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姓名: 余道昌 Tao-Chang Yu

Violin: Tao-Chang Yu



十歲即開始演奏生涯的他在1986年以第一名獲得長榮海運(現今張榮發基金會)全額獎學金赴美就讀。在美期間曾先後師事Berl Senofsky、Sylvia Rosenberg、Victor Danchenko、Daniel Heifetz、Roman Totenberg等教授。1990年獲Peabody協奏曲比賽首獎。1991年以小提琴演奏及電機工程雙主修全額獎學金考取約翰霍普金斯大學。1994年贏得Marbury小提琴大賽首獎,同年回台灣參加台北市第三屆世界小提琴大賽獲國人最佳演奏獎。1995年取得約翰霍普金斯大學Peabody音樂學院學士學位並於次年取得碩士學位。1997年贏得Yale Gorden弦樂大賽首獎。1998年以「全額音樂獎學金」在馬里蘭大學攻讀並獲得音樂藝術博士學位。2000年至2010年曾擔任Heifetz國際音樂學院教授並多次在其音樂節演出深獲佳評。2003年曾應聘為馬里蘭州立大學兼任教授。自2003年起至2009應聘為Peabody音樂學院及Juilliard音樂學院先修班客座。

    余道昌的獨奏以及室內樂演出足跡遍及北美各大小城市,曾與名小提琴家Daniel Heifetz、名聲樂家Carmen Balthrop、名鋼琴家Ruth Laredo、Cleveland弦樂四重奏、Orion弦樂四重奏以及其他傑出音樂家合作演出。他所帶領的古典樂團The Classical Band在北美巡迴演出上百場其中包括甘乃迪中心及史丹佛大學。曾與美國Asheville與UTC交響樂團合作貝多芬三重協奏曲及布拉姆斯雙協奏曲深獲好評。也多次受邀擔任Maryland、Harrisburg、Annapolis及Alabama交響樂團首席。2007年參加由美國藝術委員會主辦的躍起之星(Rising Star Award)藝術家選拔,以自己改編的卡門幻想曲征服全場七百餘樂迷,高票獲觀眾選為當屆首獎。由余道昌成立的普羅米修斯三重奏自2003年成立起曾在全美各國際音樂節演出深獲肯定及華盛頓郵報給與最有潛力的青年室內樂團”的評價。2011年回國後在臺北市立大學及國立台北藝術大學單任專任助理教授。2021年9月24日於台北松菸誠品表演廳舉行「余道昌小提琴獨奏會-泛音的藝術」。2021年9~11月與「五度音弦樂四重奏」舉行「台灣心戀曲-2021五度音巡演音樂會」巡迴演出,深獲好評。

Tao, the highly acclaimed concert violinist, has performed in recitals and concerts across three continents since the age of twelve. His first recording was release at the age of twelve in Taiwan. Tao came to the United States from his native Taiwan on full scholarship from the Evergreen Foundation to study at the Peabody Preparatory and later at the Peabody Conservatory and Johns Hopkins University in Violin Performance and Electrical Engineering. He began violin study with Dr. Shiao-Jun Ma (father and teacher
of the renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma) at the age of four. At the age of five, Tao became the Concertmaster of Dr. Ma’s “Little Angel String Orchestra” and toured every major city in Taiwan.

At the age of ten, Tao was invited to perform at the Asia Composers’ Guild Forum, and received rave reviews. By the age of twelve, he won the Taiwan National Violin Competition and gave his first public concerto performance at the Sung Yet-Sun Memorial Hall, sponsored by the Taiwan Cultural Bureau. At the age of thirteen, he was featured in the Taiwanese Government’s Promotional Cultural Documentary as most talented violin prodigy from the country. He has studied with some of the great violin
teachers of our time, including Isaac Stern, Berl Senofsky, Sylvia Rosenberg, Victor Danchenko, Roman Totenberg, Daniel Heifetz, and Gerald Fischbach. He has won prizes at the Taipei International Violin Competition, the American Young Artists Competition, Young Artist Guild Competition, the Marbury Violin Competition, the Yale Gorden Concerto Competition, and the Silbelius International Violin Competition. He has twice received the “Rose and Lau Becker Memorial Prize For Outstanding Violinist” at Peabody Conservatory, and has won the Homer Ulrich Award in solo performance from the University Of Maryland College Park, where he received his doctoral degree. Tao is also the 2007 winner of Maryland State Art Council Rising Star Award.

While in school, Tao has been concertmaster of Peabody Concert Orchestra, Peabody Symphony Orchestra and University of Maryand Symphony Orchestra. Professionally, Tao has worked as concertmaster of Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra, Maryland Symphony Orchestra, Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra, Annapolis Symphony Orchestra and Camarata, and the Chinese American Music Society Symphony Orchestra.
In 2001, Tao was twice invited to audition and in the final round as Associate Concertmaster of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. From 2000-2005, Tao also toured throughout North America as concertmaster of the Classical Band (a chamber string orchestra without conductor) in many prestigious music venues and series including Carnegie Hall, Kennedy Center, Stanford Lively Arts Series, Bass Performance Hall
series, and Alys Stephens Performing Arts Series.

Tao is eagerly sought after as soloist and chamber musician. He has collaborated with Ruth Loredo, James Dunham, Steven Doane, Marian Hahn, Daniel Heifetz and Grigory Kalinovsky in chamber music concerts. And has performed in the “Embassy Series” in DC, the “Music in The Great Hall” Series, the Heifetz International Music Festival. Tao is equally demanded as a violin teacher. He has tought at The Heifetz
International Music Institute, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Peabody Conservatory, and Juilliard Preparatory and University of Taipei. Tao currently serves as violin faculty at National Taipei University of the Arts.

備註: 2021/22