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姓名: 陳珮琪 Pei-Chi Chen



陳珮琪 | 女中音


國內樂壇最活躍的次女高音陳珮琪,演唱經歷豐富,尤其以演唱華格納歌劇「尼貝龍指環」中的Erda一角,深獲國際樂評讚譽。擅長之演唱曲目多元而寬廣,經常與國內外交響樂團合作演出。畢業於東海大學音樂研究所,曾獲得台灣區音樂比賽第一名;「中山盃聲樂比賽」第一名;「世界華人聲樂比賽」第五名及新秀獎;國立中正文化中心「樂壇新秀」; 聲樂家協會「聲樂新秀」;台北愛樂文教基金會之「台灣樂壇新秀」。於國家交響樂團製作之歌劇中演出白遼士「浮士德的天譴」之Marguerite、威爾第「法斯塔夫」之Quickly夫人、莫札特「費加洛的婚禮」之Marcellina、華格納「尼貝龍指環」系列中「萊茵河黃金」之Fricka、Erda、「女武神」之Fricka、「齊格飛」之Erda,以及「諸神的黃昏」之1st Norn和Waltraut等。於台北市立交響樂團製作中擔任莫札特「魔笛」之第三侍女、胡柏定克「糖果屋」之巫婆、以及普契尼「強尼史基基」之Zita。

經常受邀於國內外音樂團體,擔任神劇及各式大型作品之獨唱家。曾受邀新加坡國家交響樂團,擔任楊納傑克「斯拉夫彌撒」之女低音獨唱,受邀香港聖樂團擔任羅西尼「聖母悼歌」之女低音獨唱。與國家交響樂團合作貝多芬「第九號交響曲」、巴哈「聖誕神劇」以及「聖母頌歌」、馬勒第二號交響曲「復活」、第三號交響曲以及第八號「千人」交響曲。與台北愛樂文教基金會合作之演出包括貝多芬「C大調彌撒曲」、羅西尼「小彌撒曲」。與普音文化合作愚溪作詞、王世光作曲之清唱劇「花嚴之歌」、以及唐建平作曲之清唱劇「白馬入蘆花」作品世界首演。與國立台灣交響樂團合作神劇「彌賽亞」以及貝多芬「合唱交響曲」 。


Pei-Chi Chen | Mezzo-Soprano


Chen was the first prizewinner of Taiwan National Voice Competition in 1996, and the winner of Arising Stars Vocal Competition in Taiwan in 2000. She won the 5th. Prize of Mondial Chinese Vocalist Concours in 2001.

As a most active singer in Taiwan, she appeared nearly in every important opera productions in Taiwan in recent years.  From 2002 to 2006, in National Symphony Orchestra’s (NSO) opera productions, she has sang the role of Marguerite in Berlioz’s “La Damnation de Faust”, Miss Quickly in Verdi’s “Falstaff” , Marcellina in Mozart’s “ Le Nozze di Figaro”, Fricka and Erda in “Rheingold”, Fricka in “Die Walküre”, Erda in “Siegfried”, Waltraute and first Norn in “Götterdämmerung” of Wagner’s “Der Ring des Nibelungen”.  From 2006 to 2008, in Taipei Symphony Orchestra’s productions, she sang 3rd Dame in Mozart’s “Die Zauberflöte”, Hexe in Humperdinck’s “Hänsel und Gretel”, and Zita in Puccini’s “Gianni Schicchi”.  She also sang Maman and Le fauteuil in Ravel’s “Les enfant et les sortilèges”

She has also appeared as Mezzo-Soprano soloists at Händel’s Messiah, Vivaldi’s “Gloria”, Bach’s “Christmas Oratorio”and “Magnificat”, Haydn’s “Paukenmesse”, Mozart’s “Requiem” and  “Krönung Mass ”, Beethoven’s “9th Symphony” and “C major Mass” , Rossini’s “Stabat Mater” and “Petite messe solennelle”, Faure’s “Requiem”, Bruckner’s “Reduiem” and “Te Deum”, Janácek’s “Glagolitic Mass”, Pinkham’s “Christmas Cantata” , Mahler’s Symphony No. 2, No. 3 and No. 8, and Samuel Adler’s “Choose Life”.  She was the world premier soloists in contemporary works of Chinese composer Shi-Guang Wang’s cantata,“The Song of Ten Thousand Flowers” and Chien-Pin Tang’s canta “Untitled 48+1”.