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姓名: 徐晨又 Chen-Yu Hsu(18/19)

徐晨又 Chen-Yu Hsu



東吳大學畢業後服役於國防部示範樂隊並擔任樂團首席,退伍後赴美考取波士頓新英格蘭音樂學院New England Conservatory攻讀碩士學位。在校教授Mr. Eric Rosenblith的指導下逐漸嶄露頭角,於NEC Philharmonic擔任樂團副首席及第二小提琴首席,並於畢業典禮獲頒術科演奏傑出Distinction of Performance。西元2004年考取明尼蘇達大學音樂系博士班,先後師事Young-Nam Kim及Jorja Fleezanis(明尼蘇達交響樂團首席),並擔任校內樂團首席。2007年獲明尼蘇達大學公開榮譽表揚(Honorable Mention),並開始擔任知名樂團明尼蘇達交響樂團(Minnesota Orchestra)之客席團員。

優秀的校內表現於New England及The University of Minnesota使徐晨又獲得許多校內外重要演出的機會。回國後頻繁受邀演奏協奏曲,合作對象包括國立臺灣交響樂團及管樂團、上海交響樂團、臺北愛樂青少年、德新獨奏家室內樂團、春之聲交響樂團、巴洛克室內樂團、臺中教育大學音樂系管弦樂團及藝享管弦樂團等。


Chen-Yu Hsu is a native of Taiwan finished his DMA degree at the University of Minnesota, graduating with "Honorable Mention". He received MM degree from New England Conservatory in Boston graduating with “Distinction in Performance”. Before coming to Minnesota, Hsu was an active solo and chamber musicians, with frequent performance in Massachusetts and Maine. Hsu received his BM in Soo-Chow University in Taipei and is former concertmaster of National Military Symphony Orchestra. Hsu currently is Berneking A. Harvey scholar at the University of Minnesota, and also a sponsored and cultivated scholar of Ministry of Education Department of Taiwan Government.

He was participating Music Academy of West, Santa Barbara, USA in 2007 for its 60th anniversary and served as one of the concertmasters, and also frequently was invited to perform violin concertos as soloist with renowned orchestras such as National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Philharmonic Youth…, etc.

Hsu currently is serving in National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra as principal 2nd violin and as a faculty in Soo-Chow University, Taichung Educational University, and in Tung-Hai University.