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姓名: 張欽全 Chin-Chuan Chang
專長: 鋼琴


鋼琴家張欽全為多項國際鋼琴大賽得主,包括美國Los Angeles“Franz Liszt”國際鋼琴大賽首獎(Category. C,age17-32)及大會最佳練習曲獎,西班牙Barcelona“Ciudad de Manresa”國際鋼琴比賽第二名、西班牙Santander“Ataurfo Argenta”國際鋼琴比賽第二名、及義大利Salerno“Le Muse”國際鋼琴比賽第三名。自小以教育部資賦優異天才兒童名義赴西班牙馬德里皇家音樂學院就讀,取得音樂藝術鋼琴演奏博士後返國任教,目前為國立台北教育大學專任教授兼系主任,國立臺灣大學兼任教授及師大附中講座。
張欽全自小由其父親啟蒙鋼琴,隨後接受吳季札教授指導,獲台灣區音樂比賽兒童組及少年組全國第一名。14歲時考取西班牙馬德里皇家音樂學院並同時創下入學考最高分錄取紀錄。在西班牙留學期間跟隨鋼琴大師Alfred Cortot嫡傳弟子Fernando Puchol深造,並屢次於國際鋼琴比賽中得獎(Premio de Honor),其中包括Jaen“Marisa Montiel”國際鋼琴比賽及Barcelona“Maria Canals”國際青少年鋼琴比賽等獎項。並獲選參與由Fundacion“Juan March”基金會所主辦之“青年音樂家”系列於歐洲各城市巡迴演出。同時以最高成績(Sorpresariente)畢業於馬德里皇家音樂學院並獲特殊榮譽獎(Mencion de Honor)。
1990年獲美國紐約曼哈頓音樂學院獎學金赴美深造,跟隨Solomon Mikowsky教授及Donn-Alexander Feder教授門下,在紐約期間曾贏得曼哈頓音樂學院協奏曲比賽第一名及多項美國協奏曲比賽首獎,其中包括Manhattanville Symphony協奏曲比賽及Bergen Philharmonic協奏曲比賽。1993年取得碩士學位後,獲美國辛辛那堤大學音樂學院獎學金,跟隨鋼琴家William Black深造,並獲助教獎學金,攻讀音樂藝術博士(Doctor of Musical Arts)。
旅歐美十六年期間同時跟隨俄國鋼琴家Lev Vlazenco及奧地利鋼琴家Hans Graf學習。回台後演出活動頻繁,於國家音樂廳舉辦多場鋼琴獨奏會,並經常獲邀於歐美亞洲等地演出。2014年獲邀任教於法國Nice國際音樂營,2011至2016年獲邀任教於 ”BELLARTE-EMS” 法國巴黎師範音樂學院國際音樂營,2013年獲邀任教於馬約卡島蕭邦國際藝術節之鋼琴大師班, 2011年獲邀任教於西班牙第六屆 ”Ciudad de Orihuela” 國際音樂營及西班牙第四屆 ”Torrelodones” 國際音樂營,2009及2010年獲邀任教於NTSO國立台灣交響樂團青少年國際鋼琴營。2008年由原笙國際出版社出版《天使‧魔鬼‧李斯特》一書,2013年出版《唐吉訶德現象之西班牙鋼琴文藝復興》一書。

Chin-Chuan Chang|Piano

Pianist, Dr. Chin-Chuan Chang, is currently chairman of the music department at the National Taipei University of Education. He was the First prize winner of “Franz Liszt” International Piano Competition in Los Angeles in the Category C, age 17-32, and the Best Etude prize. During his studies in Europe, he was a prize winner in the  “Ciudad de Manresa” International Competition in Barcelona, Spain;  the “Le Muse” International Competition in Salerno, Italy, and the “Ataurfo Argenta” competition in Santander, Spain.
Dr. Chang began his piano studies with his father, and later he studied with Professor Francis Wu in Taiwan. As a child, he was selected as one of the student of the “gifted child program” of the Minister of Education from Taiwan to study at the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid in Spain. He was a prizewinner of the National Kawai piano competition, and also won First Prize at the National Taiwan piano competition in both the Children and Youth categories. When he was 14 years old, he entered the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid in Spain, there he studied with Professor Fernando Puchol. He was selected by the “Juan March” Foundation as one of the young pianists to tour Europe. Later he graduated from the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid in Spain with the highest honor.
In 1990, he was awarded a scholarship to study at the Manhattan School of Music in New York City, and there he studied with Professor Solomon Mikowsky and Professor Donn-Alexandre Feder. During his stay in New York, he won First Prize at the Manhattan School of Music Concerto Competition, as well as several other concertos competitions, including the Manhattanville Symphony Concerto Competition and the Bergen Philharmonic Concerto Competition. After he obtained his Master of Music degree in 1993 at Manhattan School of Music, he was awarded an assistantship and full scholarship at the College-Conservatory of Music in the University of Cincinnati, where he studied with Professor William Black.
In 2000, he obtained the degree of Doctor of Music Arts, and returned to Taiwan. He has performed as soloist with several orchestras, and performs extensively throughout Taiwan, China, other Asia countries and Europe, also conducts master classes all over the world, such as 2010-2016 “Paris International Summer Sessions” by The Fondation Bell’Arte in France, 2010 “Forum Internacional de Musica de Orihuela” in Spain and 2010 “Forum Internacional de Musica de Torrelodones” in Spain. Currently, not only he is a professor at the National Taipei  University of Education; he is also artist-in-resident with the Fortune Art Enterprise Agency. He has been interviewed several times by the Taipei Philharmonic Radio Station and  recorded several Public Broadcast TV programs.