廖嘉弘 Chia-Hong Drapal Liao
「…他富維也納樂派風格,音樂性敏感細膩,具備了廣泛深刻的音樂詮釋力…」—維也納音樂季權威樂評家M. Ruedenauer
指揮家、小提琴家廖嘉弘,國立維也納音樂院演奏家文憑(Konzertfach-Diplom)及藝術碩士(Magister artium),現為國立臺灣師範大學音樂學院院長及音樂系專任教授。
“He is a stylish Viennese, with subtle musicality and profound interpretation ability.”
“… virtuoso performance, a musician full of confidence and oriental charisma…”
Professor Chia-Hong Drapal Liao, a well known violinist, conductor, holds the Konzertfach-Diplom, and Magister artium, from Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, is now the Dean of College of Music and a full time professor of music at the National Taiwan Normal University.
Professor Liao has performed and been invited lecture master class around the world. He had invited as violin soloist and conductor with Wien Kammerphilharmonie(Austria), San Diego Symphony(America), Oradea Philharmonic Orchestra(Romania), Satu Mare Philharmonic Orchestra(Romania), Romanian Radio Chamber Orchestra(Romania)、Sonora Philharmonic Orchestra(Mexico) and Orchestra del Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia(Roma). At the flag-raising ceremony on New Year's Day for the 100th anniversary of Taiwan, he was honored to be invited to conduct eight major symphony orchestras up to 200-member in Taiwan.
Professor Liao pays special attention to the educational function of the orchestra. After returning from Austria, he founded Pro Arte Music Production, Taiwan Pro Arte Orchestra and Andersen Philharmonic Soloists, promoting fine arts and diversified performances. And he also has excavated many talented young artists.