to the Central Plains, it gradually became widely popular. The various forms of art that emerged alongside it, apart from pursuing the essence of Buddhist teachings, were influenced by the social, economic, and cultural aspects of different eras, displaying diverse appearances. As Buddhist sculptures underwent the process of sinicization, they embraced the traditional Chinese aesthetic tastes, resulting in works that combined religion, culture, and philosophy into a cohesive whole. The reverence of the royal family and the excavation of grottoes led to the flourishing of Buddhist sculptures. Subsequently, this practice permeated into lives of common folk, giving rise to the trend of casting small Buddha sculptures for worship. The number and quality of these sculptures became increasingly diverse, featuring either thin, clinging garments or full, splendid forms, with natural postures and exquisite charm.

Using Mr. Huang Tu-Shui's sculpture “Sakya Emerging from the Mountains” as a starting point, this exhibition revisits Buddha sculptures from different eras and made from various materials. These sculptures from the museum’s collection vividly presenting the evolution and diversity of Buddha imagery. Whether gazing at the solemn and majestic Buddha sculptures, the compassionate and graceful Bodhisattva sculptures, or the Arhat sculptures with their varied expressions, one might be inspired to reflect on history and culture, and to appreciate the religious essence and interpretations of Buddhist spirit. We hope these Buddhist sculptures bring you inner peace and enlightenment, becoming a catalyst for your exploration of Buddhist art and culture.


Exhibition Info
Venue. googleMap連結 NMH 1F
Date. 2024/06/25 ~ 2024/08/25