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姓名: 曾宇謙 Yu-Chien Tseng

©Philip Van Ootegem

曾宇謙 Yu-Chien Tseng

1994年出生於臺北,5歲開始學琴,6歲即受邀與臺北市立交響樂團合作演出協奏曲。9歲榮獲三個全國性小提琴比賽第一名,11歲時首次參加國際性比賽,即以最小年紀榮獲曼紐因國際小提琴比賽青少年組第三名,並獲頒奇美獎學金特別獎。在臺灣時受教於林柏山老師、沈英良老師、李宜錦老師、陳沁紅老師,2008年進入著名的美國寇蒂斯音樂院,師事Ida Kavafian、Aaron Rosand。

宇謙在美期間,繼續藉由比賽來磨練自己,屢創佳績,在歷次比賽中皆以最年輕入選並獲得獎項,包含:2009西班牙薩拉沙泰國際小提琴比賽第一名及最佳演奏獎;2011韓國尹伊桑國際小提琴比賽第一名及最佳詮釋獎;2012比利時伊莉莎白國際小提琴比賽第五名及觀眾票選第一名,隨即被比利時知名唱片公司 Fuga Libera 網羅,錄製首張個人專輯,並於40餘國家同時發行;2015新加坡第一屆國際小提琴比賽第一名,並將與Naxso唱片公司合作錄製協奏曲專輯;同年於第15屆柴可夫斯基音樂比賽中榮獲小提琴組最高獎項銀牌。除了比賽之外也積極參加各種演出,曾合作過的樂團有:國家交響樂團、臺北市立交響樂團、臺灣弦樂團、美國費城管弦樂團、西班牙納瓦拉交響樂團、比利時國家交響樂團、比利時瓦隆尼亞皇家室內樂團、新加坡交響樂團、俄國國家交響樂團、馬林斯基劇院樂團等,並受邀多場獨奏會的演出。未來仍陸續在全世界有多場獨奏會和與樂團合作的演出,及新的專輯錄音計畫。



The exceptional violinist Yu-Chien Tseng has already set more than his share of records in his young life, triumphing in International Competitions as the youngest participant over and over again.  After winning Third Prize in the junior division of the Menuhin Competition at the age of just eleven, he went on to win First Prize of the Sarasate Competition and take the special prize for the best performances of Sarasate’s works as the youngest competitor at age fifteen in 2009. In 2011 he won the First Prize in the Isang Yun International Violin Competition in Korea, taking the prize for the best interpretation prize of works by Isang Yun. In 2012 Mr. Tseng was the Fifth Laureate and won the Audience Prize at the Queen Elisabeth Competition in Belgium. In 2015 he took the first prize in the inaugural Singapore international competition. Most recently, he won the top prize (Silver medal) in the 15th International Tchaikovsky Competition in Russia.

Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Mr. Tseng began to play the violin at age five.  By the age of six, he had already performed with the Taipei Symphony Orchestra.  In his native Taiwan, he studied with Po-Shan Lin, Ying-Liang Shen, I-Ching Li and Professor C. Nanette Chen.  At the age of thirteen, he gained admittance to the renowned Curtis Institute, where he studied with Professor Ida Kavafian and now with Professor Aaron Rosand.

Yu-Chien is already developing a promising career as a soloist. He has played with orchestras including the Philadelphia Orchestra, Mariinsky Theatre Symphony Orchestra, Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, the National Symphony Orchestra of Belgium, the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan, the Orquesta Sinfónica de Navarra, and the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, and among others. He has also performed in recital extensively in the US, Europe and Asia, to consistently high acclaim. In the future, he will perform with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Osaka Symphony Orchestera etc. His first recording, a disc of all French music, was released internationally. The second recording was all Sarasate pieces and the third recording will be recorded in 2016.