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姓名: 呂佾庭 Yi-Ting Lu
專長: 作曲


呂佾庭,1993年生於臺中。畢業於曉明女中音樂班,始隨黃婉真老師修習理論與作曲。2011年進入國立臺北藝術大學,師事楊聰賢教授。2015年取得音樂學士後赴美國於曼哈頓音樂學院研究所(Manhattan School of Music)取得作曲碩士,師從Dr. Reiko Fueting以及Prof. Susan Botti。
2015年舉辦個人作品發表會,2017年獲得The Carl Kanter Award貳獎。近年來參與許多音樂節及大師班,並受過Beat Furrer, Mark Andre, Rebecca Saunders, Eivind Buene and Josh Levine等作曲家指導。

Yi-Ting Lu

Yi-Ting Lu is a composer born in Taiwan in1993. She studied composition with Dr. Yang Tsung-Hsien at Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA) for her undergraduate degree and completed her Master’s degree at Manhattan School of Music (MSM), where she studied with Dr. Reiko Fueting and Prof. Susan Botti.
She has been constantly searching for expressions in multiple times and spaces, collaborating with different art mediums including animation, new media, dancing, poetry, and paintings. In 2017, she received the second prize of The Carl Kanter Award. For the past few years, she has participated in various concerts, festivals and has attended master classes with several prominent composers such as Beat Furrer, Mark Andre, Rebecca Saunders, Eivind Buene and Josh Levine.


「玫瑰追憶」(Rosy Retrospection)是一個心理學上的詞,當人們在回想過往經歷時,往往記得正面多於負面,又或美化記憶,想像著比實際情況還理想的過去。儘管有設想美好回憶的心理,但當遇見相質性的人事物發生,被一時遺忘的陰影面便會被觸及。
以影子作為結構隱藏於樂曲背後, 暗示美好表面下存在的實質狀態;以不間斷的漸強和於空間流動的細碎聲響,掀起細微玫瑰色幻覺的漣漪,藉此展現在瞬息萬變中被選擇性遺忘的片段。

Rosy Retrospection

“Rosy Retrospection” is a psychological phenomenon, a tendency to remember the positive aspects of past experiences more vividly than the negative aspects.
Despite the predisposition to view aspects of the past as more positive than they are, sometimes shadows from the past can cause human beings to remember negative things that they may have once forgotten. The shadow like structure applied in this piece illustrates the relationship between shadows and light, creating a subtle rosy illusion with not so “rosy” reflections.