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Bass: Julian Lo
男低音羅俊穎於2016在新加坡維多莉亞劇院演出的華格納歌劇《漂泊的荷蘭人》中擔任船長Daland一角,英國樂評人Marc Rochester稱其演唱為“ 堅實而可靠的歌聲 ”。而新加坡樂評人Chang Tou Liang 則提到“ 他的演技和角色塑造是無與倫比的,任何人都能從他的眼神和面部表情感受到戲劇張力 ”。
畢業於東吳大學音樂系取得碩士學位。 2005年於「全日本演奏家協會」主辦之第二屆「歌劇詠嘆調大賽」中獲得首獎,並獲頒「年度新人獎」。隨後即考入日本「藤原歌劇團」(The Fujiwara Opera Company & The Japan Opera Foundation)成為正式團員。2005年在歌劇《魔笛》中擔任大祭司Sarastro一角,首度登上日本歌劇舞台。此後陸續在國內外超過三十部歌劇製作中擔任主要角色。演出經驗豐富,並以深沉濃郁的歌聲及超群的存在感備受讚譽。代表性的角色包括有《女人皆如此》、《後宮誘逃》、《唐卡洛》、《納布果》、《馬克白》、《西蒙‧波卡奈格拉》、《費黛里歐》、《漂泊的荷蘭人》、《尤金‧奧尼根》、《浮士德》等等。2020/21年樂季預計演出貝多芬《第九交響曲》及歌劇《波希米亞人》等等。
曾經合作過的樂團包括台灣國家交響樂團、台北市立交響樂團、國立台灣交響樂團、高雄市立交響樂團、台北愛樂管弦樂團、長榮交響樂團、東京都荒川市交響樂團、東京都交響樂團等等。合作過的指揮家則包括陳秋盛、呂紹嘉、飯森範親、宮本文昭、松尾葉子、小崎雅弘、大勝秀也、時任康文、洪毅全〈Darrell Ang〉、Stefan Soltesz、Helmut Winschermann、András Ligeti、Niksa Bareza、Roberto Gabbiani、Wolfgang Wengenroth等人。
“ …his acting and characterisation of the role was superb. One could tell his intentions by just looking into his eyes and facial expressions. And his voice was well projected.” ~ Chang Tou Liang, “ Der fliegende Holländer “ , Singapore.
“ Julian Lo was much more convincing as a scheming father… he was always vocally firm and dependable.” ~ Marc Rochester, “ Der fliegende Holländer “ , Singapore.
Bass Julian Lo studied and obtained his M. Music at Soo-Chow University in Taiwan. He was the first-prize winner of “Japan Performers Association’s” Operatic Aria Competition in 2005, and was awarded “Best Young Singer of the Year” at the same time. He was then immediately accepted as a member of the famous Fujiwara Opera Company &The Japan Opera Foundation and made his Japanese stage debut as Sarastro in Die Zauberflöte. Since then, he has been offered principle roles in many opera productions such as Rigoletto, La Traviata, Don Giovanni, Cosi fan tutte, La Boheme, Lucia di Lammermoor, Macbeth, Aida, Don Carlos, Nabucco, Fidelio, Salome, Ariadne auf Naxos, L’heureEspanole, Die EntfürungausdemSerail, Otello and Faust, Simon Boccanegra, Eugene Onegin, etc.
Julian Lo was highly praised for his deep velvety voice and strong presence on stage. He was invited to perform with by orchestras such as National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra, Evergreen Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo City Symphony Orchestra Tokyo Arakawa City Symphony Orchestra, Japan Shizuoka Symphony Orchestra etc., and under the baton of Chiu-Sheng Chen, Shao-Chia Lü, Darell Ang, N.Iimori, F.Miyamoto, Y.Matsuo, M.Osaki, S.Okatsu, Stefan Soltesz, Helmut Winschermann, AndrásLigeti, NiksaBareza, Roberto Gabbiani, Wolfgang Wengenroth etc.
Apart from Opera, Julian Lo appears frequently on concerts and recitals. He was invited by the mayor of Shizuoka (Japan) as a regular soloist in the annual performance of Beethoven Symphony No. 9 of Japan Shizuoka Symphony Orchestra every year and was broadcasted live by Mid-Japan Radio Station. After the tragic earthquake of East Japan in 11th Mar. 2011, he was invited to participate in many fund-raising charity concerts as Taiwanese Singer in Japan, singing operatic excerpts and Taiwanese folk songs, and was highly acclaimed for his performances and dedications.
A member of Fujisawa Opera Company and Tokyo Opera association, Julian Lo is active as a performer in Taiwan and abroad, and is recognized as one of the best bass singers in the country.