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姓名: 吳沛祺 Ng Pei Jee(18/19)

吳沛祺 Ng Pei Jee

大提琴家吳沛祺Pei-Jee Ng於2001年贏得澳大利亞交響樂團年度青年演奏家,並在倫敦贏得了2008年度青年藝術家最佳觀眾獎

澳大利亞籍大提琴家Pei-Jee Ng吳沛祺是2001年澳大利亞交響樂團年度青年演奏家,並在倫敦贏得了2008年度青年青年藝術家最佳觀眾獎。他除了澳大利亞六大交響樂團之外,還與香港愛樂樂團,馬來西亞愛樂樂團,新加坡交響樂團,奧盧交響樂團,Sinfonia VIVA和愛沙尼亞國家交響樂團合作演出,並在2011年奇切斯特慶典上與愛樂樂團首次合作,表演Elgar協奏曲。

他受邀擔任阿德萊德交響樂團首次美國巡演的獨奏家在2009年在洛杉磯的羅伊斯大廳和紐約的卡內基音樂廳演出。吳沛祺在柏林音樂廳首次亮相,成為“經典之星”國際系列賽演出音樂家之壹,並在倫敦的格莫爾大廳和賽爾室進行了獨奏會。音樂節的參與包括Winchfield,Newbury Spring,Corsham,和英國的高爾節(Gower Festivals),耶路撒冷(Sounding Jerusalem),阿德萊德國際(Adelaide International)大提琴節,梅克倫堡 – 前波莫瑞(Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)和Steierisches Kammer-musikfestival。


吳沛祺在阿德萊德與Barbara Yelland和Janis Laurs開始了大提琴學習。之後搬到英國的曼徹斯特師承Hannah Roberts及Ralph Kirshbaum 。畢業於英國皇家音樂院,師承Jo Cole 、 Colin Carr和Sung-Won Yang ,同時並獲得了女王的卓越聲望獎。


吳沛祺目前使用的為1844 Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume 大提琴。


Australian cellist Pei-Jee Ng was the 2001 Symphony Australia Young Performer of the Year and won the 2008 Young Concert Artists Trust auditions in London. In addition to the six major Australian symphony orchestras, he has performed concertos with the Hong Kong Philharmonic, Malaysian Philharmonic, Singapore Symphony, Oulu Symphony, Sinfonia ViVA and Estonian National Symphony, and made his debut with the Philharmonia Orchestra at the 2011 Chichester Festivities, performing the Elgar Concerto.

He was the soloist with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra on their first US tour in 2009, appearing at Royce Hall, Los Angeles and Carnegie Hall, New York, made his debut at the Konzerthaus in Berlin as part of the Classic Young Stars International Series and gave recitals at Wigmore Hall and the Purcell Room in London. Festival appearances include the Winchfield, Newbury Spring, Corsham, and Gower Festivals in the UK, the Sounding Jerusalem, Adelaide International Cello Festival, Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Steierisches Kammer- musikfestival.

A committed chamber musician, Pei-Jee is cellist in the international award winning ensemble Fournier Trio, winners of the 2013 Parkhouse Award and 2nd Prize at the 2011 Trondheim International Chamber Music Competition. His collaboration with pianist Chiao-Ying Chang won them the Libero Lana Prize at the 2011 Trieste International Chamber Music Competition. 

Pei-Jee began cello studies with Barbara Yelland and Janis Laurs in Adelaide before moving to the UK to study extensively with Hannah Roberts and Ralph Kirshbaum in Manchester. He completed his studies at the Royal Academy of Music with Jo Cole, Colin Carr and Sung-Won Yang, and received the prestigious Queen's Award for Excellence.

In 2015 he was appointed Co-Principal Cello of the London Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2018 Ng was appointed <Associate> in Royal Academy of Music.