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姓名: 林冠廷 Kuan-Ting Lin

鋼琴/林冠廷 Kuan-Ting Lin



他不僅榮獲台灣國家表演藝術中心-國家兩廳院«樂壇新秀» 頭銜、俄羅斯駐台代表處頒發«最佳音樂親善大使»頭銜、台灣教育部留學獎學金、薩爾茲堡「莫札特國際夏季學院」傑出表現特別獎,更在國際音樂競賽中贏得匈牙利«Ferenc Liszt»國際鋼琴大賽決選、羅馬尼亞«Carl Filtsch»國際鋼琴大賽第三名、保加利亞«Albert Roussel»國際鋼琴大賽第二名、聖彼得堡«邁向音樂大師之路»國際鋼琴大賽首獎、烏克蘭«Vladimir Viardo»國際鋼琴大賽第二名...等獎項。

2017年12月,冠廷發行了首張鋼琴CD專輯《鋼琴之王李斯特 - 12首超技練習曲》為台灣音樂史上首位發行這套高難度鋼琴作品的音樂家,他以卓越的琴技、撼人心弦的琴聲,完美地詮釋了李斯特富含絢麗高超技巧散發帕格尼尼光芒的曲目。

作為一個成功的鋼琴演奏家,近年林冠廷更將他的足跡擴展至歐、亞、美洲地區。於匈牙利李斯特音樂學院音樂大廳及Solti Hall、越南胡志明音樂院音樂大廳、美國沃斯堡Bass Performance Hall、聖彼得堡國家愛樂音樂大廳、台灣國家表演藝術中心-國家兩廳院、台灣屏東演藝廳、日本Sendai Cultural Center、俄羅斯Kirov愛樂音樂大廳、義大利The Hall Aula Magna、Sala dei Notar...,舉辦鋼琴獨奏會以及與國際著名交響樂團匈牙利廣播交響樂團、聖彼得堡愛樂交響樂團、保加利亞愛樂交響樂團、Kirov愛樂交響樂團、俄羅斯室內樂團…等合作演出,受到熱烈迴響與好評。

Pianist Lin Kuan-ting, a bright new star on Taiwan's stage of classical music, received the highest diploma -- Doctor of Musical Arts degree, major in Piano Performance -- from the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory in 2019. Kuan-ting demonstrated his great gift for music when he attended Kuan-ting Elementary School in Taipei, Taiwan and quickly attracted attention in the Russian music scene after he moved to Russia at the age of 14 to continue his music studies.

With his sharp appreciation of music and high degree of artistic creativity, Kuan Ting completed every course at the conservatories with the highest honors. The music that he plays fully demonstrates the virtuosity and meaning of the Russian school of music, and his repertoire covers styles encompassing classical music periods from the Baroque up to the recent times.

Kuan-ting was a recipient of the Young Stars of National Performing Arts Center, National Theater and Concert Hall in 2014. He also received an award in recognition of his artistic contributions toward the 2014 Mozarteum International Summer Academy in Salzburg, Austria, as well as scholarship from the Ministry of Education to study overseas. Kuan-ting was a participant in the 14th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in the United States in 2013.

In addition, the Representative Office in Taipei for the Moscow-Taipei Coordination Commission on Economic and Cultural Cooperation awarded him with a “Best Music Goodwill Ambassador” certificate of merit as a symbol of cultural exchange between Taiwan and Russia.

He has been awarded prizes in numerous competitions in Taiwan and overseas, including being as a finalist in the International «Liszt Ferenc» Piano Competition (Hungary 2016), winning 3rd prize in the International «Carl Filtsch» Piano Competition (Romania, 2015); 2nd prize in the International «Albert Roussel» Piano Competition (Bulgaria, 2014); 2nd prize (The 1st prize was not awarded) in the International Competition of Young Pianists «A Step Towards Mastery» (Saint Petersburg, 2011); 2nd prize in the International «Vladimir Viardo» Competition (Ukraine, 2009); and 1st prize in the International Piano Competition «Kawaii» for Young Musicians (Taiwan, 2004).

In 2017 Mr. Lin has released his debut solo album, which features Liszt’s “Études d'exécution transcendante”, S.139. 

Kuan-ting has established himself as a successful soloist, recitalist, and chamber musician. He has performed throughout Europe and Asia, appearing at venues such as the Grand Concert Hall and Solti Hall of Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music in Hungary; the Grand Concert Hall of Ho Chi Minh City Conservatory of Music in Vietnam; Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth, Texas; Mozarteum Grand Hall in Salzburg, Austria; Vyatskaya Philharmonia Hall in Russia; Malyi Hall and Rachmaninov Hall of Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory; the Grand Hall of Gnessin Russian Academy of Music; the National Theater and Concert Hall in Taiwan; the Pingdung Performing Arts Center in Taiwan; the Aula Magna Hall and Sala dei Notari Hall in Italy; and the Grand Hall of St. Petersburg Academic Philharmonic, which was named after D.D. Shostakovich.

Kuan-ting has had the honor of performing with prestigious orchestras including the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Bulgaria National Academy of Music’s Symphonic Orchestra, Russian Chamber Orchestra, Kirov Philharmonic Orchestra, and Parlarte Symphonic Orchestra in Italy.