![](/userFiles/NTSO/Ckeditor/JpgFile/TeacherData/03725/In B_W Half Body blue bkgd.jpg.jpg?v=5f7fffa8-a385-446c-9cc9-d56f635d4785)
指揮/許瀞心 Ching-Hsin Hsu
“她能從指揮臺上將她的魄力,傳達給:樂團,及聽眾!” ---奧瑞岡日報
許瀞心教授於2003年應聘為國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系交響樂團指揮及指揮教授。出生於臺灣,基隆,七歲時開始接受音樂教育,由許子義老師啟蒙並畢業於基隆仁愛國小;爾後於新北市板橋光仁中學及國立臺灣師範大學音樂系主修鋼琴,副修聲樂及低音提琴,曾師事林順賢、林橋、司徒興城、隆超、許德舉、張彩湘、陳明律、饒大鷗、蕭滋等教授。在美攻讀碩士期間,於Hartt School of Music與知名低音提琴家Gary Karr學習。完成低音提琴音樂碩士學位後,繼續跟隨著名指揮家Charles Bruck專攻指揮,並取得指揮藝術家文憑。後亦於緬因州Pierre Monteaux Domain School、南卡羅來那州Conductor’s Institute及科羅拉多州Aspen音樂節與Harold Farberman及Murry Sidlin等更深入的鑽研指揮之藝術。
許指揮演出足跡遍布南北美、亞洲,及俄羅斯等地,擔任客席指揮。並曾與美國國家交響樂團合作,在華盛頓特區甘迺迪中心為一系列專為青少年交流活動的音樂計畫指揮演出。亦曾以客席指揮的身份與聖路易交響樂團合作多場演出。在臺灣則與國內數交響樂團有不定期的客席演出活動。曾客席合作過的樂團包括美國賓州Harrisburg交響樂團,康乃迪克州Hartford交響樂團,密西根州Kalamazoo交響樂團,德州Lubbock交響樂團,加州Stockton交響樂團,威斯康辛州綠灣交響樂團,密西根州底特律交響樂團,肯塔基州Louisville交響樂團,奧瑞岡交響樂團,阿拉巴馬州Mobile交響樂團,伊利諾州Elgin交響樂團。在俄國方面有Irkutsk室內樂團及Irkutsk交響樂團,以及韓國的KBS、Prime、Sung Nam及首爾愛樂交響樂團,中國國家交響樂團,澳洲雪梨音樂院交響樂團等。
許指揮也曾與諸多著名獨奏家合作演出,包含林昭亮、胡乃元、章雨亭、陳必先、陳宏寬、簡碧青、嚴俊傑、吳菡、David Finckel、Steven Isserlis、Andre Watts、Gil Shaham、Sarah Chang、Gary Karr、Angela Hewitt、Tony Bennett、Judy Collins等知名音樂家。
1990年,由美國交響樂團聯盟甄選推薦與Louisville交響樂團合作,參與美國作曲家Joan Tower的作品 “美國杉” 的演出計畫。1991年即受聘為奧瑞岡交響樂團助理指揮職。1992年在全美“新音樂”演出活動中,受邀指揮舊金山女子愛樂樂團。這次的演出也進而讓許教授於1997年獲聘為舊金山女子愛樂樂團藝術總監一職。
自1997年起,與舊金山女子愛樂樂團也連續三年獲得ASCAP協會及美國交響樂團聯盟所頒發之最佳編排新曲目獎項。同時期,並參與負責諸多世界首演的演出。與舊金山女子愛樂樂團所錄製的CD於2002年發行,曲目乃一非裔美籍女作曲家Florence Price 所譜寫的三首交響樂曲專輯。
在2000年5月,美國女製片家Debbie Allen 邀請許瀞心及舊金山女子愛樂樂團加入紀錄片 “Cool Women” 的製作及演出。這部影片已於2000年9月,在電視頻道中播出。同時期於 2000年3月及11月,製作人Michael Fried也為許教授和舊金山女子愛樂樂團錄製一名為“Sing it. Tell it.”之專集,在公共電臺(PBS)頻道影集中播出。
2001年9月率舊金山女子愛樂樂團赴巴西於里約及聖保羅巡迴演出,與巴西三大名歌手Nana Cayammi, Leila Pinheiro及Daniela Mercury攜手成功演出,並由巴西實況電視轉播。
旅美期間經常出任美國交響樂團聯盟指揮家之研習會客席指導,並曾任全美青年交響樂音樂季客席指揮指導以及全美藝術資賦優異人才之音樂審查專門小組評審委員,現並擔任紐約州Bard College指揮家研究院之首席客席指揮教授。
目前除帶領國立臺灣師範大學音樂系交響樂團於國家音樂廳舉行定期公演之外,亦不定期率團巡迴演出。2006年5月正逢師大慶祝一甲子校慶,師大交響樂團首次踏上澳洲大陸進行「2006年澳洲訪問交流音樂會」之行,足跡遍及昆士蘭及雪梨兩音樂院以及坎培拉之澳洲國家大學三處,各場演出皆深受僑界及當地樂評之讚賞,非常成功的著手國民外交、文化交流及精彩的演出。2007年9月再度帶領國立臺灣師範大學音樂系交響樂團及福爾摩沙節慶合唱團於美國加州聖地牙哥, 洛杉磯聖蓋博及聖荷西舉行《福爾摩沙之夢》巡迴音樂會,向美國友人以及臺僑鄭重推薦蕭泰然大師的作品《福爾摩沙鎮魂曲》與柯芳隆的《2000年之夢》。2008年4月應邀客席指揮中國國家交響樂團於北京國家大劇院演出 “2008北京國際女音樂家大會” 之開幕式音樂會。2013年9月與臺師大音樂系在校生及系友樂團暨女聲合唱團赴東京武藏野音樂大學舉行交流音樂會,深受讚譽。2012年7月應邀赴巴西客席指揮巴哈曼薩交響樂團,並深受肯定,而於2013年10月及11月再度應邀客席指揮巴哈曼薩交響樂團進行四場巡迴演出,並參與記碌片拍攝計劃,介紹音樂教育之重要性及對當地青少年及社會之正面影響。2014年3月客席指揮南密西西比大學交響樂團,2014年4月於馬尼拉客席指揮菲律賓愛樂交響樂團,2014年9月於新加坡客席指揮新加坡愛樂管樂團,2015年2月於首爾客席指揮首爾愛樂交響樂團。2015年7月將再度與巴西巴哈曼薩交響樂團攜手合作慶祝該團十周年慶。其演出之迴響續受各方讚譽與肯定。
“She generates electricity from the podium in two directions: into the orchestra and into the audience.” … The Oregonian
Maestra Hsu began her tenure as the Orchestra Director at the National Taiwan Normal University in the fall of 2003. Since the summers of 2000, Ms. Hsu serves as a guest faculty member at The Conductor’s Institute at Bard College in New York.
Maestra Hsu studied at the Hartt School of Music, University of Hartford in CT for her Artist Diploma in Conducting and Master of Music in Double bass. As well as attended several prestigious conducting programs, the Conductors Institute in South Carolina, the Aspen Music Festival in Colorado and the Pierre Monteux Domaine School for Advanced Conductors in Maine. Her main conducting teachers include the late Maestro Charles Bruck, Maestro Murry Sidlin and Maestro Harold Farberman.
Maestra Hsu has previously served as the Music Director and Conductor of the Springfield Symphony in Missouri (1995-2003), Artistic Director of The Women’s Philharmonic in San Francisco (1997-2001) and as Music Director and Conductor of the Oregon Mozart Players in Eugene, Oregon (1991-1997) after completing a three-year tenure as Affiliate Artist/NEA Assistant Conductor of the Oregon Symphony (1991-1994).
In September 2001, “Avon Women in Concert” presented Maestra Hsu on tour in Brazil with The Women’s Philharmonic performing an all bossa nova program featuring the works of the Brazilian poet, Vinícius de Moraes. In spring of 2000, producer Debbie Allen included Maestra Hsu with The Women’s Philharmonic in a series entitled “Cool Women,” which was broadcast on US cable television through the 2000-2001 season. Maestra Hsu and The Women’s Philharmonic recorded a CD together featuring the symphonic music of African American composer Florence Price, released on the Koch International Classics label in spring of 2001.
Guest appearances have taken Maestra Hsu all over the US as well as Russia, Asia, South America and Australia. In a performance with the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC, she captivated students in an interactive Youth Education Series. Maestra Hsu has also collaborated with various Symphony Orchestras in Taiwan. Other guest appearances have included several performances for youth with the Saint Louis Symphony, a summer concert with the Minnesota Orchestra and two appearances with the San Francisco Symphony. In addition, with the Interlochen Music Festival, Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute, the Symphonies of: Southwest Florida, Kalamazoo, Detroit, Eugene, Elgin, Mobile, Harrisburg, Wheeling, West Shore, Lubbock, Wichita, Green Bay, Stockton and Oregon, three appearances with the Hartford Symphony, the Colorado Music Festival; the Missouri and Reno Chamber Orchestras, and a two-week residency in Irkutsk, Russia.
During 2003 season, Maestra Hsu collaborated with the Taipei Symphony Orchestra. The fall of 2004 marked Maestra Hsu’s debut with the Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra in Taiwan as well as the Sung Nam and Prime Philharmonic Orchestras in Seoul, Korea. Maestra Hsu returned to guest conduct the NTSO in spring 2005 and returned to guest conduct the KBS (Korean Broadcasting System) Symphony Orchestra in November 2005. Maestra Hsu has guest conducted and led the Taiwan Wind Ensemble and Tao Yuan Symphonic Band, both esteemed professional symphonic bands in Taiwan, with diverse and interactive programs.
Maestra Hsu led the National Taiwan Normal University Symphony Orchestra (NTNUSO) for the University’s 60th Anniversary Celebration, on a weeklong, three-city, Australian cultural exchange tour in May 2006. With the NTNUSO and the Festival Chorus, they embarked a California tour titled “Formosa Dreaming” in September 2007. In September 2013 she led the NTNUSO and female choir for a Japan tour in Concert at the Beethoven Hall, Musashino Academia Musicae.
Maestra Hsu was invited to guest conduct the Sydney Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra in 2007 and returned again in August 2009. She returned to the Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra in 2007, as well as guest conducting the China National Symphony Orchestra in the opening concert to the “2008 Beijing International Congress on Women in Music” at the new China National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing. Presented by the International Alliance for Women in Music (IAWM) and the China Conservatory of Music (CCM), Congress held in April 2008. In March 2009, she appeared with the Cedar Rapids Symphony Orchestra in Iowa on their Masterworks Series. In September 2009, Maestra Hsu returned to lead the Springfield Symphony Orchestra in Missouri for their 75th anniversary season gala opening concert. In October 2010, Maestra Hsu guest conducted the Lamont Symphony Orchestra in Denver with an US premier of two pieces by Taiwanese composer Hsu Tsang-Houei’s Deux Mouvements pour orchestre a cordes, Op. 26 and Nu-guan-zi after The Poetic-tune of Wei Zhuang, Op. 14. In December 2011, Maestra Hsu was an exchange faculty member at the NTNU newly established sister school UC Irvine, where she led the orchestra in a concert at the Samueli Theatre, Orange County Performing Arts Center, in Costa Mesa, California. In January 2012 Maestra Hsu held a residency at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, culminating to a concert at the CCM Corbett Auditorium on Jan. 27th, with the innovative work by the award-winning composer John Corigliano, the Pied Piper Fantasy. In July 2012, Maestra Hsu returns to Brazil guest conducting the Barra Mansa Symphony Orchestra. In the Fall of 2013, Maestra Hsu joined the OSBM again in the Classical Brazil’s project, “Brazil Classical 2013 season Orchestral Tour Brazil and Simone Leitao”, featuring pianist Simone Leitao. A documentary was made with the filmmaker Katia Lund and broadcast in spring of 2014 for this project. In March 2014, Maestra Hsu was invited to guest conduct the Philippines Philharmonic Orchestra in Manila; in February Maestra Hsu was invited to guest conduct The 192th Regular Concert of Seoul Philharmonic, in Seoul, Korea. In July 2015, Maestra Hsu will return to join Barra Mansa Symphony Orchestra in a celebration concert for their 10th anniversary season.
Maestra Hsu has served on the faculty for the American Symphony Orchestra League Conducting Workshops, National Youth Orchestra Festival 2000, the Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute 2002 and 2004, the 2007 All State Orchestra in New Mexico and the 2009 All State Orchestra in Colorado. She has been a Music Review Panelist for the National Endowment for the Arts, and Meet The Composers in New York City. And has served as an Evaluation Committee member at the CKS Center in Taipei and various music panels. In April 2015, Maestra Hsu was invited to serve on the 2015 Singapore Youth Festival as an adjudicator.