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姓名: 聶佳鵬 Jiapeng Nie (18/19)

聶佳鵬 Jiapeng Nie

聶佳鵬於1989年出生於中國深圳,9歲開始大提琴課程。自2001至2005期間,他與兩位深圳藝術學校的老師學習,且以全額獎學金參加在加拿大卡爾葛利(Calgary)舉辦的晨興音樂橋梁國際音樂交換(Morningside Music Bridge international music exchange)。   

   2005年,佳鵬進入新加坡楊秀桃音樂學院就讀與秦立巍(Li-Wei Qin)學習大提琴。在學期間演出許多獨奏及室內樂,包括於2008年4月6日在新加坡濱海藝術中心演出陳儀(Chen Yi)所作大提琴協奏曲,新加坡海峽時報評論為「年輕大提琴家佳鵬在陳儀高度可親近的大提琴與室內樂管樂組曲中,有如一顆星星,佳鵬與樂團極佳的互動創造出完美的演出。」

   2010年,佳鵬獲全額獎學金進入德國漢堡音樂暨戲劇大學攻讀碩士學位,與Arto Noras及Niklas Schmidt教授學習大提琴。2013年3月,以優異成绩取得德国漢堡音樂學院碩士學位,隨後又以第一名的成绩考取漢堡音樂學院演奏家博士學位(Konzertexamen)繼續與大師Arto Noras 深造,2015年獲得該學院大提琴博士學位。  

   2009年,佳鵬有下列協奏曲的演出,於深圳音樂廳與林克漢(Lin  Kehan)所指揮香港中國交響樂團演出柴科夫斯基《洛可可主題變奏曲》;與余磊(Lei Yu)所指揮河北交響樂團及廈門交響樂團演出艾爾加《大提琴協奏曲》,且與他的老師秦立巍(Li-Wei Qin)同台與張國勇(Zhang Guoyong)指揮深圳交響樂團演出Aho Kalevi《雙大提琴協奏曲》,獲得極高讚賞。

   他曾以全額獎學金獲邀參加國際大山音樂節及學校(International Great Mountains Music Festival & School),他的演出包括,與深圳交響樂團、廈門交響樂團及貴州交響樂團演出布拉姆斯《雙協奏曲》。2014年,於美國貝林漢(Bellingham)音樂節與貝林漢音樂節交響樂團演出布拉姆斯《雙協奏曲》。同年9月,獲邀與長榮交響樂團演出聖桑《A小調第一號大提琴協奏曲》。2011年,佳鵬的第一張CD由中國唱片公司發行。

Jiapeng Nie was born in Shenzhen, China in 1989 and began cello lessons at the age of nine. From 2001 to 2005 he studied with two teachers from the Shenzhen Art School and also participated, on full scholarship, in the Morningside Music Bridge international music exchange held in Calgary, Canada.

   In 2005 Jiapeng was admitted to the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music of the Singapore National University on full scholarship to study cello with Professor Li-wei Qin. During this period he performed many solo and chamber music concerts, including the Cello Concerto composed by Chen Yi in the Singapore Esplanade Art Center on April 6, 2008, about which the Singapore Straits Times commented, “Young cellist Jiapeng Nie was the star in Chen Yi’s highly accessible Suite For Solo Cello And Chamber Winds, where Jiapeng’s excellent interplay with the orchestra made a perfect performance.”

    In 2009 Jiapeng had the following concerto appearances: Tchaikovsky Variations on a Rococo Theme with Hong Kong China Symphony Orchestra and conductor Lin Kehan and with Conductor Lei Yu in Shenzhen Music Hall, Elgar Cello Concerto with Hebei Symphony Orchestra and Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra and, with his teacher Li-wei Qin, Aho Kalevi Double Cello Concerto with Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra under Conductor Zhang Guoyong, which all received high praise.

In 2010 Jiapeng won a full scholarship to study at the Höchschüle für Musik und Theater in Hamburg for a Master of Music degree with Professor Arto Noras and Professor Niklas Schmidt. In 2013 he passed the audition and further studied with Professor Arto Noras for Doctorate degree (Konzertexamen) at the Höchschüle für Musik und Theater. He acquired Doctorate degree in 2015. He also received an invitation from International Great Mountains Music Festival & School to attend with full scholarship. His performances included the Brahms Double Concerto with ShenZhen Symphony Orchestra, Xiamen Philharmonic Orchestra, GuiZhou Symphony Orchestra and  Saint-Saëns Cello Concerto No.1 with Evergreen Symphony Orchestra.       

   In 2014, he will appear with the Bellingham Festival Orchestra at the Bellingham Festival of Music (U.S) to perform the Brahms Double Concerto. In 2011 Jiapeng’s first CD appeared on the China Record Corporation label.