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姓名: 寧峰Feng Ning(18/19)

©Lawrence Tsang

寧峰 Feng Ning


寧峰近年的重要演出包括2016年與指揮大師伊凡·費舍爾領銜的布達佩斯節日管弦樂團進行中國巡演並擔任迪蒂耶小提琴協奏曲《夢想之樹》的獨奏。2017年初甯峰與指揮大師梵志登領銜的香港管弦樂團進行了亞太巡演,履及城市包括新加坡、首爾、大阪、悉尼和墨爾本,這也是繼2015年備受好評的歐洲巡演之後寧峰再度攜手梵志登和香港管弦樂團進行巡演。此外他也完成了與洛杉磯愛樂樂團、法蘭克福廣播交響樂團以及英國皇家愛樂樂團的首次合作。他經常與著名鋼琴家Igor Levit合作舉行獨奏音樂會,也同許多其他著名演奏家合作在歐洲和美國進行室內樂演出,其中包括基辛根夏季音樂節、海德堡、莫里茨堡、梅克倫堡-前波莫瑞州、舒伯特音樂節、拉霍亞音樂協會等。

在2017-2018音樂季寧峰將首次與伯明罕市立交響樂團合作演奏布魯赫《蘇格蘭幻想曲》和勃拉姆斯小提琴協奏曲,音樂會將由樂團總監Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla執棒。他也將首次同John Wilson指揮的BBC蘇格蘭交響樂團合作演奏演奏伯恩斯坦為小提琴與樂隊而作的《小夜曲》,以及與Slobodeniouk指揮的新澤西交響樂團合作,此外他還再次受邀同Giancarlo Guerrero指揮的畢爾巴鄂交響樂團合作演出。在中國,寧峰將在這個音樂季與Michael Stern指揮的中國愛樂樂團、余隆指揮的廣州交響樂團和香港管弦樂團合作。在室內樂領域,寧峰將與Igor Levit和Daniel Müller-Schott組成三重奏,先後在倫敦威格莫音樂廳、舒伯特音樂節演奏舒伯特的鋼琴三重奏作品,同時他也將同Nicholas Angelich和 Edgar Moreau合作在琉森上演兩場舒伯特作品音樂會。他還將在香港飛躍演奏的十周年慶典音樂會中登臺。

荷蘭Channel Classics唱片公司為甯峰錄製發行過多張唱片,最新的一張專輯是2016年3月發行的《熱情》,在這張唱片中他與洛森·米蘭諾夫指揮的阿斯圖裡亞交響樂團合作,演繹了薩拉薩蒂、拉羅、拉威爾以及瓦克斯曼等作曲家的作品。2017-2018音樂季荷蘭Channel Classics唱片公司將為甯峰發行兩張新的唱片,分別是巴赫無伴奏小提琴奏鳴曲與帕蒂塔全集,以及他與Carlos Miguel Prieto指揮的皇家利物浦愛樂樂團合作錄製的埃爾加和芬濟的小提琴協奏曲,這也將使他成為第一位錄製巴赫無伴奏小提琴奏鳴曲與帕蒂塔全集這部偉大作品的華人小提琴家。

甯峰出生于中國成都,曾就讀於四川音樂學院,並在柏林漢斯·艾斯勒音樂學院和英國皇家音樂學院追隨Antje Weithaas和胡坤深造,寧峰是英國皇家音樂學院近兩百年歷史上首位在畢業獨奏音樂會上拿到滿分的學生。寧峰多次在國際舞臺上獲獎,包括漢諾威國際小提琴比賽、伊莉莎白女皇國際小提琴比賽和耶胡迪•梅紐因國際小提琴比賽等重要賽事。在2005年邁克•希爾國際小提琴比賽(紐西蘭)中寧峰獲得第一名,在2006年,寧峰在帕格尼尼國際小提琴比賽這項小提琴領域的最高賽事中獲得了冠軍。

寧峰演奏使用的是一把由飛躍演奏香港有限公司(Premiere Performances of Hong Kong)提供的1721年斯特拉迪瓦裡小提琴 “麥克米蘭”。寧峰使用的琴弦由維也納Thomastik-Infeld工作室製作。

Established at the highest level in China, Ning Feng performs regularly in his native country with major international and local orchestras, in recital and with the Dragon Quartet which he founded in 2012. Now based in Berlin and enjoying a global career, Ning Feng has developed a reputation internationally as an artist of great lyricism and emotional transparency, displaying tremendous bravura and awe-inspiring technical accomplishment.

Recent successes for Ning Feng have included a return to Budapest Festival Orchestra with Iván Fischer in Budapest and on tour to China performing Dutilleux L'arbre des songes, and on tour with Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and van Zweden which included performances in Singapore, Seoul, Osaka, Sydney and Melbourne, following his critically-acclaimed European tour with the orchestra in 2015, as well as successful debuts with Los Angeles Philharmonic, Frankfurt Radio Symphony and Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. In recital and chamber music he performs regularly with Igor Levit, amongst others, in many of the major festivals in Germany and elsewhere, including Kissinger Sommer, Heidelberg, Moritzburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schubertiade and La Jolla Music Society (California).

Highlights of Ning’s 2017/18 season include debuts with City of Birmingham Symphony with Gražinytė-Tyla playing Bruch Scottish Fantasy and Brahms Violin Concerto, with Royal Scottish National Orchestra performing Korngold, with BBC Scottish Symphony performing Bernstein’s Serenade with John Wilson and with New Jersey Symphony/Slobodeniouk. Ning also returns to Bilbao Symphony Orchestra with Giancarlo Guerrero, China Philharmonic with Michael Stern, and Guangzhou Symphony and Hong Kong Philharmonic, both under the baton of Long Yu. Chamber music highlights include returns to Wigmore Hall and Schubertiade to perform the Schubert Piano Trios with Igor Levit and Daniel Müller-Schott, and two all-Schubert programmes with Nicholas Angelich and Edgar Moreau in Lucerne, as well as his debut at Moritzburg Festival and a performance at Premiere Performances Hong Kong’s 10th anniversary gala concert.

Ning Feng records for Channel Classics in the Netherlands and his latest disc, Apasionado, with Orchestra Sinfónica del Principado de Asturias and Rossen Milanov, features works by Sarasate, Lalo, Ravel and Bizet/Waxman and was released in March 2016. Two further discs are due for release in the 2017/18 season: Bach’s complete solo works for violin - the first recording by a Chinese violinist - and the Elgar and Finzi Violin Concertos with Royal Liverpool Philharmonic conducted by Carlos Miguel Prieto.

Born in Chengdu, China, Ning Feng studied at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, the Hanns Eisler School of Music (Berlin) with Antje Weithaas and the Royal Academy of Music (London) with Hu Kun, where he was the first student ever to be awarded 100% for his final recital. The recipient of prizes at the Hanover International, Queen Elisabeth and Yehudi Menuhin International violin competitions, Ning Feng was First Prize winner of the 2005 Michael Hill International Violin Competition (New Zealand), and in 2006 won first prize in the International Paganini Competition.

Ning Feng plays a 1721 Stradivari violin, known as the ‘MacMillan’, on private loan, kindly arranged by Premiere Performances of Hong Kong, and plays on strings by Thomastik-Infeld, Vienna.