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Yuyu Yang A Centennial Retrospective
Exhibition Introduction

The National Museum of History (NMH), approaching its 70th anniversary, has embodied the pioneering trajectory of public museums in Taiwan. Its mission resonates with the core spirit of renowned artist Yuyu Yang's iconic landscape sculptures – art, environment, and humanity – echoing the social responsibility and inclusivity that contemporary museums strive for. On the eve of Yuyu Yang's centenary, the NMH, in collaboration with the Yuyu Yang Museum, proudly presents the exhibition "Yuyu Yang: A Centennial Art Retrospective" at the National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute, Taipei Branch. This exhibition, curated by the esteemed art historian Professor Hsiao Chong-ray, revisits the essence of Yuyu Yang's lifelong artistic creations, aligning with the emphasis on museum education and research promoted by International Museum Day 2024.


Yuyu Yang (1926-1997) was a rare, multifaceted artist in modern Taiwanese art history. Since his first solo exhibition at the National Museum of History in 1960, his pioneering artistic concepts and unique creative style have spanned from local sentiments to avant-garde art, from two-dimensional works to three-dimensional sculptures. His cross-disciplinary creative journey, with the world as his canvas, reflects the development of Taiwanese art interwoven within modern history. Through this comprehensive and participatory exhibition, the NMH aims to showcase the rich and brilliant trajectory of Yuyu Yang's artistic practice, the intercultural experiences and aesthetic reflections it embodies, and to provide a solid footnote to the already remarkable art history research in Taiwan.



˙Date: 2024.5.18-2024.8.18

˙Venue: National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute, Taipei Branch (No. 49, Nanhai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)

˙Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM. (Closed on Mondays.)

Exhibition Info
Venue. googleMap連結 National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute ,Taipei Branch
Date. 2024/05/18 ~ 2024/08/18
  • Opening Times: 2024/05/18 ~ 2024/08/18
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