女高音/耿立 Li Keng
耿立,旅義重抒情女高音,出生於台灣高雄,曾獲2018捷克德佛乍克國際聲樂比賽冠軍、最佳德佛乍克作品演唱獎、最佳巴洛克作品演唱獎及當屆比賽最佳歌手之殊榮。在2018年寧波國際聲樂大賽中脫穎而出拿下金奬。第三十一屆義大利Valsesia Musica 國際聲樂比賽第一名。在義大利極具指標性的 Concorso Internazionale Voci Verdiane 威爾第之聲國際聲樂賽事中得到第三名,也是當屆獲獎的唯一華人。 去年在義大利第23屆國際聲樂比賽 Spazio Musica 獲得第二名,以及葡萄牙里斯本 Sao Carlos 歌劇院、義大利熱那亞 Carlo Felice 歌劇院、義大利那坡里 San Carlo 歌劇院的面試機會。 耿立也在其他諸多國際聲樂比賽中獲得許多獎項。
從小在臺灣接受正統的古典音樂訓練,耿立在臺求學時期即開始參加許多聲樂比賽,成績亮眼。受任蓉教授的鼓勵和對歌劇的喜愛以及國際舞台的吸引,國立台灣師範大學音樂系畢業後隨及赴義大利考取羅馬音樂院聲樂科師從抒情女高音 Anna Maria Ferrante 女士學習。2013年也以滿分的成績畢業獲聲樂最高演奏文憑。2012年在學其間曾代表羅馬音樂院參加全義大利年度音樂學院的 Italia Premio dell’arte 聲樂比賽,並獲得第一名的殊榮,為校爭光,音樂學院院長 Edda Silvestri女士更在學校網站上發表祝賀信!畢業後師從男高音 Antonio Carangelo 先生。
2014年開啓了耿立歌劇演出的扉頁。在羅馬尼亞的首都布加勒斯特歌劇院得到演出機會,這次的演出機會對耿立而言意義非凡,布加勒斯特歌劇院在歐洲是重點歌劇院之一,並且演唱普契尼的著名歌劇蝴蝶夫人當中的女主角“秋秋桑”演出時觀眾給與許多支持和好評。耿立曾演出威爾第歌劇阿依達,擔任女主角、以及歌劇假面舞會,擔任女主角Amelia. 也曾演出莫札特歌劇唐喬望尼中的 Donna Elvira 以及費加洛婚禮中的伯爵夫人。曾與臺北愛樂合唱團在國家音樂廳演出威爾第安魂曲,擔任女高音獨唱。 也多次參與貝多分第九號合唱交響曲演出,擔任女高音獨唱。 此次回到她摯愛的台灣, 用她的專業和恩賜帶給人們享受,唱出祝福!
Born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan and now based in Italy, the full-lyric soprano Li Keng has been recognized with a number of awards including three awards of the 2018 International Antonin Dvorak Singing Competition in Czech Republic (the First Prize, the Best Dvorak Performance Award and the Best Baroque Music Performance Award); the gold medal of the 2018 Ningbo International Vocal Competition in China; the first prize of the 31st Valsesia Musica International Competition in Italy; the third place of the 2016 Concorso Internazionale Voci Verdiane in Italy and the only winner from Chinese-speaking countries of that year; the second place of the 23rd International Competition for Opera Singers Spazio Musica in Italy; and many other international vocal competitions. Her exceptional competence also won her audition opportunities at the Sao Carlos National Theatre in Lisbon, the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genova, and the theater of San Carlo opera house in Naples.
She received solid classical music training in Taiwan in her childhood and swept awards at vocal competitions during her school days. Inspired by Professor Rong Ren and her enthusiasm for opera and the international stage, after graduating from the Music Department of the National Taiwan Normal University, she studied at the Department of Vocal Studies of the Conservatorio Santa Cecilia in Roma under the lyric soprano Anna Maria Ferrante. In 2012, on behalf of the conservatory, she competed in the Italia Premio dell'arte, a vocal competition for conservatories in Italy, and brought home the honor and glory of the top award. The director of the Conservatory, Edda Silvestri, posted a letter of congratulations on the school website to celebrate her success. In 2013, she achieved the diploma in Performance with Distinction. After graduation, she studied with the tenor Antonio Carangelo.
2014 marked as the beginning of her professional career when she was offered the role of Cio-Cio San in Madama Butterfly in the Romanian National Opera of Bucharest. The opportunity to perform in one of the most important opera houses in Europe was significant for her and the audience also showered her with much support. Keng also played the title role of Aida and Amelia in Un ballo in maschera by Giuseppe Verdi; and Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni and the Countess in The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart. She served as the solo soprano in Verdi's Requiem with the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus in the National Concert Hall of Taiwan and in Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 "Choral." Now she is back to her beloved home country to bring joy and love to the audience with her heavenly voice.