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姓名: 台中市惠文國小合唱團 (17/18)


惠文國小合唱團成立於2001年,在老師與家長的悉心指導鼓勵下,合唱團小朋友們在愛與歌聲中成長茁壯。合唱團指揮為高毓馨老師,伴奏為賴雅馨老師。 在合唱團這個大家庭裡,孩子們在音樂中領會到和諧之美,在歌聲中學習分享的快樂。歷年來參加全國學生音樂比賽皆有不凡表現。2016年受邀與國立台灣交響樂團及西班牙拉夫拉前衛劇團於夏綠地廣場演出《布蘭詩歌》。

Taichung City Huiwen Elementary School Choir was founded in 2001. Under the guidance and encouragement of the teachers and the parents, the children of the choir grow in love and songs. The choir teacher is Yu-Hsin Kao with the accompaniment of teacher Ya-Hsing Lai.

 In the rigorous teaching, the children have gradually learned to enrich themselves with music, and created a good atmosphere of diligent practice. In the big family of the chorus, the children have learned the beauty of harmony in music, and the joy of sharing in songs.

Over the years, other than  its extraordinary performance in the National Student Music Competition. In 2016 the choir was invited to perform in the Charlotte Square together with the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra and the La Fura dels Baus from Spain.