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姓名: 莊東杰Tung-Chieh Chuang

莊東杰 Tung-Chieh Chuang莊東杰 | 指揮


『看到莊東杰的演出,我們立即了解為什麼頂尖的樂團需要一位指揮。』─ 法蘭克福匯報

『莊東杰對音色與架構驚人的掌控力,及收放自如的情感表現,帶給我們豐富的靈感。』─ 邦貝格法蘭克日報


旅美期間曾獲Curtis Institute of Music寇帝斯音樂院Edwin B. Garrigues全額獎學金,師從Richard Strauss學生Otto-Werner Mueller,2012年獲布加勒斯特國際指揮大賽銅牌,與喬治埃內斯庫愛樂於歐洲首次登台演出,隔年獲傳奇大師Kurt Masur欽點於紐約同台演出貝多芬交響曲。在台灣,莊東杰曾帶領台大交響樂團於台北車站演出台灣第一次的交響樂團「快閃」演出,深受喜愛。

2013年始旅居德國,6月由全球60國400餘位指揮中脫穎而出,奪馬勒國際指揮大賽二獎,即獲Edinburgh International Festival愛丁堡國際藝術節總監Jonathan Mills親自邀請於8月進駐藝術節,並獲NSO總監呂紹嘉邀請11月於國家音樂廳首次客席國家交響樂團,隔年更獲邀客席有「歐洲最佳室內樂團」之稱的布萊梅室內愛樂,深得好評。

來自音樂家庭:父親法國號、母親大提琴,莊東杰自幼學習鋼琴與法國號。2007年完成美國普渡大學(Purdue University - West Lafayette)統計學學士後,由廖年賦教授啟蒙學習指揮,並正式入學主修指揮,師事Mark Gibson、Gustav Meier、Otto-Werner Mueller、NicolásPasquet。


Tung-Chieh Chuang | Conductor


“In Tung-Chieh Chuang’s case, you see right away why even a top orchestra still needs a conductor at all.” - Frankfurter Allgemein

“Tung-Chieh Chuang’s remarkable command of musical tones and structures and whose rich palett of expressions have been a great inspiration throughout the competition.” - Fränkischer Tag

Prize winner at theGustav Mahler Competition Bamberg andthe Jeunesses Musicales Bucharest International Conducting Competition,Taiwan-born conductor Tung-Chieh Chuangdisplays musical talent at a young age. Born in a family of musicians, Mr. Chuang learned piano and horn and had his first concerto appearance at age of 11.

Since winning the prestigious Mahler Competition in 2013, Mr. Chuang has attracted worldwide attention and engagements. He has conducted Bamberger Symphoniker, Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bermen, Jenaer Philharmonie, Filarmonica George Enescu, Filarmonica de Stat Sibiu, Severočeské filharmonie Teplice, l'Orchestre de Besançon Montbéliard Franche-Comté, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra (Taiwan), Taipei Symphony Orchestra, among others.

In 2010,Mr. Chuang was the recipient of Edwin B. Garrigues fellowship at Curtis Institute of Music.During which he co-organized the Curtis JapanBenefit Concert in Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, where all proceeds were donated to Red Cross Japan for the 311 earthquake relief.In 2012, he organized the first-ever orchestra-flashmob performance in Taiwan, in which he led the National Taiwan University Symphony Orchestra as their principal conductor. In January 2013, Mr. Chuang was proudlyinvited to conduct in concert by Maestro Kurt Masur in New York.

Currently resides in Weimar, Germany, Mr. Chuang hold a statistics bachelor degree from Purdue University – West Lafayette. Since 2007, he changed course to pursue a conducting career, and his primary mentors include Mark Gibson, Gustav Meier, Otto-Werner Mueller, and Nicolás Pasquet.