諏訪內晶子 | 小提琴
「身材高挑的小提琴家諏訪內晶子,於舞台上一展大將之風,氣勢驚人,弓即落弦,深沉緊湊:底蘊渾厚、令人耳目一新,節奏快步而不失嚴謹。」- 《時代雜誌》
諏訪內晶子為「柴可夫斯基國際音樂比賽」舉辦歷年來,最年輕的冠軍音樂家,以專業音樂家之姿,享負國際盛名,常於歐洲、北美、亞洲各主要城市的演奏會與獨奏會上演出。近期之演出,包括與指揮家索基耶夫(Tugan Sokhiev)的愛樂樂團合作進行演奏會,以及與指揮家沙隆年(Esa-Pekka Salonen)、德國班堡交響樂團、皇家斯德哥爾摩愛樂管弦樂團、日本NHK交響樂團共同巡迴日本演出,最近更與比利時國立管弦樂團(由包列伊科指揮,Andrey Boreyko)、倫敦交響樂團(由葛濟夫指揮,Valery Gergiev)、法國土魯斯市國立管弦樂團(由索基耶夫指揮)、捷克愛樂管弦樂團(由克勞斯·彼得·弗洛指揮,Claus Peter Flor)、巴黎交響樂團(由帕佛賈維指揮,Paavo Järvi)等樂團巡迴演出。合作演出的指揮家包括阿胥肯納吉(Vladimir Ashkenazy)、戴維斯(Andrew Davis)、馬捷爾(Lorin Maazel)、羅伯森(David Robertson)、瑪爾姬(Susanna Mälkki)、尼姆賈維(Neeme Järvi)、歐拉莫(Sakari Oramo),以及小澤征爾(Seiji Ozawa)。
本樂季的演出重點,包括與由佩特連科(Vasily Petrenko)指揮的奧斯陸愛樂樂團進行演奏會,接著將與BBC愛樂樂團、德國廣播愛樂、丹麥國家交響樂團、納瓦拉交響樂團等樂團一同於日本巡演。其他的日本巡演活動,包括與由尤拉瓦庫(Juraj Valčuha)指揮的NHK交響樂團、由聶澤賽金(Yannick Nézet-Séguin)指揮的費城管弦樂團合作。2014/15樂季,預計將與由帕帕諾(Sir Antonio Pappano)指揮的羅馬國立聖西西里亞學院管弦樂團,以及由帕佛賈維(Paavo Järvi)指揮的布萊梅德意志室內愛樂管弦樂團,共同巡演日本。
2013年,諏訪內推動「日本國際音樂節」(International Music Festival NIPPON),並擔任藝術總監一職。第一屆音樂節中,諏訪內與愛樂樂團攜手演出沙隆年的小提琴協奏曲 (為日本與亞洲首演),音樂節表演內容亦包括安斯涅(Leif Ove Andsnes)獨奏會、維士比偉(Pieter Wispelwey)與江口玲(Akira Eguchi)的室內音樂會、大師課程,以及為東日本大地震桃柿孤兒基金所舉辦的慈善音樂會。本樂季的音樂節於2014年3月舉辦,期間諏訪內全球首演唐蓋(Eric Tanguy)的新作品,音樂節內容亦包含仙台愛樂樂團的慈善音樂會與大師課程。下一屆的音樂節預期將於2014年12月擴大舉辦。
諏訪內的演奏曲目非常廣泛,從巴哈至當代作曲家皆是她的演奏範圍。諏訪內於瑞士琉森音樂節時,與由布列茲(Pierre Boulez)指揮的瑞士琉森節慶學院管弦樂團進行艾爾佛斯(Peter Eötvös)小提琴協奏曲的世界首演,後來諏訪內與戈登堡交響樂團合作表演本首協奏曲,這個版本的現場錄音將於2013年由BMC唱片公司推出。諏訪內與環球唱片合作的音樂作品為數眾多,廣受樂評讚賞。最新獨奏專輯《情感》(Emotion)特別邀請鋼琴家戈朗(Itamar Golan)跨刀合作。
諏訪內獲獎無數,包括義大利國際帕格尼尼大賽、國際日本大賽、比利時伊莉莎白皇后國際大賽等獎座。她先於桐朋音樂學校就讀,師從江藤俊哉(Toshiya Eto),接著先後進入哥倫比亞大學與紐約茱莉亞音樂學院,接受迪蕾(Dorothy DeLay)與林昭亮的音樂訓練,並於柏林藝術學院拜師海伯格(Uwe-Martin Haiberg)門下。諏訪內目前居住於巴黎。
諏訪內晶子使用的小提琴為史特拉第瓦里(Antonio Stradivarius)的1714年名琴「海豚」(Dolphin),為全球最著名的小提琴之一,之前屬於知名小提琴家海飛茲(Jascha Heifetz)所有,後來轉手歸於日本音樂基金會,該基金會特別出借給諏訪內晶子使用。
Akiko Suwanai | Violin
“Akiko Suwanai, a tall, imposing violinist of striking stage presence, raised her bow for a sombre, intense descent of notes at the start: this was big-boned, noble playing, with its rhythmic life taut and rigorous."- The Times
The youngest ever winner of the International Tchaikovsky Competition, Akiko Suwanai enjoys a prestigious international career performing in concerts and recitals in major cities in Europe, North America and Asia. Recent performances have included concerts with the Philharmonia Orchestra with Tugan Sokhiev, followed by a tour of Japan with Esa-Pekka Salonen, Bamberger Symphoniker, Royal Stockholm Philharmonic and NHK Symphony orchestras. She recently toured with the Orchestre National de Belgique (Andrey Boreyko), London Symphony Orchestra (Valery Gergiev), Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse (Tugan Sokhiev), Czech Philharmonic Orchestra (Claus Peter Flor), and Orchestre de Paris (with Paavo Järvi). Conductor collaborations include performances with Vladimir Ashkenazy, Andrew Davis, Lorin Maazel, David Robertson, Susanna Mälkki, Neeme Järvi, Sakari Oramo and Seiji Ozawa.
This season’s highlights include a concert with the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra with Vasily Petrenko followed by a tour of Japan, BBC Philharmonic, and the Deutsche Radiophilharmonie, Danish National Symphony and Navarra Symphony orchestras. Other Japanese tours include a tour with the NHK Symphony Orchestra with Juraj Valčuha and The Philadelphia Orchestra with Yannick Nézet-Séguin. In 2014/15 season, she is scheduled to tour Japan with Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia with Sir Antonio Pappano and Die Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen with Paavo Järvi.
In 2013, Suwanai launched the 'International Music Festival NIPPON', and took up the role of its Artistic Director. The first edition of this festival included her performance of Salonen’s Violin Concerto (Japanese and Asian premiere) with the Philharmonia Orchestra, recitals with Leif Ove Andsnes, and chamber music concerts with Pieter Wispelwey and Akira Eguchi, masterclasses as well as charity concerts for Momokai Orphans Fund of the Great East Japan Earthquake. This season’s Festival, in March 2014, sees her give the world premiere of a new work by Eric Tanguy, as well as charity concerts with the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra and masterclasses. Suwanai is planning a larger-scale edition of the Festival for December 2014.
Suwanai has a broad repertoire ranging from Bach to contemporary composers. Suwanai gave the world premiere of Peter Eötvös' violin concerto Seven at the Lucerne Festival with the Lucerne Festival Academy Orchestra under the baton of Pierre Boulez. The live recording of this piece with the Gothenburg Symphony will be released by BMC Records in 2013. Suwanai’s extensive discography with Universal Music has garnered much critical acclaim. Her most recent release is a recital disc entitled 'Emotion' with pianist Itamar Golan.
Akiko Suwanai has won numerous prizes and awards including the International Paganini Competition in Italy, the International Japan Competition and the Queen Elisabeth International Competition in Belgium. She studied at the Toho Gakuen School of Music with Toshiya Eto, at Columbia University and the Juilliard School of Music with Dorothy DeLay and Cho-Liang Lin, and also at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin with Uwe-Martin Haiberg. She now lives in Paris.
Akiko Suwanai performs on the Antonio Stradivarius 1714 violin ‘Dolphin’, one of the most famous violins known today and previously owned by the celebrated violinist Jascha Heifetz, kindly loaned to her by the Nippon Music Foundation.