Violin: Wen Qian
錢汶(美國紐約大都會歌劇院樂團副首席與紐約 Mannes 音樂院小提琴教授)
現任紐約大都會歌劇院樂團副首席的錢汶女士, 在2004年紐約卡內基音樂廳的獨奏會被國際權威音樂雜誌 《STRAD》稱之為“罕見的振奮” 及“如此的迷人”。評論家Dennis Rooney感嘆道:“對作品如此深刻的理解和這樣感人的演奏會現在為什麼如此之少”. 被譽為當代帕格尼尼的小提琴大師魯吉埃羅·里奇(Ruggiero Ricci)在他的大師班對她的評價是:“你有超人的音樂感覺,演奏富有個性和生命活力,使人沈浸在你的音樂之中。”
錢汶女士開始擔任樂隊首席是在1994年俄國著名指揮家捷捷耶夫(Valery Gergiev)的領導下擔任「天方夜譚」的獨奏,她的膽識和完美的演奏,受到德國聽眾的稱贊和喜愛,並受到總統赫爾佐克的接見和贊賞。1996年11月隨德國赫爾佐克總統訪問中國的德國萬國交響樂團在中國演出,特邀錢汶擔任樂團首席。錢汶1997年考入大都會歌劇院第一小提琴並受到提升, 自2001年起, 錢汶不斷的擔任該團的代副首席, 並經常兼任首席的職位,領導過很多的歌劇。 2007年,錢汶受到著名指揮家葉詠詩女士的邀請,擔任香港小交響樂團的首席。2016,2017被邀擔任深圳交響樂團和天津樂團客席首席。
以獨奏家身份,錢汶女士合作過的樂隊包括:美國長島南岸交響樂團,美國長灘交響樂團,纽约中心樂團, 北京交響樂團,廣州交響樂團,中央樂團,德國Schleswig-Holstein音樂節樂團,大都會歌劇院小樂團等等。 錢汶女士出現在很多室內音樂節上,如Marlboro, Tanglewood,Sarasota,Talis in Switzerland, 林肯中心室內樂協會音樂會等,同很多世界著名的音樂家合作。例如列文(James Levine)、鋼琴家內田光子(Mitsuko Uchita),中提琴家今井信子(Nobuko Imai),鋼琴家 Andras Schiff, 茱莉亞四重奏以及Guaneri 四重奏的成員。
錢汶女士現任紐約曼尼斯(Mannes)音樂學院小提琴教授, 她並從2000年開始就在該學院教授小提琴樂隊課。她經常被邀請到美國邁阿密新世界交響樂團,紐約青年交響樂團,北京中央音樂學院,上海音樂學院,紐約大學,及其台灣藝術院校大師班講課。她積極參與為提昇交響樂團弦樂演奏質量的工作,擔任包括2019年NYO China的藝術導師,為100多位中國頂尖年輕音樂家集訓,獲得普遍贊譽。 她的許多學生成功考上樂團,並活躍在各國的音樂舞台上, 包括大都會歌劇院、紐約愛樂、 底特律交響樂團、 克利夫蘭交響樂團等等。
錢汶出生在北京的一個音樂世家,外公黃源澧是中央音樂學院附中(原國立音樂學院幼年班)的創始人,也是第一任校長。自小隨母黃遠渝學習鋼琴,隨舅舅黃遠浦學習小提琴,後考入中央音樂學院附中從師於陳毓鑄導師,畢業後獲全額獎學金赴美深造從師於著名室內樂鼻祖,來自維也納的Felix Galimir。
錢汶女士曾被聘為曼尼斯音樂學院董事會顧問,William Lincer 基金會副會長和紐約州立藝術委員會委員。 她擁有小提琴是Turin的Enrico Melegari在1876年製作的, 被Strad雜誌評論道: 「她演奏的是一把1876年由義大利都靈制琴家馬拉戞瑞製作, 有著明亮的高音部分和很不尋常而漂亮的低音,有時讓人感覺彷彿有著中提琴的音色。」
Ms. Wen Qian was hailed by China Daily as “one of China’s most promising young violinists” and in a 2004 Strad magazine review titled “Rare Thrill” featuring Wen Qian after her Carnegie Hall recital, music critic Dennis Rooney commented “ it was performed with enough insight and panache to thrill a listener while at the same time raising the question of why such result are so rarely achieved. "
As a first violinist with the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra since 1997 and having served numerous years as the acting Assistant Concertmaster since 2001, Ms. Qian has also enjoyed an active career as a soloist, chamber musician and educator throughout China, America and Europe.
The orchestras she has performed with as soloist include the Central Philharmonic of China, Schleswig-Holstein Festival Orchestra, Beijing Symphony, Shanghai Symphony, Guangzhou Symphony, Long Beach Symphony, the Met Orchestra Ensemble and the Mannes Orchestra. She served as the concertmaster at the Schleswig-Holstein Festival Orchestra under Valery Gergiev, her solos in “Scheherezade” had brought her to critical acclaim. The review wrote: “whose tenderness was as much musically correct as it was sensual; as much technically perfect as it was expressive, Wen Qian, the young concertmistress demonstrated a true sensibility and self-confidence.” Over the years she has been invited to be a guest concertmaster with the Philharmonia of the Nation, Germany, Jupiter Symphony of New York, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Tianjin Symphony Orchestra and Shenzhen Symphony.
As a chamber musician, she has performed in music festivals and concert series including the Marlboro, Tanglewood, Sarasota, and the Met Chamber Music series at Carnegie Hall as well as the Young Concert Artist Series presented by the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center. She has collaborated with numerous world renowned musicians including Andras Schiff, Mitsuko Uchita, Leslie Parnas, Nobuko Imai, and the members of the Beaux Arts Trio, Guarneri Quartet and Juilliard Quartet.
In addition to her busy schedule as a performer, she is also enjoying an active teaching career. She has given a series of popular lectures on “Orchestral Auditions” and Master Classes at the Mannes College of Music, where she has served as a faculty member since 2000 and she has recently join the Violin Faculty. The demands for Ms. Qian's teaching has included Master Classes and coaching at the New World Symphony in Miami, New York Youth Symphony, NYU, the Central Conservatory of Beijing, Shanghai Conservatory and several other conservatories within China, Taiwan and United States.
Ms. Qian studied with Felix Galimir at the Mannes College of Music in New York City where she obtained her Bachelor and Master of Music degrees as well as her Professional Studies Diploma, she was awarded the highest honor of the Excellence in Performance Award upon graduation. Ms. Qian had served as the vice president of the William Lincer Foundation, and been on the panel of the New York State Council of the Arts, and had also been a member of the Mannes College advisory board.