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姓名: 林天吉 Paul Tien-Chi Lin






台北愛樂現任駐團指揮林天吉,宜蘭縣人,民國六十二年生;五歲時由林東哲老師啟蒙開始學習小提琴,曾師事李麗淑、高安香、謝中平、顏丁科、J. Lerch、孫巧玲、陳秋盛、林克昌等教授,就讀國立藝術學院音樂研究所期間師事簡名彥教授,現師事匈牙利李斯特音樂院教授Leila Rasonyi女士(目前為國立台灣藝術大學客座教授);林天吉屢次在國內音樂比賽中獲獎,並具有豐富的國際比賽經驗,除獨奏、協奏外,也熱衷於室內樂演出,是國內極為活躍的小提琴演奏家及指揮家。




Paul Tien-Chi LinCondurctor


 “The conductor, Paul Tien-Chi LIN, commands power and speed, and is able to capture the haunting grandeur of the great piece. The orchestra moves forward in unison and brings out the accents exactly as agreed. The breathe new pictures into the music.” Helsingin Sanomat, Finland Helsinki Main Newspaper. Review of Concert at the Finland Concert Hall in Helsinki.

A well known musician in Taiwan, Paul Tien-Chi Lin is a resident conductor of the Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra.

Paul Tien-Chi Lin showed an exceptional musical talent from early age. He started learning violin at age five, under the guidance of various violinists such as Li Li-Shu, J. Learch, Sun Ciao-Ling, Leila Ransonyi, and Victor Pikaizen.

A winner of numerous violin competitions in Taiwan, Lin has also participated in many important international violin competitions. Lin is not only a soloist, but also enthusiastic in chamber music. He is one of most prominent and leading violinists, as well as conductors.

Lin developed an interest in conducting when he was the concertmaster of Taipei Century Symphony Orchestra at age fourteen. When he joined Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra in 1990, Henry Mazer, the founding Music Director the orchestra, was delightfully amazed by his musical talent. Mazer thought that Lin is not only an outstanding violinist, but also sensitive in the control and construction of orchestral music. Lin soon began studying under Mazer and is well versed in Maestro’s soul of conducting and the passion of music.

Since 2000, Lin has been conducting the Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra for numerous concerts and tours. He has undertaken many sold out concerts in Europe and United States. He also led the orchestra to international music festivals and received highly appreciations.

Lin is also currently the Music Director and conductor of the Taipei Civic Symphonic Band.