葉明和 Min-Ho Yeh
現為國立高雄師範大學音樂系單簧管專任教授,曾師事賴勇、賴高永、陳威稜、Thomas Martin、James Campbell。1989年獲臺北市交響樂團協奏曲比賽第一名,曾參與美國Norfolk、加拿大Festival of Sound 音樂節、世界單簧管年會(ClarinetFest)、Taiwan Connection音樂節、以及山西太原國際單簧管薩克斯風藝術節。近年來亦曾受邀擔任澳門樂團單簧管首席、新加坡楊秀桃音樂院大師講座,並於香港演藝學院、廈門大學、西安音樂院、鼓浪嶼、北京中央音樂院、韓國釜山等地演出。重要演奏錄音包括與印第安那大學的三位單簧管教授合作的《Bridges to Bloomington》以及魔笛單簧管四重奏的專輯《魔笛之舞》。
教學上,曾任美國印第安那大學單簧管助教四年以及美國中央阿肯瑟大學(University of Central Arkansas)單簧管專任助理教授四年。2006年返國任教於高師大音樂系,致力於教學及室內樂演出,曾多次與胡乃元、James Campbell、Akio Koyama等國際知名演奏家合作。歷年曾獲邀與臺北市交響樂團、美國Conway Symphony Orchestra、高雄師範大學交響樂團、屏東大學管弦樂團、高雄市管樂團、對位室內樂團、臺灣師範大學交響樂團、臺灣師範大學管樂團、幼獅管樂團、黑種籽單簧管合奏團、生命樹單簧管合奏團、高雄市教師管弦樂團、高雄市前金國小管樂團等合作演出協奏曲。
演奏上,曾任國立臺灣交響樂團、亞洲青少年管弦樂團(AYO)、魔笛單簧管四重奏團,以及美國Sunaura Trio的團員,並曾擔任幼獅管樂團、國臺交附設管樂團、國防部示範樂隊等樂團首席,美國Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra、Camerata Orchestra (IN)、Conway Symphony Orchestra等樂團單簧管首席、天使之翼管樂團客座首席。現任對位室內樂團團員及音樂顧問,使用的樂器是Buffet Crampon的Tosca型號Bb調、A調以及低音單簧管。
Min-Ho Yeh is Professor of Clarinet at the National Kaohsiung Normal University in Taiwan. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from the National Taiwan Normal University, a Master of Music from New England Conservatory, and a Doctor of Music degree from Indiana University. His primary teachers include Yong Lai, Gao-Yong Lai, Wei-Leng William Chen, Thomas Martin, and James Campbell.
He has appeared at festivals such as the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival (1997), the Festival of the Sound (2000). He has also been invited several times to perform solo and chamber music at the ClarinetFests and the Taiwan Connection Music Festival. He has appeared on recordings such as Bridges to Bloomington with Trio Indiana (Crystal Records), Angelus Novus: compositions of John Zorn (Tzadik Label), Contemporary American Wind Music with the NEC Wind Ensemble (Albany Records), and 66 Times—a music album of composer Shih-Hui Chen (Albany Records). His recordings include J. S. Bach’s Six Organ Trio Sonatas with Zephyr Trio (2004) and Dancing Clarinets album with the Magic Clarinet Quartet (2007).
He has been invited by many institutes for recitals and master classes, such as the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory in Singapore (2012), the Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts (2012), Xiamen University (2013), Xian Conservatory (2014), Beijing’s Central Conservatory (2016), and Busan, Korea (2017).
He was a member of the Asian Youth Orchestra, the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Conway Symphony Orchestra, Sunaura Woodwind Trio, and the Magic Clarinet Quartet. He taught at the University of Central Arkansas (USA) between 2002-2006 and has been on faculty at the National Kaohsiung Normal University since 2006. He is also a member of the Counterpoint Ensemble and plays Buffet Crampon Buffet Tosca model Bb, A, and bass clarinets.