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藏諸名山: 舊金山亞洲藝術博物館的歷史、收藏及展覽
場次 場地
藏諸名山: 舊金山亞洲藝術博物館的歷史、收藏及展覽
日曆圖案 2015/05/06 09:00 ~ 2015/05/06 17:00
googleMap連結 國立歷史博物館


講題/  藏諸名山: 舊金山亞洲藝術博物館的歷史、收藏及展覽
Treasures in San Francisco: History, Collection and Exhibitions at the Asian Art Museum
講者/  舊金山亞洲藝術博物館館長許傑(Jay Xu)
時間/  2015.05.06 2:30PM
地點/  國立歷史博物館B1遵彭廳

Treasures in San Francisco: History, Collection and Exhibitions at the Asian Art Museum

摘要: Located in San Francisco, a “ld Mountain” and gateway to Asia, the Asian Art Museum is a premier institution in the United Stated devoted to Asian art. The museum was established in 1955, and holds one of the most comprehensive collections of Asian art in the world. Spanning 6,000 years, the collection’s scope and breadth enables the museum to provide an introduction to all the major traditions of Asian art and culture. The museum also serves as San Francisco Bay Area’s cultural center for Asian art and culture. The present lecture will discuss the history of the Asian art museum, the highlights of its collection and exhibitions, and present the museum’s new vision of “Awaken the Past, Inspire the Next” in exploring the Asian art’s global connections and relevance.

