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姓名: 王之筠 Chih-Yun Wang
專長: 作曲



Chih-Yun Wang

Chih-Yun Wang(b. Taiwan 1995) began with piano lessons at the age of four. She then studied composition from the second years in junior high school with Teacher I-Chen Tsai and obtained her BA in composition from the Taipei National University of Art (TNUA) between 2013 and 2017 under the direction of Professor Ching-Mei Lin.
Her music has been performed at many events. Her outstanding achievements included (1) 1st Prize, Student Music Composition Contest in Taichung City in 2002, (2) Winner, Percussion Duet “Heading Toward the End” in the Joint Concert among Soochow University (SCU), National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), and Taipei National University of Art (TNUA) in 2015, (3) 2nd Prize in Choral Work, “Dream territories” in Taiwan Choral Association Composer Award in2015 (no First Prize), (4) Winner, String Quartet composition “Recalling Time” in the Joint Concert among SCU, NTNU and TNUA 2016, (5) Composition winner, Septet composition “Floating Light” in TNUA Emerging Young Artists Concert in 2017, (6) First place, Graduate School Enrollment Exam for Master of Music, National Taipei University of Arts.


在任何的時間、空間中,也就是在人與人之間、現實與願望之間、亦或是一處地方到另一處地方之間 ; 一段變化所造成的實質、不實質的距離,總是使人們去想像...在遙遠那頭的人事物總有著特別的、獨一無二的吸引力,我們不由自主地憧憬著、盼望著,令人眷戀、渴望、卻又令人膽怯...


樂曲使用具有前進感的5/4拍,由定音鼓帶出穩定的方向,音樂一層層慢慢地推向高點,樂曲的動機在音域中、織度中各自展現其「距離」的變化,直到定音鼓再次出現,展開下一段落 ; 慢板由豎琴與管樂、弦樂之獨奏相互呼應,呈現迫切心境中那純粹地呼喚。接著樂曲中各段的動機並行發展與融合,以各種型態浮現遙遠所形成的空間感。最後,音樂在頭尾呼應的音高中緩緩結束,宛如對那方無盡的思念。

《Far within》

 People may fantasize at any time or space, between people, between reality and desire, between a place and another, and between a real or unrealistic distance. Involuntarily, dream makers fantasize and yearn for people far within because they can be attractive and cause fantasy. However, they can be intimidated.

Distance may be far,
But in the end,
The place within is close,
In my heart.

The music uses a 5/4 beat with a sense of advance and the steady direction of the Timpani but lastly pushes to the climax by the distinct layers of music. The motive of the music lies in the change of distance in the range and the degree until Timpani appears again in the next paragraph and Adagio echoes with each other by the harp, woodwind, and string. This apparently is a call for a peace of mind. Then the motive of the music develops and integrates in parallel and manifests the sense of distance in various forms. Ultimately, the music ends with a resonation with the introduction, seemingly an endless missing for someone distant!