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Enchanted Isles in Ink and Color
Exhibition Introduction

At 7:58 am on April 3, 2024, Taiwan was shaken violently by a massive earthquake, the most powerful one since the 921 Earthquake. Hualien, located at the epicenter, experienced the greatest impact. The aftermath brought news of casualties and injuries, and continuous aftershocks amplified the sense of disaster. Taiwan, being at the junction of tectonic plates, enjoys a rich variety of beautiful landscapes and biodiversity, but it is also vulnerable to natural forces. Earthquakes, natural disasters, and the passage of time threaten to erase the cherished natural environments and human landscapes in an instant. This reality compels us to treasure the landscapes, sceneries and human memories that are preserved through art.

An artist’s brush allows us to appreciate the art of Taiwanese ink and color painting, and reveals Taiwan's rich and diverse landscapes. Despite the changes shaped by time or caused by natural disasters, preserved paintings enables us to review and revisit the historical evolution of Taiwan’s landscapes. The pioneering artists whose works are displayed here convey their love for this land with authenticity and sincerity. As we view and walk through these varied landscapes from our unique perspectives, we not only reflect on our own memories but also engage in conversation with nature, the environment, and the art itself.

Exhibition Info
Venue. googleMap連結 國立歷史博物館1樓103展廳
Date. 2024/06/25 ~ 2024/08/25