范婷玉Ting- Yu Fan
德國國立漢諾威音樂暨戲劇學院Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover畢業,擁有該校聲樂教育、音樂會演唱家及歌劇獨唱家三項文憑。2006年六月至2009年八月受聘為奧地利林茲國家劇院Landestheater Linz歌劇合唱團的次女高音。
Ting-Yu Fan received her the Bachelor of Fine Arts at National Institute of the Arts (now National Taipei University of Arts), where she majored in voice. And then Fan continued her study and completed her degrees majoring in Voice, Vocal Education and Opera Performance in Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover in Germany. During 2006- 2009, Fan has developed her career as a choirsinger in Landestheater Linz, Austria. At the same time she sang actively in concerts and operas in Germany, Austria and Taiwan. She earned the Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.) at the Department of Music of Fu Jen Catholic University in May 2013. Currently she is Associate Professor at the Department of Music of Fu Jen University and Taipei National University of the Arts.