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姓名: 江恬儀 Tien-Yi Chiang

Piano: Tien-Yi Chiang


在台灣就讀台中光復國小及雙十國中音樂班,十四歲考入紐約茱莉亞音樂院先修班,赴美追求鋼琴音樂夢想,師事鋼琴名師Oxana Yablonskaya及Josef Raieff。1997年獲得學士學位,兩年後又獲頒碩士演奏學位。短暫回台後,再度赴美進入紐約市立大學深造,師從Abbey Simon,2006年取得鋼琴藝術博士學位。

留美期間曾多次在紐約卡內基音樂廳演奏,並曾受邀於德國慕尼黑International Podium Young Soloists、義大利Circolo Ufficiali di Presodop、法國Tour音樂節、西班牙Purcerda 音樂節、瑞士Ticino音樂節演出。

2006年返台後積極投入音樂演出、教學與推廣工作,曾獲選為台灣工業銀行「堤頂之星」, 2014年開始與台中國家歌劇院固定合作音樂講座,包括『追尋』校園巡迴系列,『聽見音樂』、『聽見之後』、『聽見浪漫』、『聽見巴哈』等系列,累積了豐富的解說演出經驗。

Tienyi Chiang was born in Taiwan. She relocated to New York at the age of 14 and studied with Oxana Yablonskaya at The Juilliard School’s Pre-College. She was subsequently awarded Bachelor and Master degrees in Piano Performance from The Juilliard School and received her Doctoral degree from City University of New York. She returned to Taiwan in 2006 and has been active as a concert pianist and teacher since then. She is now the CEO of HyperConvergence Art Forum which is involved in propagating music experiences. She served on the faculty of the Puigcerdà Music Festival in 2018.  Ms. Chiang’s most recent performances include performing Bach Concerto N.1 with the Chiayi Philharmonic Orchestra in 2019 and a two-city mini tour of recital entitled. “Fantansies and Legends” in 2020.