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姓名: 盧易之 Yi-Chih Lu

盧易之 Yi-Chih Lu







金曲獎傳統暨藝術音樂類最佳演奏獎得主—盧易之,於繁忙的演出行程外,至今已灌錄十張鋼琴獨奏專輯,演出布拉姆斯、蕭邦、臺灣作曲家洪綺蓮、陳泗治、德國作曲家貝姆(Adolph Kurt Böhm)作品以及由臺灣民謠改編之鋼琴獨奏曲,其中《貝姆鋼琴作品集》獲德國法蘭克郵報(Franken Post)及巴伐利亞古典音樂電臺(Bayern 4 Klassik)極高評價,《我的蕭邦;我的布拉姆斯》更獲得金曲獎的肯定。熱衷於音樂編寫,盧易之喜將臺灣民謠、通俗歌曲、協奏曲目改編為鋼琴獨奏曲,並已出版樂譜共四冊,是臺灣極少數集精湛琴藝、音樂創意與編曲功力於一身的鋼琴演奏家。

早于2006年留學維也納期間獲得季弗拉基金會頒給的特殊榮耀—『季弗拉大獎』,自學生時代即于多項國際賽事中脫穎而出,世界各地的邀演因此接踵而來,盧易之的海外演出足跡已遍及奧、德、義、荷、羅馬尼亞、斯洛伐克、美、加、日,並于維也納金廳、柏林愛樂廳及薩爾斯堡、司徒加特、慕尼克…等四十餘個城市的重要音樂廳演出,歷年合作樂團包括:奧地利國家廣播電臺交響樂團、維也納太平洋室內樂團、柏林古典樂手樂團、羅馬尼亞阿拉德愛樂、日本仙台愛樂、臺灣愛樂、臺北市立交響樂團、長榮交響樂團…等,於現當代音樂及室內樂領域亦有傑出的表現,2016年於美國西岸巡迴演出時,美國華盛頓州金縣(King County)特別將該年的7月9日訂為「盧易之日」。


Yi-Chih Lu, one of the most brilliant rising stars among the young generation of Taiwanese pianists, is the winner of Maria Canals, Sendai, Hummel and other ten piano competitions. His CD “My Chopin; My Brahms” has been awarded the Gold Melody Award for the “Best Interpreter of Classical Music". 2016 summer, while LU is touring at the west coast of America, Washington State King County announced the 9th July 2016 as “Yi-Chih Lu Day”, to recognize his achievement in piano performance.

He has been invited to give piano recitals in America, Europe and Asia, at such important venues as Musikverein in Vienna, Berlin Philharmoie, National Concert Hall in Taipei, and has appeared as soloist with important orchestras including Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna, Buxthehude Jugend Orchester, BerlinClassicPlayers, Sendai Philharmonic, Sendai City Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Metropolitan Orchestra, Taiwan Philharmonic (NSO), Taipei Century Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, Sun Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Philharmonic Youth Symphony Orchestra, and Arad Philharmonic, among others.

Born in Taiwan, Mr. Lu started the piano at the age of five and during his formative years he studied with Klaus Hellwig at the University of the Arts Berlin (Konzertexamen). In 2006, he received his Master Degree from the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna, and the Vienna Cziffra Foundation awarded him the "Cziffra Prize", in recognition of his outstanding performance of G. Cziffra's Compositions. 

He is now holding adjunct assistant professorships at National Taiwan Normal University, National Taiwan University of Arts and Chinese Culture University.

備註: 2021/22