男高音/王典 Fernando Wang
畢業於中國文化大學及國立盧森堡音樂院,1999年以第一名成績取得Chant及Art Lyric盧森堡音樂院兩項最高演唱文憑。
1998年7月,王典應邀至里斯本演唱Bizet “Vasco de Gama”,飾唱Alvar。同時應著名男高音多明哥(Placido Domingo)之邀,於他的萬人露天演唱會中同台演唱Verdi ”Macbeth”之二重唱,飾唱Malcolm一角,Domingo則飾Macduff。
王典其音色及音域之華美寬廣亦為少有。在辛永秀、Arrigo Pola、Giann franco Raimondi、Ionel Pantea、Camille Kerger、Edoardo Lanza等多位大師指導下,技巧更臻完備;曾獲得1994年香港亞洲聲樂大賽第四獎、1996年義大利Santa Margarita International Vocal Competition第一獎。王典尤擅長義大利美聲歌劇,如:多尼才悌 (Donizetti)《拉美摩的露琪亞》“Lucia di Lammermoor”、《聯隊之花》“La Fille du Régiment”、《愛情的靈藥》“L’elisir d’amore”,Bellini (貝利尼)《夢遊女》“LaSonnambula”、《清教徒》“I Puritani”等。王典遼闊明亮的音色、充滿生命力的演唱,使其對重抒情角色同樣勝任愉快。他於台灣、盧森堡演唱之《波希米亞人》“La Bohéme”、《蝴蝶夫人》“Madama Butterfly”、《弄臣》“Rigoletto”、《唐卡洛》“Don Carlo”、《浮士德》“Faust”皆獲得高度讚賞,令人留下深刻印象。在神劇演唱方面亦有耀眼成績,其溫暖而澄澈的音色加上完整的技巧及豐沛的涵養,使的他的《彌賽亞》“Messiah”、《以利亞》“Elijah”、《創世紀》“Die Schöpfung”皆呈現出優美而純正的風格且令人為之動容。其亦曾演唱多部清唱劇及彌撒曲,特別曾多次演唱異常艱難的Orff (奧福)《布蘭詩歌》“Carmina Burana”。
王典致力於德法藝術歌曲鑽研及美聲劇碼拓展,已於1999年底、2000年1月、5月於羅馬尼亞、匈牙利、盧森堡等國家演唱《唐喬望尼》“Don Giovanni”,飾Don Ottavio,《拉摩莫的的露奇雅》“Lucia di Lammermoor”飾Edgardo;2000年7月底於盧森堡Wilz國際音樂節主演Bernstein(伯恩斯坦) 《西城故事》“West Side Story”。王典旅居德國十餘年,任法蘭克福歌劇院專職團員;近年返國定居,目前任教於中國文化大學、國立海洋大學。
Wang graduated from Chinese Culture University and Luxembourg Conservatory of Music. In 1999, Wang also acquired highest degree in diplomas in singing of Chant and Art lyric categories from Luxembourg Conservatory of Music. In 1998, Wang was invited by Placido Domingo to sing the duet from Verdi’s Macbeth in his open-door concert. Wang has perfected his skill that won him many awards, among them are No.4 in 1994’s Hong Kong Asian Singing Competition, Laureate in 1996’s Santa Margarita International Vocal Competition, Italy, to name but a few. Wang specializes in Bel Canto operas, but he can take on parts by spinto tenors with ease as well. Wang has also proved himself to be an excellent oratorio singer with his warm timber, well-informed vocal technique, and rich cultural background by taking part in Messiah, Elijah and Die Schopfung, in which he sang with fascinating styles and delicacy. Wang has also sung in cantatas and masses including the difficult tenor part in Orff’s Carmina Burana.