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姓名: 翁若珮 Jo-Pei Weng

翁若珮 Jo-Pei Weng

於美國約翰霍普金斯大學琵琶蒂音樂院取得碩士文憑。曾獲得第四屆建華愛樂古典菁英聲樂首獎,以及日本橫須賀第十二屆新聲歌唱大賽亞洲區優勝。2009年通過匹茲堡交響樂團徵選,獲選為高雄世運會主場開幕音樂會唯一台灣獨唱。2012年榮獲國立台北藝術大學頒發傑出校友獎。2014年3月受北京國家大劇院邀請,演出柴可夫斯基歌劇「Eugene Onegin」,飾演Olga。同年七月,受V. Gergiev大師邀請,赴俄羅斯馬林斯基劇院演出,成為首位登上聖彼得堡白晝音樂節的台灣人。2016年受澳門聲樂協會邀請赴澳門舉辦個人獨唱會及大師班。2017年10月,受韓國大邱歌劇院邀請,演出普契尼三連劇。2018年受Singapore Lyric Opera邀請,演出威爾第歌劇「阿依達」。


翁若珮自高中開始即登上國家音樂廳擔任神劇獨唱角色,並獲ICCM邀請,代表台灣參加世界青年合唱團,前往世界各國巡迴演出。曾與國內外知名指揮合作,如林望傑、呂紹嘉、簡文彬、Helmuth Rilling、Valery Gergiev、Günther Herbig、Eliahu Inbal…等。參與過的重要演出如比才歌劇「卡門」;馬斯卡尼歌劇「鄉村騎士」;普契尼歌劇「蝴蝶夫人」;漢普丁歌劇「韓賽與葛麗特」;威爾第歌劇「阿依達」、「弄臣」;華格納歌劇「女武神」;莫札特歌劇「女人皆如此」;小約翰史特勞斯歌劇「蝙蝠」;巴哈「聖誕神劇」、「聖馬太受難曲」;韓德爾神劇「所羅門」;荀貝格的「古勒之歌」;普羅高菲夫的「亞歷山大‧涅夫斯基」…等。2010年出版個人聖樂專輯"遇見祢"。目前任教於國立台北藝術大學和私立淡江高級中學。

In 2005, Jo-Pei Weng received her Master of Music degree in Vocal Performance from the Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and won the first prize of the Young Artists Show Case from Bank SinoPac. Weng is also the winner of the 12th New Voice competition (Asia region) in Yokosuga Japan in 2007. Her oratorio credits include performances with the Taipei Gloria Oratorio Choir, Moment Musical Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra and Taipei National University of the Arts, Peabody Institute, Baltimore Concert Singners. As an opera singer, Weng has performed the role of Principessa from Puccini’s Suor Angelica, Zita from Gianni Schicchi, Suzuki from Madama Butterfly, and many other roles. She was awarded the Outstanding Alumni Award by National Taipei University of the Arts in 2012. In March of 2014 Weng was invited to play Olga in a performance of Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin at Beijing's National Centre for the Performing Arts. In July of 2014 renowned conductor and opera director Valery Gergiev invited Weng to perform at the Mariinsky Theatre in Russia, making her the first Taiwanese vocalist to perform in St. Petersburg's White Nights Festival.

