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姓名: 胡瀞云 Ching-Yun Hu (17/18)


 “眾所期待的巨星風採,音樂性、力道及舞台魅力十足。” — 耶路撒冷郵報(The Jerusalem Post)

 “力道、色彩、技巧俱足,不可錯過!” — 美國著名樂評家 David Dubal

享譽國際的傑出鋼琴家胡瀞云,以其奪目的鋼琴技巧、音樂性十足的演繹特⾊、直率且具傳染力的舞台魅力,風靡全世界。胡瀞云為美國「紐約藝術家協會國際大賽」 (Concert Artists Guild International Competition)鋼琴首獎以及以色列「魯賓斯坦國際鋼琴大賽」最高獎及最具觀眾人緣獎得主,從獲得世界多項大賽首獎的榮耀。


胡瀞云 2016-2017年樂季的演出遍布全球。她受邀與費城室內樂團與費城交響樂團金梅爾音樂廳 (Kimmel Center) 演出莫札特鋼琴協奏曲以及鐘耀光鋼琴協奏曲「赤壁」的世界首演。美國波士頓現代交響樂團邀請她於波士頓著名喬登音樂廳 (Jordan Hall) 演出美國當代作曲家Jeremy Gill的作品並錄制專輯。她第四次受邀與台北市立國樂團在台灣巡回,並再次回到德國,於Weilburger Schlosskonzerte演出兩首貝多芬鋼琴協奏曲以及法蘭克福歌劇院演出獨奏會。她將於美國以及中國各地演出獨奏會,韓國大田市愛樂樂團演出室內樂音樂會並與台灣小提琴家蘇顯達舉辦七場台灣巡回音樂會。

近年來,胡瀞云於世界的幾個重要音樂廳及音樂節演出,包括紐約林肯中⼼、紐約卡內基廳、華盛頓甘迺迪⾳樂廳、阿姆斯特丹Concertgebow、波蘭Duszniki蕭邦音樂節、Aspen國際音樂節、德國Ruhr國際音樂節、巴黎Salle Cortot、倫敦的Southbank中心、德國慕尼黑 Herkulessaal、巴伐利亞廣播(Bayerischer Rundfunk)曾播出她的表演、德國Luwigshafen、布達佩斯的李斯特音學院、荷蘭(阿姆斯特丹、畢爾根、烏特勒支音樂節、奧地利Klavierfrühling、曼徹斯特拉赫瑪尼諾夫國際研討會;與國立臺灣交響樂團的巡迴演出以及於國家⾳樂廳的獨奏會,波士頓的幾場演出由WGBH廣播電台現場轉播,也曾在巴黎舉辦數場⾳樂會;英國則包括Stoke on Trent音樂節、Bournemouth室內樂集。

個人獨奏專輯《看見蕭邦X胡瀞云》,2011年初由雅砌音樂在臺灣發行,榮獲2012年第23 屆金曲獎最佳古典音樂專輯獎。2013年,胡瀞云錄製第二張個人獨奏專輯,收錄了葛拉娜多斯,莫扎特和拉威爾的作品,由美國紐約CAG Records所發行。

胡瀞云在2012和2013年前後創辦台北雲想國際⾳樂節及在美國費城柯蒂斯音學院所舉辦的費城青年鋼琴家暑期⾳樂節 (Philadelphia Young Pianists’ Academy - PYPA),邀請來自全球各地的鋼琴後起新秀,透過一系列密集的大師班以演出,引領他們進入職業鋼琴家的道路。 被錄取參加PYPA音樂節的年輕鋼琴家已陸陸續續在鋼琴大賽上獲得佳績並考取美國及歐洲的各大名校。PYPA音樂節獲得廣大的歡迎及成功, 被當地報紙稱為「未來鋼琴大師的搖籃」。

胡瀞云出生於台北, 14歲赴美留學,取得茱莉亞音樂院學士、碩士學位。鋼琴師事賀伯.史戴辛、雅布隆絲卡雅,室內樂師事提摩西.艾迪、約瑟夫.卡利赫史坦以及席摩.利普金。另外,胡瀞云在李其芳教授,弗萊雪、固德、普萊亞等鋼琴名家的大師班中有所表現。她在德國漢諾威音樂戲劇學院與 Karl-Heinz Kammerling進修,並於克利夫蘭音樂學院取得最高演奏家文憑,師事謝爾蓋.巴拜楊(Sergei Babayan) 。


胡瀞云受邀任教於美國費城天普大學(Esther Boyer College of Music, Temple University),並為河南文化中心榮譽藝術家以及深圳藝術學校客座教授。

Declared a “...first-class talent...” and praised for her “...poetic use of color and confidently expressive phrasing...” (The Philadelphia Inquirer), the distinguished Taiwanese pianist CHING-YUN HU is recognized and acclaimed worldwide for her dazzling technique, deeply probing musicality and directly communicative performance style.

Ching-Yun Hu’s concert career has flourished with a host of engagements on five continents after winning the Concert Artists Guild International Competition in New York City and the Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Master Competition in Tel Aviv, where she was also awarded the Audience Favorite Prize. Immediately after, she was engaged for a seven-city tour across Israel and a special invitation from the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra to perform Beethoven’s Piano Concerto #1 on only a week’s notice.

During the 2016 - 2017 season, Ms. Hu will give the world premiere of Yiu-kwong Chung’s Piano Concerto, “The Red Cliff”, with the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia and Dirk Brosse at the Kimmel Center. She will perform and record “Before the Wresting Tides” by Jeremy Gill for the Boston Modern Orchestra Project with Gil Rose at Boston’s Jordon Hall. Ms. Hu will make her fifth appearance with the Taipei Chinese Orchestra in Taiwan, and return to Germany at the Frankfurt Opera House and the Weilburger Schlosskonzerte, performing Beethoven Concerto No. 1 and 2. For recitals and chamber music appearances, she will be heard throughout the United States, Taiwan, China, as well as at the Chamber Music Series of Daejeon Philharmonic Orchestra in South Korea.

        In 2015-2016 season, Ms. Hu appeared in recitals in New York, Philadelphia, Miami, Tel Aviv, Budapest, and at the Muzikmesse Frankfurt. She performed for the gala concert of the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra under Jeffrey Kahane. Her soloed with the Wyoming, Bozeman, and Topeka Symphony Orchestras and Orquestra Petrobras Sinfonica and Orquestra Filarmonica do Espirito Santo in Brazil; Taipei Chinese Orchestra at the Macau International Music Festival; New York’s Massapequa Philharmonic Orchestra; and South Korea’s Daejeon Philharmonic Orchestra.

        Ching-Yun Hu made her debut with The Philadelphia Orchestra in 1999. A sought-after soloist, she has been collaborated with the symphony orchestras of Aspen, New York, Philadelphia, Delaware, DuPage (IL), Midland (MI), Mississippi, Northwest Arkansas and Wyoming, while abroad she has appeared with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, and philharmonic orchestras in Johannesburg, Rio de Janeiro, Wuhan (China), Maidstone (England), and all major orchestras in Taiwan.

        In recitals, Ms. Hu has appeared at prestigious concert halls across the globe, including Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Aspen Music Festival, Wigmore Hall and Southbank Centre (London), Salle Cortot (Paris), Concertgebouw (Amsterdam), Herkulesaal (Munich), Franz Liszt Academy of Music (Budapest), Chopin International Festival and Rubinstein Philharmonic Hall (Poland), Opera House (Tel Aviv), National Concert Hall (Taipei) and Japan’s Osaka Hall. Ms. Hu is also a frequent guest artist at distinguished music festivals throughout the world.

        An avid Chopin interpreter, Ching-Yun Hu’s debut recording, an all-Chopin CD released in 2011 on the Taiwanese label ArchiMusic, won Taiwan’s 2012 Golden Melody Award for Best Classical Album of the Year. The fall of 2013 saw the release of her second CD - music of Granados, Mozart and Ravel - on the CAG Records.

        A native of Taipei, Ms. Hu made her concerto debut at the age of 13 with the Poland Capella Cracoriensis Chamber Orchestra on tour in Asia. One year later, she moved to the United States to continue her musical studies at The Juilliard School, working with Herbert Stessin, and later worked with Sergei Babayan at the Cleveland Institute of Music. She also studied chamber music with Joseph Kalichstein and Seymour Lipkin, and received additional guidance from Karl-Heinz Kammerling. and Tamas Vasary.

        In 2008, Ching-Yun Hu was awarded an honorary prize from Taiwan’s Minister of Culture, recognizing her artistic achievements to date. In addition to performing, Ms. Hu is a keen advocate for the promotion of classical music. She founded the Yun-Hsiang International Music Festival in Taipei in 2012 and the Philadelphia Young Pianists’ Academy  in 2013, taking place at the Curtis Institute of Music.

Ching-Yun Hu serves on the piano faculty of the Esther Boyer College of Music and Dance at Philadelphia’s Temple University.


“We have waited for years for such a giant talent and here she is. Ching-Yun Hu, the amazing Taiwanese, is not just a great pianist, she is first of all a human being playing music; so human in every sound she produces. She plays, talks, prays and what not. A phenomenon of nature. She played Beethoven’s Concerto No. 1 – and it was very stylized, real and sincere. Full of drama and poetry at the same time, this young woman brings with her the secret, the mystery, and style. She has the suspense of Brendal, Perahia’s lyricism and Barenboim’s depth. Are we witnessing the birth of a new Martha Argerich?” —Chanoch Ron, Yediot Acharonot, Israel

"Ching-Yun Hu is a pianist of power, poetry, color, and virtuosity. She lives within the music, so doesher audience. Don’t miss her! "—David Dubal, Radio host of WQXR, New York Classical Radio Station

“Listen to the dramatic thunderstorm of the Rachmaninoff Sonata No. 2, and energetic keywork of the Leighton Fantasia, Hu’s playing is especially shown when she played two well known Mozart works. Her playing expands from strength to the most deeply felt and nearly inaudible moments; to the soul and pianistic bliss. As with sculptures, her way of music is to find the essential at the core of the composition’s fullness.”— Der Western, Klavier-Ruhr Festival, Germany

"Ching-Yun Hu displayed the maturity to infuse El Amor y la Muerte from the Goyescas by Granados, with a profound depth of emotion in a beautifully-shaped, expansive performance. She followed it with Chopin's relatively unfamiliar E-flat Rondo, Op. 16, negotiating its fast-flowing passages with cool control, elegance and ease. To conclude, she offered a highly accomplished account of Rachmaninov's Second Sonata in B-flat minor, Op. 36, the dramatic opening of the Allegro Agitato compelling attention, while the concluding Allegro Molto was the ideal showcase for Hu's virtuosity as she propelled the movement to an emphatic climax."— Musical Opinion, UK

“Ching-Yun Hu conveyed fervor and excellence thrust along with the touching moments of lyricism in the Rachmaninoff Sonata No. 2. The Chopin Study in A minor was played with almost indecent air born ease. Her account made me think of one by the young Vladimir Ashkenazy - high praise indeed”. —Harris Goldsmith, New York Concert Review

“It is almost mysterious to see how the 27 year old pianist – Ching-Yun Hu - can dominate the podium entirely with her flexible and spirited reading of Ravel's Gaspard de la Nuit, and the next day transforms into a casually dressed young woman – radiating with simplicity and discretion from the deepest of her being. In her birth country, she is being acclaimed already as “Taiwans glory”. With a cheered recital at Alice Tully Hall, which she broke through two years ago before the hyper-critical public of connoisseurs in New York, the doors to Carnegie Hall opened themselves." —Elger Niel, Pianowereld, The Netherlands

"Ching-Yun Hu has everything you need in the pianistic league... extremely confident and physically strong, with a pleasant relaxed tone, also soft beautifully textured sound. Especially in the second movement of Rachmaninoff's B minor Sonata: Here she exposes an emotional structure that is transparent, and even moving." —Suddeuche Zeitung, Germany

“The strangely fantastical sense of freedom of Ching-Yun Hu, identify[ies] her as a player willing to stand outside of the box with a distinctive resolve. Her accurate musical phrasing of Chopin’s A minor Study would put most performers to shame.”— Michael Dervan, Irish Times

“The Chopin Rondo in E-Flat, Op. 16 was played with elegance and flabbergasting finger work. Speaking in terms of sheer technical brilliance, I don’t recall being as amazed even by Horowitz’s performance of the same work.”— Rorianne Schrade,New York Concert Review

"Ching-Yun Hu reveals a deeply original and imaginative personality, supported by extraordinary technique."— Martine D. Mergeay, Libre Belgique

“Judging from Tuesday night's semi-finals, the Rubinstein Piano Master Competition already has a winner. It is Taiwanese Ching-Yun Hu, the only semifinalist with a real "spark," that elusive superstar quality that everybody looks for... Musical, energetic and full of flair, she gushed through Beethoven's Concerto No. 1 and compelled the audience to give her a standing ovation.”— Omer Shomrony, The Jerusalem Post

Ching-Yun Hu literally brought down the house with the tremendous ovation she received.”— Alice Kennelly Roberts, Cincinnati Post

“Ching-Yun Hu is the key to success.”— Basingstoke Gazette, UK

“The slightly built Taiwanese, Ching-Yun Hu, gossamer in her Ravel, outwardly romantic in Chopin's Third Sonata, [gave] an account of Shostakovich's First Sonata that was a show of redblood brilliance.” —Yorkshire Post, UK

Hu's staggering finger work in Liszt's Spanish Rhapsody was stamped by her hallmark of visceral virtuosity allied to breathtaking clarity. A foretaste of Hu's outstanding pianism came in the opening work in which Schubert's amazingly fecund imagination inspired the Sonata in C minor, D.958. With stamina sapping demands Hu's all-embracing playing never faltered. A towering talent, and in one so petite.”— Bournemouth Echo, UK

"As in the competition, the audience continues to favor the Taiwanese pianist, Ching-Yun Hu. After the 4 hands Schubert Fantasie and Stravinsky's Petrouchka, Hu played with mesmorizing, magic touch in the Chopin Barcarolle, and even more so shown in the Ravel Gaspard de la Nuit. And the transcription of the Strauss Blue Danube, like a marvelous "dessert", was played with great virtuosity..." —Haaretz

“Ching-Yun Hu’s sound is one of the most exquisite sounds one can hear. She succeeded in bringing out the special radiance of her touch and performed a very poetical Rachmaninov [Concerto No. 2] without being over sentimental. In short, a delight to the listener’s ears." —Haaretz

“Ching-Yun Hu gave an overwhelming impression as she changed drastically from Eusebius and Florence in the Schumann Kreisleriana. The interpretation was beautifully done.” —Arts Magazine, Taipei

“Ching-Yun Hu possesses the soul of Chopin.”— Chopin International Festival, Duszniki-Dzroj, Poland (After an All-Chopin Recital)

“Highlights included a wonderful performance of Kenneth Leighton's Fantasia contrapuntistica by Ching-Yun Hu, whose movement between dynamic ranges was imperceptible yet superbly effective.” —The Herald, UK