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姓名: 陳美玲 Mei-Lin Chen

女高音/陳美玲 Mei-Lin Chen

女高音陳美玲是「亞洲華人聲樂大賽」第二名以及「世界華人聲樂大賽」第三名得主,獲選德國「新聲 (Neue Stimmen) 國際聲樂比賽」亞洲區代表並入圍總決賽。曾獲選國立中正文化中心之「校園菁英」及「樂壇新秀」;台北愛樂文教基金會之「台灣樂壇新秀」;聲樂家協會「聲樂新秀」;台灣區音樂比賽女高音獨唱第一名;「台北德文藝術歌曲比賽」第三名。畢業於輔仁大學音樂系、東海大學音樂系碩士班。現任教於南華大學民族音樂系、台中二中、彰化高中、中壢高中、雙十國中、桃園中興國中等校音樂班,並擔任台北愛樂合唱團之聲樂指導老師。


Born in Taiwan, soprano Mei-Lin Chen received well vocal performance training in Taiwan. She received her bachelor of Art degree from Fu-Jen Catholic University where she studied with Professor Lin-Chang Du, and her master degree of Art from Tunghai University where she studied with Dr. Yi-Lin Hsu.

Chen was the first prizewinner of Taiwan National Voice Competition in 1996, and one of the winners of Arising Stars Vocal Competition in 2000 in Taiwan. She also won the third prize in Mondial Chinese Vocalist Concours in 1999 and 2001, the second prize in Asia Chinese Vocal Competition in Singapore in 2000, and the third prize in Taipei German Lieder Competition in Taipei in 2001. She was also finalist of 8th International Singing Contest "Neue Stimmen" in Germany in 1999.

Chen started her career with the role of Musetta in Puccini's "La Boheme" of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra's (NTSO) production in 1999. In 2003, she sang the role of Fiordiligi in Mozart's "Cosi fan tutte" with NTSO. From 2003 to 2009, in National Symphony Orchestra's (NSO) opera productions, she sang Donna Elvira in Mozart's "Don Giovanni", Meg in Verdi's "Falstaff", Dorabella in Mozart's "Cosi fan tutte", La Contessa in Mozart's "Le nozze di Figaro", Freia, Sieglinde, Gutrune and 3rd Norn in Wagner's "Der Ring des Nibelungen", Micaela in Bizet's "Carmen", Chang Tsong-Ming in Gordon Shi-wen Chin's "The black bearded bible man". In 2008, she appeared as Elettra in Mozart's "Idomeneo" in Taipei Opera Theater's production, and La princesse in Ravel's "Les enfant et les sortileges" in NTSO's production.

She has also appeared as Soprano soloist in Taiwan's major orchestras' concerts. Her repertoire includes Händel's "Messiah", Vivaldi's "Gloria", Bach's "Magnificat", Händel's "Creation" and "Nelson Mass", Mozart's"C minor Mass", "Coronation Mass" and "Requiem", Beethoven's "9th Symphony", Brahms'"Ein Deutsches Requiem", Mendelssohn's "Elijah", "Hear My Prayer" and "Lobgesang", Rossini's "Petite messe solennelle", Mahler's "2nd Symphony", "4th Symphony" and "8th Symphony", Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana", John Rutter's "Magnifica" and David Fanshawe's "African Sanctus".